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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. You are too late to post this thread, half of Asia and most of Australia is on the 5th. I knew it was SW day though.
  2. Try putting mono prop on the ship, if there isn't. If there is, put reaction wheels on the other end of the rocket.
  3. 50??? Man you have a powerful computer. Not necessarily. If you have a bad graphics card (I don't know why would have with 8GB of RAM) like me with 4GB of RAM on the CPU any mod that uses more than half a texture per part (AKA texture sharing) busts the card because both models and textures are loaded permanently into the game. DTL should fix this if it were updated for 1.1. My advice on a good gameplay experience: Mod it until it starts lagging by a considerable amount or til it crashes.
  4. You said you'll keep us updated, so how is the mod progress going? Still impossible ?
  5. Banned for advertising the Dres Awareness Society thread.
  6. @Streetwind I know about the leap years not being counted. Thanks all for the input, I'll keep all of these in mind. The sol day is not a bad idea either.
  7. Yeah, since there are other people's posts in here it cannot be removed. I've reported the thread as to be locked.
  8. The thread cannot be deleted, only locked.
  9. It should, if I'm right. If not, then don't ask. Rule 2.3f, remember? Or was that 2.2f.... Never mind.
  10. Uuhhhh.... @GregroxMun, @KillAshley, @Sigma88, @ProtoJeb21, @The White Guardianall have made a planet pack at my limited knowledge of half of them. My LSS is probably not in your scope, but HarderSolarSystem which I put up on my GitHub repository is somewhat valid for a change of this size. NB: if you were pinged here please list all planet packs you can think of.
  11. There are some similarities that I can see. None make them a copy. @WillThe84th I was going to do a planetary overhaul to make it similar to our solar system. Using PQS I was in fact going to end up revamping everything and adding my own version of OPM. ------------------------------ MERGED REPLY Oh, and for rescales, use Sigma Dimensions. And Eeloos rotational period can be found by grabbing its ingame mass and going online to find a calculator.
  12. Nope. To do tags do an @. Then type part of the username. It's called time zones I'm on the opposite side of the world for 80% of forum users. @CobaltWolf
  13. Nope. @passinglurker.. I doubt we are seeing him here.
  14. RA3236

    The Kerbal

    Chapter 1: The Discovery Bil-4372c "Earth", Location: NASA Headquarters, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, United Nations Of Ameriasia and the Pacific, time 12:34 25/1/2402 "What do you mean, small? I've never heard of such a thing... Seriously? Only two-sixty-one megameters across? It's a G2V... How far away?" Michael would have been able to comprehend what the Boss' call with Sushimatsu was about if it hadn't been for the fact that the Alcubierre drive had completed and smashed all tests. Literally. The drive had destroyed half the lab, but in the process managed to get to its destination of Low Earth Orbit. He heard a click as the Boss put down the phone. And by the look on his face, he knew instantly it had something to do with the new craft ready to explore this new star. His next words confirmed it. "Get the drive on the Rex. We're sending it to JAP-8432 right now." ... The Rex was exactly what it meant. Rex means King. In other words, the rocket currently sitting on the pad could easily carry more than five times the Saturn V AND SLS combined. Which was in theory a good thing, as the payload for the relatively simple rocket was almost a thousand tons. The drive was currently concealed inside the fairings of the huge monster, as the unaerodynamic probe had more than 20 meters of exotic matter storage in diameter. The rocket was pitifully simple. It was essentially a large Falcon 9 Heavy, except the most important parts, such as landing gear, had been stripped away from the stage that had famously landed on a barge over 350 years back. Not a great achievement compared to these days, Michael thought. "So we pretty much don't need to get this thing into orbit, just suborbital?" one of the engineers asked incredulously. "Nope. The second we're out of the atmosphere we'll fire the last stage - the drive itself," he replied. "Prep for launch sequence. Tee minus... uh... thirty seconds." The loudspeaker practically yelled. Michael flinched as he remembered one last thing. He grabbed the microphone and said: "Can all engineers take a last second check of the main engines." It was a matter of necessity. The engines might not be able to withstand the mass of the drive itself. "All crew man your stations. Tee minus... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and Ignition, 3, 2, 1, and...." And in that moment the brilliant flash of rocket plume filled the launch site, and as the clamps released, the ship soared into the sky, trailing a huge roar and a pile of smoke and flames after it. "Gravity Turn program initialising. TWR is one point two nine. Delta v eleven thousand meters per second." Wait, Michael thought. He swiftly moved to the craft status display, and sure enough... An earthquake? "Warning. Loss of control due to unknown circumstances. Switching to automatic asce...." And the ground shook as if it had never shook before. ... The Discovery probe had finished apogee raising burns. Under automatic control, the final decoupler fired, and with a final push, the drive activated. And within two minutes, the probe had travelled through the bridge to the Kerbals. And after those two minutes, the kerbals frantically turned the tracking station dishes towards the brilliant speck of light now shooting across the sky. ... That wasn't deliberate BTW. I was trying to show something as somewhat explained in the last paragraph of Ch1.
  15. Banned for implying that although you banned Andem for being a botanist it is cool.
  16. HI, Could you put a temporary ScaledSpace node in there before you ask? My planets do not load without it. Just use a random texture and if KittopiaTech is installed use that to update ScaledSpace.
  17. Hi, I'm trying to do my novel, but I came up into an issue: if the following times were the same, what would the Earth time if the Kerbin time was Year 20, Day 358, Hour 1, Minute 34? Earth: 24.4.2402, 23:53 in DD.MM.YYYY format and 24-hour time Kerbin Year 20, Day 357, Hour 2, Minute 21 Thanks, I can't figure out the maths to it and I would really appreciate this. Also, if there was an equation I could use for myself could you show me?
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