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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. I am sure that this has been brought, but the volume level - with the exception of lowering the engine volume. It there a way to get a balance? What I mean, is that when I have the engine volume at a level for say, 'mainsail', then it is hard to hear the 'poodle' Thanks and I am sorry of there was addressed already.
  2. I had one where I had to go to a station and do a science experiment, there was no option. I cleaned one, observed it and even transmitted it. Did I miss something.
  3. Is this post has already been made aware, please excuse me. I am only 9 weeks into playing KSP and still wrapping my head around the mods. I think [i think] there might be a conflict with Ven and Real Parachute? I cannot re-size any of the chutes, was curious if this is a known issue and if there is a fix that I can apply? Thank you. Okay, I was easily able to locate the github location, but the latest version that is on there.. is what I have installed. We you stating that I need an older version or?
  4. Thanks for the info, I am new to KSP and the "where to go" for the mods. Can you please post a link to this? I mainly have been using CKAN to keep the mods straight. Thank you again for letting us know.
  5. I am glad that I am not the only one having a problem. I thought I was doing something wrong. I had used the chute mod before and I am now having some issues with Ven and this mod. Anyone figure anything out yet?
  6. Is there a reason why, after I install this mod that I am not able to use the tracking station to access/fly anything?
  7. Is there something that I can check for the maximumActiveParticles count keeps getting over written?
  8. Hi Nathankell, I really do appreciate the chime in and I did just try it and ... I was utterly lost, I got a rocket to launch.. it was okay... but there are the "real" stuff all added at once was too much. Again, I am just over a month of playing KSP and I just wanted to change things up a bit. What would happen if I went with only RSS and no overhaul? I am just out of my element, because many in the community have been at this since it came out, trying to keep it fun.
  9. Okay, so RSS has a career mode... okay.. I will try that.. I mean, as a novice to KSP, I was "ok" at getting the planets [with help , like precision node, kerbal engineer, etc] I just want to see what "real" stuff is like and not get beat up.
  10. Hey @pro7ech - thank you for the reply and the information. I did install RSS via ckan and picked the medium resolution textures, ran KSP and wow! It all looks amazing. Now, to be completely honest with you, this is a big step for me and the suggested other mods, are well - overwhelming to say the least. Are you stating that I cannot run a KSP careers mod with just RSS installed? [which, I guess makes sense, as you can't land on the Mun, but I would have thought that where would have been new contracts, etc.] I suppose, the bottom line is wipe the slate clean and when I install RSS [via ckan] to go with the recommended and learn and I go?
  11. Please excuse my ignorance or asking the obvious. I have only been playing KSP for about a month and been having whole lot of fun. Yes, I have used mods and I am currently going to start a new Career and wanted to do one with RSS. I never used any mods that "altered" anything before. I mainly used mods like K. Engineer, KAC, KAS, KIS, etc. Are there any mods that I should avoid?
  12. I so badly wanted to use this, but after installing it, my KSP kept crashing and I never saw the KSP.exe get up to 3.5 gigs before. Perhaps with the 1.1 , the game will be more stable?
  13. Am I missing a setting? I have added it to izzy' toolbad, but I want to remove it from the stock toolbar.. how do I do that?
  14. I also like the idea that something can go wrong [with the option to be able to fix it]; however - Since I am new to KSP, which of the two mods are the most compatible? [if that is a question that can be asked?] I just found out about Dang It a couple of days ago and now this one. So.. can someone give me the high levels? Pros and Cons? Thank you, Andy
  15. Is there still support for this MOD? I installed it about a week ago and was really enjoying the information that is showed and now.. when I attempt to use the MOD, it will not show anything. I have removed it and re-added it. If the information is being displayed off screen, is there a way to reset it? - - - Updated - - - To follow on my above, I see that even after having CKAN remove it. A folder was left that had some xml files and such. I deleted, re-installed and now it is back and working.
  16. I have a completely noob question, I spent the better half of this last week, putting together a Space Station and well, "it" is not in the orientation that i would like. Can I use this to alter it?
  17. I am sure that this might be mod related, but since I am new and not sure what I options might be, I thought I would post a message and see what folks have to suggest. I played about 8 hrs of KSP, lots of flying, building, etc. etc. There was no crashes and I did an F5 before I left for a break and when I came back to the same game and loaded it up. When I went to the space center [so that I could get to my space station], everything that I had ever put in orbit including debris was gone. The kerbals that were in ships and stations were "missing in action" Thank you in advance for ideas. -Andy
  18. I installed this and although it looks amazing. 1.) I got a serious FPS hit 2.) The sound about made my hair fallout. Any suggestions?
  19. Hey All! Thank you for the quick replies and suggestions. Survey Missions: The reason why I have taken the survey, is that right now; they are the only ones that are giving any science. The current survey is on the Mun and since I am about the worst pilot there is. I suppose I can just do baby hops and if I run out of fuel, I can land a rescue mission. [been there, done that] Modular Bases: Yes! I have seen a couple of images and a couple of videos, but my tech isn't high enough aka, this is why I am taking any contracts that gives me science. [including errands to the local food mart] Space Assembly: Okay, now that sound fun and dangerous all at the same time. I have a nice patch of flat land on the light side of the Mun where I think I could do that. I get the concept, make several trips with all the stuff, detach/separate in orbit and then bring it all down. Speaking of Assembly, is there a guide/tutorial on how do use the merge feature? I know that I have to do something in regards to the "root" , but I am either not clicking on the correct pieces or I don't understand it completely.
  20. Hi all - I am pretty new to KSP, having a ton of fun though. I am starting to get some contracts where both my understanding and imagination are failing me. 1.) The contracts where I have to do to certain sites on the Mun, walking would take too long, but I do have the means to make a rover. [not sure how to haul it up and deploy it effectively] If there another way of doing these types? I support a couple of fly bys, but I am about the worse pilot there is. 2.) I have another contract that setup a Muna Outpost that will support nine kerbals. Suggestions? Doing a 5 kerbals was done, but for nine that makes for a rather tall landing craft and again I don't have the piloting skills. I have searched around and see "modular" outposts. a.) Will that work? b.) I am not quite at the tech level for what is needed. I would appreciate suggestions. thanks, Andy
  21. Please excuse my noodness and all. I did follow the install directions the best that I could. When I add a pod, I get Mechjeb, but no KER and I am pretty sure I have exactly what is listed above, any suggestions?
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