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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. New fighter submission, check it out here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/82814-military-series-ship-submissions/&do=findComment&comment=2665916
  2. After picking up some old radio broadcasts on Kerbin's largest radio telescopes, they decrypted them to find some sort of television program. Despite warnings, they watched said television program. Inspired, they sent a letter along to a few private space companies, and this is what they got. Specifications: -200 parts -23 meters long -Crew of 12 (MAX 13) -3200 m/s of delta-v -112 tons https://kerbalx.com/WorkaroundIndustries/Orbitech-Models-Mini-enterprise-thing
  3. I'm not sure if HatBat would like that
  4. I have indeed been updating only one post with all my craft. I thought it was okay to post updates and images since that's what everybody else was doing
  5. I have made a big-455 helicopter with reaction wheels, so I might submit that.
  6. Not if you can outgun a B-29 and perform 360 degree turns in 0.7 seconds
  7. I would submit my atmospheric fighters, but I'm afraid they'll burn the audiences' eyes out.
  8. This ugly plane could easily kill any of the opponents mentioned
  9. Most of my craft are better off further from the front lines, as the direct-launch armament is usually inferior to the missiles and also because they are somewhat lacking in armor generally
  10. For some reason I doubt that
  11. It is less impressive with your massive house sized bearing than it is with smaller bearings, such as those of mine and @mrmcp1 I like it! My current bearings are too long for that. Time to... Miniaturize!
  12. I have created a missile capable of crushing the largest ships I've found with a single direct hit from medium range.
  13. Just drop em in the middle of a arctic circle forest and put them to work mining that precious rocket fuel
  14. The Stayputnik bearing is living up to its name unfortunately Tests show that the complex internal structure of the bearing is not well suited to carrying heavy helicopter blades.
  15. The last post was October 23, 2015. As such, this craft is likely outdated. And also your post is something called a "Necro", which is discouraged for old craft threads.
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