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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. Which goes back to the first part of what I said: you obviously want a different game than KSP. The beauty of KSP though, is that in stock, they have made it possible to mod the game to cater for all kinds of different things people want out of the game, not just your particular set of differences. "Want the game to look nice? We made it possible to load a mod for that. Want winches? Mods. Computer controlled flight? Mods. Different launch sites? Mods. Earth instead of Kerbin? Mods. More parts? Mods. More realism? Mods. Want more mods? Mods. Want 1001 other things that you did not mention? Mods. We made it possible, in the stock game. We even created an API, documented it, and let you talk to the devs on how to do all these things. I know, most game companies don't do this, but we did anyway. You're welcome."
  2. Interesting. Let's see what the OP actually says: I wonder how I got that crazy idea...
  3. "Blah, if I want to play a different game than KSP, I have to overload it with mods to make it be different. How rude." Elementary, my dear Watson. Oh, but you chose a platform that does not allow modding to begin with. Hmm. Well, who exactly is to blame about that, I wonder...?
  4. Strongly recommended for anyone that: wants an easy minimal effort way to download other people's crafts from KerbalX to the game wants to showcase/share the pride and joy of their own kerbal fleet wants a quick and easy offsite backup of their hard-worked-on crafts, with easy recovery to different computers/KSP versions/installs prefers minimal hassle at editing a craft web page, even on the awesome KerbalX website is ok with running mods It does what it says on the tin, and it does it well. Get it, run it, nao.
  5. I've been using an open source utility called 'NVidia Inspector' (more recently split into two apps, the 'NVidia Profile Inspector' is the one to use now, the other is for overclocking and monitoring the card). The Profile Inspector gives direct editing access to the driver profiles, including framerate caps and much much more. Download link to latest stable: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/nvidia-profile-inspector-download.html Latest but maybe not so stable build: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Orbmu2k/nvidiaprofileinspector/build/artifacts Sources: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector When you start it, at the top left you can select one of the existing driver profiles to edit. Or you can create a fresh new profile (the little yellow sun icon, top center). Before doing anything, I'd advise to export a full backup of the profiles (green arrow up icon slightly more right) so you can always return to default. The frame rate limiter / vsync parameters can be found right at the top in section 2 - Sync and Refresh. Changing is as simple as clicking and selecting one of the optional values, or typing if it requires a hex value. Remember to Apply Changes when you're done (top right).
  6. Took me a bit to clone an environment to test this (I stopped using mods altogether since then), but I finally did. I can confirm disabling EEX ReRoot allows using the stock reroot on shadow assemblies now. Thank you for this.
  7. I haven't experienced the sound, though I too noticed KSP ignoring the vsync/framerate caps when it feels like (not just on the loading screen, it seems to have its own ideas of framerates on other scenes in the game too). I've read of the coil whine phenomenon a few times, it does appear to be real and incredibly specific to the hardware.
  8. I'm not sure we're doing things all that different. Took a couple of tries, I can tell you that. Like you said, you can't do too hard or too late a turn or it'll lose too much speed. Also, a perfect 90 degrees up trajectory was never quite as good as ~80 degrees up with the design I used. So the end angle does have some sort of optimum balance between a slightly longer runtime of the RAPIERs vs minimizing the time drag is affecting the run, that apparently is not 90 degrees.
  9. Depending the craft and its heat tolerance, 60-90 degrees (iow almost straight up) from as early after take-off as possible should get you to 220+ km. You won't be able to get enough altitude if you try to first get maximum horizontal speed: from the 18-21km layer where the RAPIER can reach this, it chokes too fast when you decide to pitch up, and the air is nowhere near dense enough to transfer horizontal to vertical speed in a tight turn.
  10. Try it, it's funny (and rather cheaty); it would spoil the surprise if I told you. Try it on a new career.
  11. It's hiding in plain sight, guys. Type '/help' for a list of commands... /help - Help is listing every availale command, use "/help command" to learn more about each one... /time - Shows the current time in both real world and kerbal variants. /comment - Allows the player to brand his log with a comment that will be very visible to modders and developers reading it. Example: "/comment KSP is great!" /info - Dumps a great deal of information about the current state of the game, which is helpful for debugging. /stacktrace - Prints a stack trace for the last error or exception. /vessels - Flexibly searches for vessels by name and displays their status. No name will display all vessels. Example: "/vessels Mun Satellite Alpha" /switch - Switches current vessel to the first vessel found with the exact name given. Example: "/switch Duna Outpost Delta" /waypoint - Adds a custom waypoint to the game. Pass a position, or pass nothing to tag current position in flight. Usage: "/waypoint" or "/waypoint Kerbin 52.8 22.5 My Waypoint Name" /ksc - Shortcut to add a custom waypoint to the space center. Usage: "/ksc" /funds - Sets the amount of funds available in your game. Example: "/funds 1000000" /science - Sets the amount of science available in your game. Example: "/science 2500" /reputation - Sets the amount of reputation available in your game. Example: "/reputation 1000" /rendezvous - Rendezvous with a vessel. Pass a vessel index, relative position and relative velocity. Usage: "/rendezvous vslidx posx posy posz velx vely velz" /targetv - Target a vessel. Pass a vessel index. Usage: "/targetv vslidx" /b4d455 - Makes all of your wildest dreams come true. /settingsload - Reload the game settings from the settings.cfg. /settingssave - Force a write of the settings.cfg.
  12. This is due to the 'field of view' used for the cameras in the game, which defaults to more of a fish-eye type of view than human eye. You can notice this in the map view as well when you rotate the view moving a planet or moon close to the edges, you can see it distort from a pure circle to an ellipsoid. This may be something the Unity engine does, not sure. You can already see this -partly- at work when you enable the transparent cockpits: the kerbals are displayed effectively in the 3D IVA environment, they're just not moving out of their seats yet. It also shows one other potential problem: most current IVAs are pretty cramped spaces... to really enjoy moving about we'd need a bit more room to float in. I do agree, I would not mind at all being able to use the interiors of ships, stations and bases.
  13. Are the SRBs in that mod much smaller than the stock ones? Cause it can be done in stock with a single kickback SRB.
  14. No, the IVAs are full 3D (well, as 3D as anything else in a game) with fixed camera views placed inside them. Looking out through windows has been in the game for a while now: while in IVA, double click on a window or a hatch. Most of them have a camera view that will activate from there.
  15. I think this post belongs in the Challenge section...
  16. I would agree, but first we need 1) a set of pressure-resistant parts/upgrades in the game that can survive going deeper than 400m, and 2) some rethinking about whatever causes underwater rovers to travel at a maximum breakneck speed of 0.7m/s at full throttle on a steep downhill.
  17. It used to have a lot more depth before 1.2. Rumour has it it still does, but no parts survive going beyond 400m on Kerbin anymore...
  18. It does happen though, as this video shows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0sk42kwh8qwo1jm/KSP120-ChuteSpreadAngleDrag2.mp4?dl=0 That would've been my explanation, except the effect appears to be exactly opposite of that: the craft falls faster (less drag) when the spread angle is zero, and slower (more drag) as the spread angle increases.
  19. Note that parachutes now come with an 'Spread Angle', and this angle - an advanced tweakable that can be edited live even when the chute is already open - affects the efficiency considerably. Iow. you can slow/speed up the fall by whole m/s by changing the angle on already open chutes. So in your tests, you need to take into account the spread angle. How... no idea; I'm not sure that's been specified anywhere. Video demonstration: https://www.dropbox.com/s/29imu79itgnayvr/KSP120-ChuteSpreadAngleDrag.mp4?dl=0
  20. I am normally ok with judicious moderation, but in this case it seems more counterproductive than helpful: I've lost track of what was going on in this thread several times over now due to random interjections of other conversations. So unfollowing and ignoring this thread, and I'll just generally stop checking for discussions on 1.2 until things settle and proper threading resumes.
  21. No, they are still there in 1.2.0, but you may have to enable 'Advanced Tweakables' in the game settings.
  22. One unified opinion/view for everyone of what KSP should be? Heck no. I'm not even united within myself. Yesterday I wanted a fully realistic experience recreating the Apollo missions, today I am just laughing at the weird mechanics people can abuse for fun, tomorrow I want to build sci-fi ships mimicking something out of a movie while a moment later trying to make a replica of a real-life fighter jet, and the day after I want to participate in a challenge with something that looks absolutely impossible to fly. This all in stock, not even accounting for the million combinations of mods that can add/change other people's games. I want it all. Sometimes, I even want several opposite things out of KSP at the same time - and every now and then, this wonderful piece of programming even lets me. Glorious moments.
  23. "The subject of this thread... in 1.2 it is not."
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