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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. @rbray89okay.. sorry for the duplicate message and thank you for the support.
  2. Sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, I have Photoshop, is there a plugin that I should get if I want to convert my Skybox plugin from the PNG to DDS? Oh, is that a better thing to do?
  3. I really enjoy EVE and I am new to the mod, but this is screen of a fresh install. The division, is that a known issue or is there a conflict or perhaps I need to adjust something? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8bgPP0DpwZeOXJBZzR1OGd4WU0/view?pref=2&pli=1
  4. Okay, then perhaps I had another mod that was causing a problem, thank you for the reply and input. Looking forward to using them again.
  5. During 1.0.4, I have Ven' installed and just really enjoyed, but I also had the "real" parachutes installed before and then I was told that the two mods didn't play nice together, is that still true or was it ever true?
  6. I really do appreciate the education and I am having a ton of fun with the mods that are taking me through this adventure, just that with my current skill set, I seem to go through the mono vs .. I suppose, I can just keep an eye on the electrical and turn on the fuel cell only when I really need it?
  7. I just thought I would pop in here and thank @frizzank for the hard work and support. For someone like me whom is new to KSP and wanted to attempt a Historical trek , this mod made it so much more fun. Now, if I can ask a question or request. Can I change the LEM Fuel cell so it doesn't use the mono prop and uses the liquid fuel? Is that by design or?
  8. Thank you for the support and sorry for the piece meal messages.
  9. As I am new to the mod, which CSM issue? I have yet to land with the LEM, are you talking about that descent stage?
  10. @frizzank - I am still getting an explosion when I decouple the Apollo CM Parachute Cover when the Apollo CM Docking Device attached. When the Apollo CM Docking Device is not attached and I decouple, there is no explosion. I am assuming that I need the Apollo CM Docking Device to dock with the LEM?
  11. Thank you for the update, since I am still new - Kerbal Stuff for the download? update: I found it, my download from Kerbalstuff was still 5.41, but I found the ckan link and was able to pull the 5.42 link from there.
  12. I was going to ask, how much effort it would take to add the antennas from FASA, but after reading the last posts in this thread and remembering that 1.1 will have an antenna enforcement of its own.
  13. 2 choices: One, I think someone above supplied the updated .cfg information for that mission, so you can [if you are comfortable with editing the file] update it and complete it. Or you can use the Debug menu to "complete" it.
  14. I think I might have a slight issue and perhaps I can get some advice? Before the update, the only explosions I had was the fairings/decouplers and the LES. Thanks to the update, those are now fixed, however after the update [I deleted the old folder completely and unzipped and copied over the stuff] the Apollo CSM Docking Device , when I go to decouple it, I get an explosion each time. This is repeatable for me each time.
  15. Are there any reputation / time triggers that would factor into why no contracts are populating?
  16. Are there any kind of reputation / time triggers? I ask, as I still haven't been able to figure out why I went from Apollo 1, to 7 and then 9. I have checked the all three tabs [available, active & archive] and there is no sign of Apollo 8 Thanks again.
  17. I have a question for this thread, does the Skylab work still? I am doing some historical missions and skylab will be one and was just curious.
  18. I was asking - if I have a very low reputation, how does that impact contracts? I was keeping my reputation low on purpose so that I would get Duna missions as I was just getting to the Mun as that just didn't make sense. [progression wise] My example was that, since my reputation was so low, the 'historical' contracts stopped populating until I did some others and my reputation improved.
  19. Now, I know that the subject matter might seem odd, but how exactly does this impact a 'career' mode? Let me try to explain why I have an open ended query. I started a new career that also included a contract mod that include historical space missions. Once I had unlocked the tech tree and was able to start the historical missions, I was purposely taking reputation hits so that I could "filter" out the missions that were not the historical ones. [yes, I know this is the best way to do it, but yeah..] After a certain point, the historical missions stopped.. [blink.. blink] I left a message in the forum for the author of the mod, but it is the holidays and I don't expect anyone to dive in and help. I then located another contract mod that had historical missions and after about 5 missions, the historical contracts dried up again. [blink] Then, did some weather satellites and other contracts and after completing these, low and behold I had historical missions again.. and my reputation was, well.. much better than what is was before. So, is there a way to get the contracts regardless of your reputation in a career? thank you for your time and suggestions.
  20. Hi there - I just started using this mod and did I miss an install step or config? The Apollo mission went from 7 to 9. Thank for the hard work, looking forward to doing more of the historical missions.
  21. Ah ha! So, no Antenna Range or Remote Tech type of relaying yet? Okay.. thank you!
  22. I am back with a show stopper: I had Launch Soyuz 18 and dock with Salyut 4 Apollo 1 Launch Salyut 7 Surveyor 7 No other missions are being made available.
  23. This might be the most idiotic question, can you get a camera feed from a planet to KSC?
  24. This might be a silly question, is there a keyboard command for zoom in and out, I saw that I could assign to an action group, am running out of those, though.
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