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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. I have a question that most likely was addressed. Is MJ no longer compatible with RSS? or even SSRSS?
  2. I had my first experience with this and it was lots of fun! Attempting to create my own server for some friends ; however I seem to be running into a problem with port 6702 PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 6702/tcp closed e-design-net Running Win10 I have created an inbound rule in the firewall for TCP 6702 I have done a port forward on the router for this port to my PC' IP I have made sure that on the router that I have a static IP I have also put my PC' ip into a DMZ No joy, any suggestions?
  3. I have a really dumb question, I am attempting to use the Transfer Window Planner in SSRSS and following the instructions https://www.twitch.tv/videos/5803919 , I cannot seem to get an encounter and was curious if someone might know what I am doing wrong?
  4. Thank you very much.. umm for a late snack?
  5. Thank you for the update, pardon me for being a GitHub noob, I only see source and now mod download. I did go and download the master file, but looks like something is missing as I didn't see a .dll.
  6. That is what I meant, I know the patches come from the GC mod direct vs the MKS version of GC. I have been using the ISRU to help with Mat Kit creation before the kerbals arrive. update: When I add in the patches , KSP crashes - When I remove them, KSP loads okay.
  7. I didn't use CKAN and I completely over looked the folder, thank you. The "Patches" folder, will those work?
  8. Last time I used the stakes, the Pioneer module was needed, is it still just that module?
  9. I am not sure.. I was in the process of taking my 1.2.2 konize career over to 1.3, but GC is pretty important part and since that isn't updated.. I am looking for a work around. I used the Stakes back in 1.1.3, so I am familiar with them, I am currently playing with OSE Workshop, but that is only going to do smaller parts. if I recall, last time I used EL with MKS, I just removed all the parts but the mallet and stakes?
  10. I was able to make something, but is there a special container that I am also to have local for the parts to show up? The YT has older references and I don't see them in the editor.. [unless I am blind.. and that might be the case.]
  11. Thanks... I am attempting to find a way to remotely build stuff as a work around until GC gets updated.. appreciate it. Does MKS still have the mobile launch pad?
  12. I wasn't able to location any MKS parts via OSE, is there something that I missed?
  13. Okay... thanks.. install like a normal mod? Things should work without... you know.. checking in?
  14. Please excuse this side bust reply, in reading this. It would seem that this mod would be good for USI LS and HAB? Making is so that I would have to visit and revisit a closed circle base setup? When I look at the Life Support Status it would seem that their hab and ls are not being updated in the background.. of did I miss something? Thank you.
  15. I used to use a mod called Science Alert (which seems is now Science [x] based on the sound effect and functions?) , but for the past year I have been using Automated Science Sampler, is there anyone that has used both and has a comparison? As badly as I play KSP, getting help with science collection so that I can fly a rocket is good thing. Appreciate your input
  16. Hi there everyone, I am attempting an SSRSS install, so far so good. There is a folder in this mod called: Alternate Planet Color Configs\Real Solar System (default) Does that only apply to the full RSS or would it work for SSRSS?
  17. Mr. @Galileo , and forums folk. Most of my KSP game play has been in the 'stock' work and when I attempted to step out of that little comfort zone, there was much support. Thank you, what might seem obvious to some and overly redundant to other, it new to us. [lol] For the most part, installing mods is pretty easy and straight forward and there was nothing hard about installing the mods that @Galileo, laid out. It was pretty easy and I was able to get SSRSS to work just fine, but I wanted clouds. This is something that I had in the stock game, at first using EVE and then I swapped over to using SVE. I got the clouds to work!! [ yea for me and my little stock mind] and I knew it had to be something simple. Turns out, that when I went back to install all of the mods needed for SSRSS, there is a folder in the SSRSS folder called, "Clouds (optional)". [Yes... I know , still I thought that EVE did it all] and when I added that folder I got this: Again, I really want to thank @Galileo for helping out, supporting this mod.
  18. Again, very sorry about this, I only have installed only GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements along with:
  19. okay.. so "no EVE" folder and just BoulderCo? I am confused and here I thought I knew a little bit about KSP. oh.. "Incorrect" sorry.. I am at a loss.. I had this working a long time ago..
  20. ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll - I think that is the correct one based on what I have read. Just in case you were curious.
  21. Alright.. leaving the EVE that I had before, then I removed the BoulderCo folder and then installed: Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, RealSolarSystem, RSS-Textures, Sigma and SSRSS no clouds.
  22. Sorry for the blow by blow, using a new ksp install and just going with stock, I use the configs and eve and I get clouds. Next step is to install SSRSS and remove the configs, correct?
  23. Will do.. thanks for checking.. I will report back...
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