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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. There isn't any at the menus, the tracking of when I am at the space center.. will that change if I launch a rocket?
  2. @Galileo - sorry to ask this again, when I go to the eve downloads, I did download both files and I forgot to keep reading back the link where you put [don't install the config files] , so basically I am just installing: GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements Which has a plugins folder, a button.png, eveshaders.bunlde , in the plugins folder there are 11 .dll files. I am not seeing clouds and I am assuming that I again didn't read something correctly. Is there anything that I over looked?
  3. I am sure that is well documented, there is no longer a /BoulderCo folder and after reloading KSP, no clouds - here is my GameData folder. http://i.imgur.com/SFF7Lpu.jpg
  4. I downloaded the two files: EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-Configs- into an SSRSS build, clouds are not appears in the menu screen or in the game. Where should I start to check? I do have scatter, distant objects & planet shine installed. Chances are , I didn't follow a well documented instruction somewhere, a little help please. btw - in the eve config, at the cloud manager, there is no file and there is an "invalid name!" there.
  5. Thank you @Galileo , I read down further and it seems that scatter is having problems? Is that only with RSS and not SSRSS?
  6. So, not SVE, but download them separately and using the ssrss configs, I haven't downloaded yet and wanted to ask before I attempted. Thanks again.
  7. I have a couple of entry level questions. 1.) Is there a dV cheat sheet? or will the normal 1.2 one work since this is stock sized? I was reading about the inclination issue and didn't know if something had perhaps changed? 2.) Is there a SVE that works with SSRSS? Again, since this is stock sized will the normal work? again, thank you
  8. I am not playing a 'card' here.. I "play" the game to the the best of my ability. Playing KSP and attempting to understand the depth of KSP can and is challenging for those that don't know about Rockets, Planes, Celestial bodies, etc. [btw .. I am not getting attitudey here, since tone is not transferable] When I had this mod installed, I saw that there was a new category that had lots of stock and non-stock parts. I am assuming that this have the OSE ability. [similar to Ground Construction and MKS?] You are suggesting that if I want to figure out if and why I can't make the MKS Ranger Inflatable Storage Module [Ranger_ISM.cfg which lists the mass = 0.75] to check this new category and see if there is an OSI workshop that will allow 0.75 or higher?
  9. LOL , "Browse through the configs... he says" Like I know what I am looking for. You do realize, that I didn't know what the offsetting tools were for, until after my 8th months of playing. What would I look for?
  10. I put a workshop together, put a couple of level 2 engineers in the shop, had the stuff to make other stuff, opened up the workshop , I saw the categories. [one was empty] , but alas there was no inflatable, I know I can get a kerbal to carry one of these around. I can see how this would be a great mod to help make small replacement parts combined with the Ground Construction Mod, if you can get a bare bones base up, one would be set.
  11. With this mod and already have an MKS base and in the process if setting up another one. If I have the OSE workshop setup [keep in mind I do not] and had access to material kits, would I be able to make MKS Inflatable logistic modules?
  12. I am extremely late to the race on this; however this mod has been recommended a couple of times to me. [currently using KAS/KIS and USI MKS/LS ] That it would be helpful in my KSP career. I just watch a YT on this mod and in it, it was demoing it and showing that is uses RocketParts, but I was talk that with MKS it will use Material Kits?
  13. This is most likely just me. What I did: Copied my current career of KSP and updated it. I went to my MKS Minerals drill site / Chemical Refine site and it started to bounce a little. I thought perhaps the ground tether was no enabled. I clicked the ground tether button and the bounding stopped. [message indicated that it was released] I clicked the button again and it started to bounce again. I then unlinked part of it to see if perhaps there was some stress at a certain part, then enabled the tether again and it exploded . Thinking that perhaps it was must that site, I loaded up the copy [not upgraded] and the same drill site had no bouncing. Is there anything that I share that might help?
  14. Yes! That is what I did.. do.. thanks for the reply.
  15. I got another question: When you transfer resources, does the work shop/GC look locally or does it take advantage of the MKS Planetary Warehouse? Also, when I do a 50%, it seem to fill 2 of 4 tanks, which is fine, but not in symmetry, Attempting to launch a rocket from another planet [via GC] the COM of the craft was all wacky.. Sure, I could have balanced the tanks manually, but this was Enriched Uranium and you cant do that.
  16. This might seem obvious, but containers that have both local and planetary warehouse options. Is an ISM still needed for that container [ie Kontainer Tank - Round 00.313m]
  17. Just wanted to pop in and say thanks, I got the outcome I was looking for. One might thing that a gamer/player [like me] would want to understand the inner workings of the mods that are going to impact is KSP game play. I do try, but to be frank, I am still trying play the game too. [ lol ] I honestly thought that after over a year of KSPing, I would be able to complicate my game play with both USI MKS and LS with a dash of 3D printing [this is what I call GC] Welp, after about 2 months, I have a pretty good 'basic" understanding of the above, the Mun Self Sustaining Colonization seems to finally took and it would seem that I will be able to start to ship resources from the Mun to Duna and not really rely on Kerbin anymore. {Well, DIY Kits} I just wanted to say thanks for your understanding and patience that allowed a gamer/player [like me] to enjoy KSP. Until the next KSP update ..
  18. Sometimes, reading it 6 times.. helps to get it to sink in. Let me ask this, if I install the standalone GC and remove the parts, will that cause any problems? edit - nevermind, I answered my own question. I thought that MKS has a GC folder and that ... well.. nevermind still.
  19. You will have to excuse me, if I don't follow the forums as I should. EL uses rocket parts to make stuff, but when you have MKS, it swaps out to use material kits and specialty parts via the mobile launch pad? [at least that is what I did in 1.1.3] What I would like to be able to do, is use the GC ability to make material kits from the ISRU from ore. If I get some extra parts, that is okay. Is this doable? ["as well as two paths to material kits"] [and some people say that KSP is hard... [snort]
  20. Well, then I am not totally losing it. Thank you for the reply @allista , if you don't mind. I have a follow up question. Can I install the standalone over the MKS version? Or can I take the patches from the standalone and use them?
  21. [enter noob] Is the only way to change the skybox is via TextureReplacer? [exit noob]
  22. Oh oh.. burn? [ LOL ] I don't mind doing the hard work with MKS, just would not like to see a repeat of the Rover Massacre of 2016. [this is when Mr. RD, did something to the connection nodes on the rover wheels? Each and every single one of my rovers on the MUN would launch off the ground, do a back flip and land on the top side. http://i.imgur.com/xyCTTlu.png
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