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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. Naughty mods betting on a thread closure? Oi...
  2. Even if he didn't textually promise, it would be proper to keep e-mail and account data out of the download, especially for someone at work at a hosting provider. Squad doesn't have to do anything. But since they choose to regularly acknowledge even tiny user-made contributions to KSP's community (like twitch broadcasts and fan art), surely it is not unreasonable to expect them to have a few words to say on a major user-made contribution to the community...
  3. I don't know. I tried checking the reddit thread but no one really owned up to it, and I do not have the bandwidth right now to go monitor the IRC channels they mention. So I'm just gonna sit by the lines and watch the development. I don't reuse passwords for websites, so I'm running next to 0 risk, but I'd still want to see some very clear and open statement about who is behind that new site, before I go for it. I wish I had noticed @SirCmpwn's words in the kerbalstuff thread two months ago; I was completely oblivious to his struggle, I could've jumped in with some support then. I really loathe the reactions of some people at the moment, as if they have been taken something they were somehow entitled to. Sure, I too wish things had transpired different, but in the end, it is/was his ball to take home for whatever reasons (or even without any reason at all for that matter). In fact, he didn't even really take his ball home - he has left the entire site source and the mod repository available, as a last respect to the open source nature of the site, which is more than others have done in the past. He's got my respect for the effort and time spent in the past years keeping it up and running, and my apologies for having taken it for granted all this time, so even thought I know it makes no difference to the current situation, I punted him some token funds to his paypal - at least he can have a sip or two of his favourite beverage to conclude this chapter. Cheers @SirCmpwn, and thanks.
  4. That's a pretty hefty commitment. 61GB worth of mods, which is likely to increase significantly as soon as KSP 1.1 hits and a large number of mods have to be updated. $180/mo for hosting, according to @SirCmpwn. Don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to the idea, I would love to see it crafts and mods integrated in one site, and katateochi has won my confidence, but this is not something to take lightly. I really don't want to see katateochi end up the next burned out a year down the line, and financially it would need more than a dozen or so contributors to help keep it afloat. I'll be supporting too if it comes to it, but please think very seriously before taking it on. As a parallel exercise, I have also messaged Dark0ne of the nexusmods.com site on this. The Nexus has a proven track record as one of the mayor mod hosting sites out there, and he already has both infrastructure and personnel to support it - seems that KSP would hardly make a dent in his current operation. What do you guys think?
  5. Hola y bienvenido! Si acabas de empezar con KSP, el mejor consejo que se te podría dar es de no instalar ningún mod todavía. Lo digo completamente en serio: te aconsejaría que primero te hagas a lo que el juego ofrece tal y como está, y como mínimo pongas un par de naves en órbita y aterrizes en Kerbin, Mun y Minmus. Vale la pena el aprender hacer esto sin otras ayudas y sacarle la satisfación de comprender cómo se hace, y con esa experiencia se te hará también más fácil decidir que clase de mods apreciarías añadir. Aparte de eso, diría que todo jugador nuevo debería por lo menos una vez jugar una carrera sin mods, aunque sea a nivel fácil. Por lo menos una vez intentar el proceso combinado de adquirir suficientes fondos y puntos de ciencia para progresar los edificios hasta el nivel más alto, a la vez que diseñas naves para completar las misiones que el juego te ofrece. De paso, eso daría tiempo a que llegue la versión 1.1, que va a cambiar las cosas bastante, y que casi está garantizada de requerir cambios en muchos de los mods que hay ahora. Eso dicho: echa una mirada a los mods que ya se mencionan en este hilo - creo que los que generalmente se consideran esenciales ya se mencionan, y en la mayoría de los casos se dá una explicación de qué exactamente le añaden al juego, lo que te ayudará a decidir si es algo que combina bién con tu estilo. Hay dos valores que necesitas en ese respecto: Pasa el ratón por encima de los motores en el VAB/SPH, y fíjate en los números en azul 'Max Thrust (ASL)' y 'Max Thrust (Vac)', que respectivamente se refieren a la potencia de empuje que ofrecen en la atmósfera o en el vacío. Para cohetes lanzados en vertical, el Max Thrust (ASL) tiene que ser por lo menos 10x más que la cantidad de toneladas de peso total de tu nave, y generalmente alrededor de 15x es buena cantidad (esto basado en la fórmula F = m*a, F siendo el empuje de los motores, m el peso de la nave, y a la gravedad en Kerbin, 9.81m/s2). Haciendo click derecha puedes ver más detalles en el panel de información. Bajo 'Engine' puedes ver otra cosa, el 'Engine Isp', el impulso específico del motor, que es una indicación de lo eficiente que ese motor quema el combustible. Notarás que esto también se diferencia en ASL (atmosférico) y Vac (vacío) - cuanto más alto el número, mejor.
  6. Ahh.. where would our (imaginary) world be without imaginary lines of division...
  7. To add to what Tex_NL said: that menu is normally hidden, so move your mouse cursor all the way to the center top edge of the screen, and a line of icons will appear that let you enable/disable certain types of things that show in the map view. If your current rocket is of the same type as the other rockets ('probe' if without kerbals inside, or 'ship' with kerbals), when you disable that type, all orbits will disappear except your current one - so you will be able to see the orbit clearly. BUT: it will also hide where all the rockets are, and this includes the current one. You will see the orbit (blue line), but not where your rocket is on that line.
  8. Did you add a monoprop tank to your rocket? RCS nozzles by themselves will do nothing if they don't have 'RCS fuel' (monopropellant) to fire. Have you actually turned on RCS? 'R' is the default key for that, it will light up a green R on the top left of the navball - which is off by default. If you're not seeing the telltale white puffs from the RCS nozzles when you try to steer, they may not be working because they're off or have no monoprop to fire. While RCS is very good for turning a ship in space, it is very weak in the lower atmosphere. You don't state the size of your tank and main engine, but for most combinations, if your rocket is firing full throttle upwards, RCS can have a very hard time changing a straight-up course. A reaction wheel like dangerhamster mentioned, and/or a few winglets with control surfaces, are generally better choices for steering a rocket through the lowest part of the atmosphere. You don't mention where you placed the RCS units. If you placed the units very close to the CoM (eg. a generally encouraged configuration -for space- is a single ring of RCS units around the CoM), the RCS units will have very little leverage to turn your rocket against the mighty thrust of the main engine. You mention that you can click on the SAS buttons, so I am assuming lack of electric power is not the issue or those wouldn't work either. (SAS won't work without electric charge) If none of this is applicable, explain more in detail what parts you used for your rocket, or post a screenshot. It'll help in trying to figure out what's happening.
  9. I think I saw that movie once. It doesn't end well for the one touching the switches...
  10. (abusing the forum quote block to quote from your e-mail) I've been thinking about the thumbnail issue. I know compared to some others I only have a handful of craft uploaded, and my proposal may not make me popular, but it seems to me that to maintain a working relationship with imgur some choices need to be made anyway, so here goes: My suggestion would be to not try to do this retroactively in one large 'update' action. I keep thinking about the automatic extra gotcha imgur keeps throwing up when I even upload a few dozen pics as part of a single album - if they sort of object even at that, I can't imagine their reaction at a sustained download of thousands of images, even if you do it from another system than the server. It would be a bit of work for each user, but why not 'simply' (he says, sitting comfily in his non-maintainer chair) add one more field in the craft upload form where you ask for an image or url to an image specifically to be used as a thumbnail? In the meantime, use a placeholder. I think there are a few benefits over one large update action: No risk of triggering imgur alarms, because the thumbnail images, if offered through an URL, are only accessed a single time when uploading (or updating) the craft page - and the update will be spread out instead of in one big surge. Users get to pick a specific image to be used as thumbnail. The reason this is a benefit is that for those of us that use imgur albums for the craft page, the very first image on the album may not be our favourite choice for a thumbnail. I for one would appreciate a separate pick for use as thumbnail. I can't see this mass update thing being an easily automated task for you, I hate to see you have to spend an inordinate amount of time on chasing thumbnails, when we could do this ourselves with a relatively small effort to the upload/update form. Worst case if you get complaints, tell them it was my idea. I can handle a rotten tomato or two.
  11. Meh, all I was looking for was a place online where I could make my craft files available, in a way and at conditions suiting me. Very importantly, I wanted no registration/login wall for anyone that randomly wants to download one of my craft. Dropbox almost did this right, but then it goes popping up a very annoying 'login or register' reminder every other click. I like the way KerbalX works, it offers perks very specific and useful for showcasing craft, there's a nice active group of uploaders, and it has an active maintainer. Worth all the support, so thanks @katateochi, all donators, and all users that make the place alive by uploading awesome creations.
  12. Would be good enough for me, I like it. Reuse some KK or stock textures, make sure there's a way to surface attach launch clamps/parts to the moving platform, maybe add a couple floodlights... and it'd be perfect. I'm not an expert, but some form of activation/animation is possible with statics, deduced from the launchpad floodlights Divico made. Not sure if it would also allow moving parts.
  13. On most (all?) stock engines you can now disable the shroud by rightclicking on it after placing. I don't know of a mod that changes or switches the textures of shrouds specifically, but there is TextureReplacer, which might be employed for this purpose.
  14. I checked it out, I didn't see anything that triggered alarms. I noticed they also have a reduced redundancy offering... may or may not be interesting to start off. I read the reply. They seem to consider the frontpage thumbnails 'content', even though they're really just the link to the user provided page/images. Doesn't make much sense to me either. So if you generate the thumbnails locally it should be resolved. That's a lot better than having to rehost full images and albums altogether, and you get to standardize and control the size of the thumbnails. Bah, the cake is a lie... I went and punted you about a staggering year's worth of test time for this. Keep us informed on how this develops. I don't mind contributing to a good service. How about the PixelStrut? Or MoarPixels. InstaCraft? (Oww! Ok I deserved that bop.) Erhm... actually, why not simply 'space'? That's ultimately where we want most of our craft to go anyway, and it's fitting.
  15. Go do that first. Ze fun is important to keep ze productivity up. I'll have a look at this when I get back and let you know if I see any Ackbars. I couldn't find anything other than the couple of numbers on the front page of the forum, and it doesn't include those. You could try ask @KasperVld very nicelike; if forum regulations, tools, and his time budget allow, he'd probably be your best bet to get some indicative numbers.
  16. One other thing: keep in mind that even a single image can easily be 2-20x the size of the craft file - just checking at my screenshots (png) and corresponding craft files, seems to average around 10x (~2MB png for a ~200KB craft). A couple of images per craft, or a whole album... and your hosting needs explode. Let's say 10 images per craft, ~120MB on disk, couple dozen views per craft... It would keep things under your own control, no dependency on others, but do some numbers and know what you're getting yourself into.
  17. Two things I learned from the stats: I guess I'll never have all the craft in one single savegame. The struts count must be a lie! I consider screenshots posted on imgur as 'publicly out there' anyway, so I have no problem with that, especially when it'd be used for the intended purpose. One thing I wondered: does it make any difference to use single image links vs. albums? Is either one considered more or less of an 'infraction' by imgur? I've been using a single album ID per craft, to minimize the links back to imgur per initial page load (I imagine that 'next' images of an album are only loaded when the next button is clicked, but maybe I'm wrong). For me that's fine and minimizes the hassle of uploading a craft, but I've seen more elaborate pages that use several images in more complex formatting, so having to stick to just one method will affect at least some users either way.
  18. @KasperVld The link for 0.8.5 is slightly wrong...
  19. Awesome video (you got tagged by SQUAD in video wednesday btw). Maybe I'm strange, but I especially liked the booster recovery and payload delivery vehicles.
  20. 2:34am is about the time I usually go for a hot tea to consider whether I want to further over-engineer my booster configuration, or just launch already and see how far it goes.
  21. 8:21am... I agree, horrible time to be awake.
  22. Notifications do not always 'clear' automatically anymore the moment you see them. That's got to be a bug.
  23. Always interesting to see stats like these. Find a good spot on the site to place them!
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