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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Banned for speaking Japanese, which I just happen to know a small amount of
  2. RA3236

    The Kerbal

    Post above yours.
  3. RA3236

    The Kerbal

    Huh? What? Where am I??? Yeah, sorry, IRL happened and this is not being maintained... But my new career playthrough is starting and should hopefully be easier to manage.
  4. Changed up a few things (most noticeably no LSS anymore ) and also more stuff. I'm also going to make a little story with this
  5. I knew that pyramid was to be in here!!! But then, these new krakens are being just destructive...
  6. Huh... In that last pic I can see where my house would be on an inverted Earth... What's Africa look like?
  7. Yeah, like how Notch somewhat limited the development of Minecraft to his ideas, and when Jeb took over its become an even better game (yes, I believe that).
  8. I know quite a few. In terms of forum join date, other than the KSC staff @Alejandro is the oldest on June 19, 2011 (might be different if you're in a different time zone than me.)
  9. Or not so good... I have a complete lack of time and motivation for this mod. Also skill to make it bueatiful like OtherWorlds. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm not developing it anymore, but I might get a small competition running so I can find out who may take over if I cannot update it. If you want to develop this mod, please send me a picture of either Laephus or Laemya that you have revamped, keeping within the feeling of the planet, either a rocky brown super-Kerbin or a moon with oceans and a hint of life on it. I want the best possible future for this planet pack as I know it can have potential.
  10. Other than the 50 or so mods in Realism Overhaul or using SMURF, not much. As I said, good luck. It is well over 30km/s to get in orbit of Jupiter, which as you may guess is simply too much to take off from the launch pad unless you use Ion, which cannot land on moons as the TWR is too low. I suppose a sort of ion-liquid fuel conspiracy is sort of possible, just extremely hard. Also: hit the Quote button to notify me and show you are referring to me
  11. In RSS... No additional parts... Yeah, good luck getting there with stock parts.
  12. Sooo.... Basically what I'm getting after my 3 week holiday is that Werner is doing some sort of war/past/Kerbulus talk?
  13. It's Swedish for language barriers are overrated, especially when you speak Swedish. -Google Translate.
  14. Hey, minion.... Let's say non-hater-but-still-disliker here!!!!!
  15. Are Aye Kerman "I know what I'm doing, Jeb, I'm not an idi... What was that explosion?" Hey, what am I supposed to come up with for names???
  16. Hmm.. Maybe I'll enter once KSP 1.1.2 is on my computer (damn you Internet)
  17. Banned for being an anonymous man.
  18. Okay, viruses are a pain in the butt, but I am still around. I need to check on a few things, and update KSP to the latest update, but I should be good.
  19. Blame computer viruses. I haven't touched anything to do with Internet in 3 weeks. Yes, I am still alive.
  20. Impossible without slow motion time warp since they will phase through each other.
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