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Everything posted by NotAnAimbot

  1. Working on a Shinden II from Ace Combat after someone requested a replica. Any feedback on it from AC fans? https://www.dropbox.com/s/hbbzfmj02ua4uqp/shinden 2.craft?dl=0
  2. I don't think wing shape has an influence on drag in ksp, or do they?
  4. Not true anymore. Now it's about the same as the ramp intake. Just build and test, best way to find out about RCS From what I've seen till now, it's easy to get a small frontal RCS, but the challenge is in the top view mostly, so planes with a smaller top area will generally have lower RCS. Angles still help a bit but aren't broken like in the beta.
  5. Added a new plane to my post MDL F-25 Fencer Despite several modernizations, refits and drastic redesigns, it was felt that the F-2 airframe had reached its limits after thirty years of service. Thus was begun a new project, under the code name "FA-SARR" (Frontline Application of Stealth and Active RCS Reduction), to create a fighter to replace the Predator in air superiority roles. Focus was put on stealth, as the name suggested, resulting in a sleek aircraft with less than 2/3 of the radar cross-section of the F-2, while simultaneously lightening the plane by two tons and increasing maneuverability. It was recently accepted into service under the designation "Fencer", and proves a powerful challenger to any current designs in BVR and WVR combat. The non-stock paint is DCK and the craft file is fully compatible with stock KSP
  6. If you can fit em, use Goliaths. Less part count and way more powerful
  7. This can go around 21-22, but mostly because there's lots of armor underwater. I've gotten about 50 out of designs with no armor touching water.
  8. That applied to BDA 1.3. BDA 1.3.1 has now loveed up armor plates to the point they're useless and die in a single shot.
  9. Give some pics, maybe it's missile launch direction that's causing this. Maybe set missiles to launch forwards at max speed
  10. Not very well. BDA damage is mostly overheating parts, and as of now only the armor parts work very well at sustaining continuous cannon fire. This is all theory tho, never tried using the wheels as armor...
  11. Even if it's not perfect, I'd still like like to thank you for listening to the public. Keep on the good job!
  12. Also ask me for a PM if you want the craft, for the same reasons as @Spartwo above me.
  13. (copy-pasted from my WIP Not stellar quality, but they should be enough. The showcased crafts are my F-19 (The large, Su-35 like plane) and F-25 (The smaller plane, which I tried making like a mix of the Su-57 and my F-19) I think the engines weren't the only ones on wet mode after this near miss... And the one below is shortly after the one above... It was a staged fight between the two The mod is DCK so it shouldn't affect stock compatibility
  14. Some pics I took for an airshow I'm holding soon, in a KSP-based roleplay. Don't worry mods, it's off forums ))) Not stellar quality, but they should be enough. The showcased crafts are my F-19 (The large, Su-35 like plane) and F-25 (The smaller plane, which I tried making like a mix of the Su-57 and my F-19) I think the engines weren't the only on wet mode after this near miss... And the one below is shortly after the one above... It was a staged fight between the two
  15. To add to Spartwo's point, both their planes have wings angled inwards or close to 90 degrees to the fuselage, which irl would make radar bounce around them and amplify the return, something not portrayed in this beta.
  16. My understanding was that portuberances causing concave shapes like that big intake and the missiles would create a biggee rcs
  17. Then shouldn't this fighter's (brought to you by @ScriptKitt3h) rcs be bigger because of the multiple portuberances? It's much less smooth than this other plane yet has much smaller rcs
  18. Something that happens with the new stealth system is that the stealthier craft fires up a missile first from 15 kilometers. This is good, but the apparent nerf to the AIM-120 makes breaking the lock very easy, which then gives the less stealthy plane a chance to fire a missile closer in. Thus the easily detected plane is at an advantage, unlike real life. I'd suggest an AIM-120 buff to fix that, especially considering its accuracy is extremely low ingame, which makes "BVR" (15 km) engagements come down to which plane turns the best, even at longer ranges. As of now it seems like BDA is a mod especially for gunfights and throws missile fighting out the window. This is even more obvious with this new beta, which gives ridiculously big RCS signatures based entirely on area and not shape, which once again gives tiny fighters an advantage in all aspects.
  19. Way better damage resistance. A single plate can take about 4 Abrams turret shots before exploding.
  20. Use BDA armor plates. They're available in its latest version.
  21. I do that too, but the MBT-50 was built with electric prop for better urban neuvering. My newest tank, the M-96, uses a dual electric (for tight spaces) and jet (country movement) drive, and so does the previous tank, the Wolverine series
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