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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. I have two questions: 1.) I have been downloading EVE via https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/master/AnyCPU-EVE.zip vs https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/EVE-1.1-1 2.) If I install EVE and I get no clouds or anything, did I miss a setup step? AnyCPU-EVE-Release.zip = \GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements AnyCPU-Configs-Release.zip = \GameData\BoulderCo and their respective sub-folders and files. Thanks for the mod and the support.
  2. Now that KSP is on Unity 5, is there a discussion or suggested settings that we can use to help with game stability /performance ? For example: It is usually a good idea to not use in-game VSync and let the video card do it.
  3. Thanks, I do have Min Light and it only helps with like the foreground.. appreciate it. I do have planetshine installed, it doesn't seem to help.
  4. Looking for a little help with Scatter. I have KSP 1.1.2 and Scatter 2v0.0246 installed [via Ckan] - I really enjoy the visuals of this mod and as a casual gamer, the mods that add value to my gaming experience, keep me coming back for more game time. The reason why I stopped using Scatter was: 1.) When decoupling the off artifacts [aka god rays] ,but there was an option for that. [cool , check] 2.) Sometimes, when leaving Kerbin, the ocean/atmo would seem to follow me around. [until I did a scene change?] 3.) The dark side of the planets are well.. yes, dark... but too dark and I was curious if someone can suggest some adjustments in scatter to lean a little toward the stock way? Btw - is the above has been discussed, I did go through and read the past couple of pages, but it didn't seem obvious and I don't mean to cause any problems. thanks.
  5. Hi there! Like many others in here, I would like to thank you for this mod for the wide variety of reasons. For me, I like the varied types of science missions/contracts that are available. thank you for the continued support, the details and complexity of the mods. [lots of fun and hours of entertainment] I have a question, if I remove the parts for the OversizeScience, will I get contracts asking for those experiments? I ask, as I have created a series of rockets that carry all the science for both orbital and surface, but forgot to include these. I was mainly focusing on the small/universal storage compatible. Thanks again.
  6. I am back to using this mod with 1.1.2, I do have the latest version and I am curious if you have list of the contracts? I think, I am getting them , but not in a chronological order? For example, I did a few Pioneer and Discoverer missions before Sputnik 1. I thought perhaps if there was a list, I might be able to report back on any out of order/sequence contracts that I get? Thanks
  7. Well, there was an update just a couple of days ago. I think, perhaps KSP VC has changed? It used to offer an "action" and I just didn't check after 1.1 to 1.1.1 , thanks for the suggestion as it worked!
  8. I have a similar issue when I remove / delete debris via the tracking station. I can deleted the debris, go back to KSC, but when I go back to the tracking. All off icons [debris, probes, landers, etc.] are all 99 , but there isn't anything visible and I can't exit the tracking station. If I check my persist file and the file since is around 5 mb, then I know that I can restart the game and usually everything is fine, but if the persist file is only a couple hundred K, I will have to restore from the backup.
  9. If you are in Career mode, you have to add the part to your rocket which are unlocked via the Science R&D Building.
  10. I have recently started to use the KSP Add-On Version checker and after upgrading to 1.1.2 of KSP, I get a warning that states, that this mod was built to run on KSP 1.1. I am assuming that since my game runs and I don't see any obvious errors, everything is okay? I do apologize if you have seen this note before in another thread, as I do have a couple of mods I get the warning on and would just like to make sure that I haven't missed an update or anything. I mean no harm and am sorry if I have broken any rules. Thank you for the mod and the support.
  11. I have recently started to use the KSP Add-On Version checker and after upgrading to 1.1.2 of KSP, I get a warning that states, that this mod was built to run on KSP 1.1. I am assuming that since my game runs and I don't see any obvious errors, everything is okay? I do apologize if you have seen this note before in another thread, as I do have a couple of mods I get the warning on and would just like to make sure that I haven't missed an update or anything. I mean no harm and am sorry if I have broken any rules. Thank you for the mod and the support.
  12. I was just going to also ask about 1.1.2, I get a warning from KSP VC, thanks.
  13. I have recently started to use the KSP Add-On Version checker and after upgrading to 1.1.2 of KSP, I get a warning that states, that this mod was built to run on KSP 1.1. I am assuming that since my game runs and I don't see any obvious errors, everything is okay? I do apologize if you have seen this note before in another thread, as I do have a couple of mods I get the warning on and would just like to make sure that I haven't missed an update or anything. I mean no harm and am sorry if I have broken any rules. Thank you for the mod and the support.
  14. If I may ask a complete noob question. Will mods that help with transfer windows work in this modified galaxy?
  15. I get the same as above, works and the numbers appear to be just fine. KSP-VC just warns me that my version of KER is not compatible.
  16. The mod starts with 1000 , can someone recommend a setting that is fairly close to what we see during SpaceX launches. [btw - I am a total rocket noob, love playing the game and learning a little bit each day.]
  17. Okay.. thanks, I thought perhaps I did something wrong. thanks for the support and the mod.
  18. Is there a way to not have the icon on the stock tool bar?
  19. I must be a complete boob. I have Win7, I have a thrustmaster 16k, can run the calibration via windows and it checks out. I installed the mod, selected my controller, did the calibration, but I can't seem to control anything. Does anyone have any pointers?
  20. @raidernick - I wanted to thank you for visiting my twitch stream and helping out. I am a complete rocket noob and enjoy playing ksp.
  21. I went back and did the mod by mod install and found the issue. From the mod KSPRC, I pulled from their TextureReplacer folder the .dds files for the planets. There are other files as well, but it would seem that [smoke.dds, Smoke_Sprites_Dense.dds, Smoke_Sprites_Med.dds & rocketplume2.dds] were the root problem. I removed them and now it appears all if back to where it was. Thank you again for the support.
  22. Will do , thank you for the support and the mod.
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