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Everything posted by Elkram

  1. Thanks for taking the time developing this mod it looks promising. Was about to install it on my main career that started few days ago and decided to give it a try first alone. And I ran into a problem. Pathfinder version 0.9.20. Clean KSP install. I droped a Ponderosa IHM on KSC to give a try to the basics systems. When Trying to go on EVA on Ponderosa IHM (Configured as Habitat) it says: "Hatch is obstructed, can't exit." and it won't let Bill go out. There is nothing in front of the hatch, of course. Not sure if it's a known bug or I'm an unlucky man. Thanks for your help!
  2. Benn playing with this mod for a few days now. I like it, it's like an easy life support mod it does not have the hassle of managing a set amount of life support/snacks/oxigen and the need of refilling stations with it but it's fun to design taking into account the energy you gotta need. Thanks for your work on this one. Maybe if you could choose what equipment you place on the pods, or giving more luxury / quality of life to stations components like the hitchiker will improve it.
  3. Yeah its installed, giving it a try right now. Kabin Kraziness gives an update warning but when you click download it goes to ampyear spacedock page. also both are up to date you may want to check it.
  4. Thanks for your work on this mod. I'm gonna give it a try on my career. Sounds cool somewhat like a life support mod but without the resupply problems. Is it of any use installing your deep freeze mod with it?
  5. Was about to post something like that too.
  6. Thanks for your work!! Now to download your pathfinder and to use it in career all together
  7. Thanks for the 1.1 update, gonna try it Right Now!
  8. Awesome mod is going to be one of my "must haves" at least until the 1.2 revamp. Good work!
  9. Sounds cool, I'll give it a test and will let you know if I find something. Since Kerbals can die making it compatible with deep freeze sounds about right, just a suggestion.
  10. That sounds cool. I'd do the same if I had coding skills. But I dont. Once 1.1 is released i plan on playing a career with your pathfinder and buffalo and adding snacks as a life support mod sounds like a good idea
  11. More than 1000 hours played here and still having loads of fun.
  12. I dont know how to take screenies on ksp sorry. the thing is I was testign what Apollo13 said I found out, if you detach and reattach a HG-02 grappling hook it ends up upside down. Looks like a bug to me. 1. In editor place a mk2 lander, place a winch on the side. 2. Add a grappling hook to the winch. 3. Launch, go on eva. 4. Detach the grapling hook by holding G key and drop it to inventory 5. Attach the grapling hook to the winch.
  13. no there is no other thing like mechjeb. Your rockets should not overheat like that. Im not sure why this is happening to you but you are probably making your rockets too powerfull fopr the cargo they are carring. Basically, try using a less powerfull engine so they fly slower.
  14. This is a great mod i love it. I started some basic stuff test. Right now all fine i'll post if I find any bugs.
  15. Fixing batteries or lightbulbs on orbital stations is fun too. I got a lot of that.
  16. It works in my 1.1 pre. When I installed it I skipped the bahasp directory, that means somethying is not gonna work but the capsule and the lab shows on game, the ivas work and shows when clicking the option.
  17. This mod is awesome. Thanks for taking the time on maintaning it. No rush.
  18. Awesome! Thanks! For me texture replacer is a must have, I use it to have diferent kerbal faces.
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