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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. Yes..! It would appear that my console log is filling with information.. Scene would be ship/craft/base???
  2. I am slightly new to LS and I was curious what might be causing the Life Support Status screen to flicker?
  3. I will attempt to help ... So, bottom line... since it worked from the Assem Plant , I see that on the Logistics, the PUD and the Refinery, that there is a construction window option. Are those all "Work shops" or just have access to the que?
  4. HI @allista, I could have swore that I started it from an MKS "Tundra" Pioneer Logistics Module. While that was working, I also had to move things around in that base, so I am not sure if that might have caused a reset or not? [moving kerbals around too] I then landed a 2nd DIY Kit and I was getting the error [No Engineer in the workshop] and I did in fact have one in the MKS "Tundra" Pioneer Logistics Module , but was still getting the error. I just thought I would try the same thing from the MKS "Tundra" Assembly Plant and well. that worked!! and.. the GC Panel is showing the status .. again. Am I allowed to start 2 DIY kits at the same time?
  5. I am happy to report, Yesterday I got a DYI Kit up on the Mun, had the material and kerbal power to start construction with a 17 day wait time. I was also able to use the GC Icon to see the DIY kit and see the 'details' Today, I was not able to see the craft in the GC Panel, but it is listed in the tracker. Can I get some guidance on what I should do next?
  6. @allista - confirmed, thank you greatly.
  7. Alright, that clears things up.. I have been taking the LS Tanks and just attaching them to landers and landing them in range; However if the lander had an inflatable storage [for supplies] , then that would work?
  8. You did! I started to read that, but I thought it was for someone else and didn't finish it. The supplies are connected to a series of warehouse enabled containers, but they are for Mat Kits and Machinery.. so, you are saying that for scavenging, I need a container [empty or not] for supplies for the scavenging? Now, based on your answer, if and when I get this sorted out, will those supplies be included when I click on the 'green' cub that shows sup, EC, etc?
  9. I just am finally getting to know this mod.. I use blizzys and I see that I can add it, but is there a hot key to bring up haystack?
  10. I have a basic scavenging noob question.. It would seem that it works, but supplies don't seem to scavenged.. is there something that I am missing when it comes supplies?
  11. That is what I was thinking, I was attempting to make a compact skycrane package and I really really like the new cradles.
  12. In regards to the Sky Crane - I think I found a small issue? I had the small Guidance Unit , skycrane, Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank , MKS Tundra MultiHub and a 2.5 cradle. With no clipping, it would seem that even though there is thrust [because the cradle would start to heat up] , there is not really any thrust aka the craft wasn't changing position at all. When I rotated the skycrane 15 degrees, it then worked. I am not sure if this is a known issue, but it took me and my stream' chat to figure it out in about 45mins.
  13. That was a pretty easy test, I did add: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleTankManager|ModuleSwitchableTank],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FOR[GPOSpeedFuelPump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } To a new text file in ....\GameData\GPOSpeedFuelPump\Patches and renamed it to ConfigurableContainers.cfg , I then launched KSP and used the tracking station to get to a station and ship that were docked together and each has a fuel tank. When I left alt key + right mouse button on each time.. I only new button that appears is the "manage tanks" button. Sorry, it would seem that either I did something wrong or it doesn't appear to work?
  14. I would be more than happy, I am going to take the above text and add it to : GameData\GPOSpeedFuelPump\Patches\ConfigurableContainers.cfg , is that correct?
  15. Hi @allista - I ran into a conflict with another mod [[1.1.3, 1.2.2] GPOSpeedFuelPump continued v1.8.7] and was curious if you might be able to help out, based on his suggestions?
  16. oh.. okay.. .so, I have a mod conflict.. okay.. thank you.. going to see if the author of Ground Construction might be able to help.. really really appreciate your help.
  17. Hi @hab136, I did just verify that I am using the most recent version of the ModuleManger here is that log , hope it help: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8bgPP0DpwZeWkFVUXREMlkyb0U/view?usp=sharing
  18. I have used this mode before [before 1.2.2] and I was curious what I might have done wrong? When I click on the tanks, I only see a "manage tanks" button. I know there should be a pump on button, a balance button, etc.
  19. The times that I have used MKS with the mobile launch pad, was a blast. After reading that GC is now going to use Material Kits, means that KSP is going to get that much more fun. After watching the "Mars 2016" series and how they mentioned using a 3D printer.. well, that is what my take is using the GC will be. Like.. sort of. Hey! it is my KSP.. right?
  20. Alright, thanks to the help from @Jebs_SY , my MKS and LS is now working and I see the stuff that I wanna see. [Yeah.. I know.. vague] It isn't like I don't know how update a mod or install a mod, but I must have had " a moment " and copied something wrong. Back on track and again.. thank you .
  21. [toss up his arms] Well, i have the latest installations of USI via KSP-AVC I have removed blizzy toolbar USI Tools - 0.8.11 CCK - 1.2.1 CRP - 0.6.5 FireSpitter 7.5.1 USI Core- 0.1.10 Konstruction - 0.1.10 USI-LS - 0.5.19 UKS - 0.50.8 I only see the SERVO, LS buttons on the stock bar. I have most likely messed something up.
  22. I have checked the 'add icons' and there is no MKS icons , something between USI Core and USI Tools I think might be a little hinky? Thanks for the assist @Jebs_SY
  23. In regards to my post above, I went back to the previous version of MKS and the MKS icons show up in both the stock and blizzys toolbar. If there was a change that I missed, can someone point out to me what I might have done wrong? Perhaps it wasn't MKS , but USI Tools? 0.8.9 I get the icons - my apologies if I didn't present the correct information before.
  24. That is what I thought it was, but they still are not showing up.. I also removed blizzy toolbar and the MKS icons are not showing up on the stock toolbar.
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