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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. True. Microsoft and Apple seem to have a different understanding of what ComicSans looks like... Actually, it appears that they may be two different fonts with the same id...
  2. Is it possible if I can do SCF this Friday? I've been thinking of doing a Its Friday now in Australia edition.
  3. Banned for falsifying the forum time counter.
  4. *awkward silence.... Uuhhh, the thread isn't closed.
  5. Umm, so how come my setup would be okayish, if my graphics card is not up to standard? I think that my graphics is my limiting factor on my laptop to run KSP, and I found no noticable difference from VSR and DTL 1.0.5 to unmodded 1.1. My graphics are a ATI Radeon HD2600 at 256mb (someone's going to yell at me for not getting a new computer), so how does graphics decrease FPS and the UT time to real time?
  6. KCT does this, even saving your craft for later use.
  7. Serious Business gets my vote. RO cannot run on my computer, so I watch Manley do his thing whenever he puts out a video.
  8. I agree with the guy in the comments section of the video who is stating him down. This guy is delusional.
  9. Making my mod. On a more serious tone, actually making a rocket that can get to the mods star.
  10. Any planet pack that is highly detailed is a good one. You have Uncharted Lands, Alternis Kerbol, Keridani System, OtherWorlds available that I can think of.
  11. You also may want to consider a 6000m/s reentry, might be more... Also consider the difficulty of planning an encounter-encounter-aerobrake-multiple times, since that may be a little hard... And BetterTimeWarp may be your friend.
  12. Oh god you posted again Its quite simple, actually... *rambles on for a while about PQS mods And that's how you make procedurally generated planets!!! To recap: VertexPlanet //the basic PQS system I use, which is not really simple... { seed = 487187 //the basic seed for everything deformity = 10000 //how much deviation from ASL PQS changes the terrain. e.g. 1000 = tallest mountains are 1000 without VertexHeightOffest colorDeformity = 6000 //most of these are self explanatory oceanLevel = 0 oceanStep = 0 oceanDepth = 0 oceanSnap = False terrainSmoothing = 0.100000001490116 //don't change the below terrainShapeStart = 2 terrainShapeEnd = -2 terrainRidgesMin = 0.4 terrainRidgesMax = 1 buildHeightColors = False terrainRidgeBalance = 0.1 enabled = true //start changing things again order = 100 ContinentalSimplex //the continents { deformity = 1 octaves = 5 //how many times terrain is altered - lower is more persistance = 0.400000005960464 //have no idea frequency = 1 Noise //same with this { octaves = 10 persistence = 0.400000005960464 frequency = 1 } } RuggednessSimplex //same as ContinentalSimplex { deformity = 1 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.5 frequency = 0.5 Noise { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 0.5 } } SharpnessSimplexMap { deformity = 50 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.550000011920929 frequency = 1.5 Noise { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.550000011920929 frequency = 1.5 } } SharpnessNoise { seed = 1 deformity = 0.00100000004749745 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.5 frequency = 0.5 Noise { Frequency = 0.5 Lacunarity = 0.5 Quality = High OctaveCount = 4 Seed = 23126 } } TerrainTypeSimplex { deformity = 1 octaves = 12 persistance = 0.7 frequency = 4 Noise { octaves = 12 persistence = 0.7 frequency = 4 } } LandClasses //Hey, the colouring!!! { Class //basic landclasses I use, every height is in meters, and baseColor is RGBA. Dont change anything else. { startHeight = 0 endHeight = 0 fractalDelta = 0.00100000004749745 name = Ocean fractalStart = 0 fractalEnd = 0.05 baseColor = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0 colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232 lerpToNext = True SimplexNoiseMap //dont change { deformity = 1 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 4 simplex { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 4 } } } Class { startHeight = 0 endHeight = 0 fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574 name = Beach fractalStart = 0.05 fractalEnd = 0.45 baseColor = 0.47, 0.50, 0.11, 1.0 colorNoise = 0.35, 0.3, 0.25, 1.0 colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232 lerpToNext = True SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 4 simplex { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 4 } } } Class { startHeight = 0 endHeight = 0 fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071 name = Slopes fractalStart = 0.45 fractalEnd = 0.9 baseColor = 0.597, 0.343, 0.11, 1.0 colorNoise = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 colorNoiseAmount = 0.300000011920929 lerpToNext = True SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 3 simplex { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 3 } } } Class { startHeight = 0 endHeight = 0 fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186 name = ScorchedHighlands fractalStart = 0.9 fractalEnd = 2 baseColor = 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0 colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0 colorNoiseAmount = 0.400000005960464 lerpToNext = False SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 2 simplex { octaves = 4 persistence = 0.600000023841858 frequency = 2 } } } } //and that's it!!! } And the mod is much, MUCH younger than Larinax
  13. Okay, is released, but in order to fix a specific bug to do with oceans, I had to change Laemya's map from this:to this: Also fixed main menu screen.
  14. Ok, so a progress update from my mod you may want to look into. It takes over 20000km/s of DV to get to Laemya orbit. And I mean by not using a warp drive. (With a warp drive to the same orbital velocity around Larinax as 700km orbit around Kerbin, it takes 10000, for inclination changes and the actual encounter set up.) Oh and BTW Laemya is not a good body for a gravity assist to slow down your craft.
  15. As I said, removing in the next minor update. I haven't had the issue in a while.
  16. Can I mention the current dev version of KittopiaTech is 1.1? And anyway the planets are procedurally generated. But I'll look into it. Maybe I'll do a final colour revamp in 0.0.6 or something. And you are saying colours I believe, but those PQS mods are height noise, they actually change the planet. Mind you, I have three mods already: VertexPlanet, VoronoiCraters and VertexHeightOffset (not actually in the mod yet, but is essential to fix the ocean bug above). VertexPlanet actually integrates multiple PQS mods into one to make it easier for modders to do specific things. The other mods can be used twice to give it more deformity, but for now colours are on my scope.
  17. You drag it in the direction of the fairing nose from the base.
  18. I believe that's a known Kopernicus issue, but I'll remove that until it is fixed. Oh, yeah, if anyone goes to Laemya and the ocean is glitched out, don't bother me about it. I'm working on it. Mind you, the update may take a few days, some of you may not realise that it takes two hours to export one body's texture, and KSP had a major fit last night, so until I get home to start the export you'll have to avoid Laemya.
  19. FIA can stand for Friday in Australia. It's nighttime Saturday, unfortunately.
  20. For extraterrestrial life, yes. For Kerbin life, no.
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