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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Since this is on an infinite loop here, let's all give it a plus. There are more positives here, but they aren't on the forums as often as PB666. 46 (+) Huh. 1017th post.
  2. Failing to use autocorrect properly is cheating. Oh, what's that? You don't use autocorrect? Cheater.
  3. Banned for banning too many times. Once is enough.
  4. Lol Kopernicus, KillAshleys KASE and DynamicTextureLoader.
  5. Definately, as I got my mod on CKAN because someone didn't read about my post saying "don't add it" in the thread.
  6. Kopernicus updated to 1.1.3. All planet packs will automatically be compatible with the latest release.
  7. The bug with the solar panels occur when Kerbin is orbiting a separate star to Kerbol (or the intake Sun)
  8. I happened to notice, some posts with random KSP-related acronyms and stuff have dotted lines under them (like the ones where you hover the mouse over them and find the full name, I'm on an IPad so I can't hover over them). Is this autocorrection or something? Ill test: KSC Yep, it is. When was this added?
  9. I was thinking about doing that once KittopiaTech decided to work for me.
  10. Maybe you accidentally clicked to hide the tab. Try installing the Toolbar mod and see if once you've done that the button for the Settings Window comes up in the Available Toolbar lists.
  11. Also note: you'll probs have to redo Kerbin's landscape because of continental drift between now and 5by in the future
  12. How the heck do you know I've been on a Minecraft server lately? @PB666 Using wool for an avatar? CHEATER!
  13. 5/10 I have seen you around.
  14. Banned for having a similar name structure to me (LLNNN, where L is letter and N is number).
  15. Shame this mod was dropped in the first place. It's great to see its return!!!
  16. I haven't recieved any errors with OPM and New Horizons installed. Might be some installation problem.
  17. Okay, crash-test-dummy day for me, as MechJeb flatly refuses to calculate the transfer window from Sonnah to Plock (don't ask). I'm gonna use the Transfer Window planner (because the online one hates me) so I can do a reverse version of "exploring Kerbol".
  18. It's probably easier to put time warp on with MechJeb, and watch TV for a while. Although, yes, there are not any warp mods updated yet.
  19. Nope, but I have a ****ton of asteroids because of New Horizons. It's making my game laggy.
  20. Lol I have VSR installed: 0.625 shield here! Thanks for the advice/.
  21. Banned for questioning classification.
  22. Wait... Sarnus and the OPM planets were in the Saga all along???
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