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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. And the Delta II variant didn't take too long to make: I know it's not a proper Delta II (it doesn't even have an upper stage), it's what I had already. The light dawned on me when I realized those ramp thingies were the SRB blast deflectors....they line up with the SRBs. The rest fell into place after that.
  2. There's already plenty of options available for something like that, like the Large Clamp Arm hold-downs, which seem to be popular. But I do plan on making a specialized Delta IV hold-down/launch stand at some point in the future.
  3. Alternate hold-down bolt position for the BDB RS-27 engine added: Also added an alternate mini-stand option, which removes the full ring, leaving only the hold-down mounts: I should be able now to add the special Delta 2 stand variant as another option for the Thor stand, while still using the same hold-down bolts.
  4. Thor Launch Stand is almost done, save for some tweaking of the hold-down bolts....turns out that the BDB RS-27 engine fairing is slightly narrower than that of the LR-79, so I need to add an alternate bolt position for that engine. Pics showing the three bolt heights: short, tall, extra-tall:
  5. You mostly like did, but delete the old (v2.0.x) ModularLaunchPads folder before putting in the v2.1 dev version. Many of the .cfg file names have changed for existing and modified parts, and the result would be two .cfg files for the same part, with only one being loaded. All the previous merged multiple size variants (for the launch bases, towers and suxh) have been split off into separate parts, but one of the new sizes has retained the old part name, so craft files will still load, but as you have seen, they will look weird.
  6. It's separate modular Parts, and it's also the v2.1 version; both the Saturn and Shuttle towers were split back into separate tower sections, though the tower core section has multiple height variants. The shuttle FSS tower sections also got optional SpaceX-style mesh panels and the black&white color option. The RSS hinge was also split into a separate part, with the detail discs now toggleable, to provide the current appearance.
  7. @alberro+ It's in the v2.1 dev build available on the AlphaDev branch of the Modular Launch Pads GitHub. It's the complete MLP, only with all the v2.1 stuff done so far.
  8. Yep, I've converted what was the Alternate 2 style of my new Large General Crew Arm into the new Rodan Crew Arm, to be used with the Shuttle FSS Tower in the black&white color option: It's called the "Rodan" Crew Arm since it's not an exact replica of the actual SpaceX Crew Dragon arm, so I didn't name it after that.
  9. With the Thor Launch Stand, I've decided to not have a square base option, as it turned out to be a little too detailed to be an alternate option. Also, the round type is seen most commonly in pictures of Thor and Delta launches, so the square one wouldn't really fit. So, I'll set it aside and probably use it for something else. What I will do instead is make this Delta II stand as a separate Delta II special version: (The MSX launch from Vandenberg) It's too different from the other Thor/Delta stands to include it as a variant, so it will be separate.
  10. Hold down left shift when dragging the handle to get 20m of offset range. Note, if you have been using the same settings.cfg file from, oh, say, KSP v1.0 or earlier (by copying it over or installing a new KSP over the old one), you won't have the 20m of range, that was a change done after v1.0.5 or so.
  11. Ok, furthur refining what I'm going to do with the Thor/Delta stand: I'm going to go with just four hold-down prongs/supports, it will make it easier to accomodate all the different Thor/Delta/Delta II variants. They will have short (no SRMs), tall (with SRMs) , extra-tall (something like the Vandy launch pads for Thor/Delta), and special Delta II variants. The main stand structure will have round and square variants that will both use the same hold-downs, though with custom connecting detail for each. The stand also will be designed to sit flush to the launch pad static. Also, since this is a 1.5m rocket launch stand, it will also work with the BDB Jupiter and Juno II-IV rockets, also in 1.5m size--but I'm also going to make the special Jupiter IRBM petal cover launch stand as a separate part.
  12. Next thing up is the Thor/Delta launch stand, for the 1.5m BDB Thor and Delta/Delta II. It's going to be a bit complicated, as over the long service history of the Thor/Delta, it used different launch sites with different mounting structures, but I've identified the three types used the most. I should be able to combine them into one switchable part without having to make three competely different stands, by sharinh some components and just have toggleable options. They are: A ring-type stand seen with the early Thor-Ables, Thor-Agenas and Thor-Deltas/Deltas: This has the Thor "sunk" into the stand, so I'll have to make the stand taller to accomodate the engine nozzle. Thor-Able and Thor-Ablestar used a fallback tower, which I'll also make. Thor-Agena, at least at Vandenberg (where most were launched), had a fixed skinny square truss tower. Then there is the type used for the Thrust Augmented Thors/Deltas, i.e. the Castor SRMs, especially when more than three were used. This type has either 6 or 4 prong-like supports to allow clearance for the SRMs: That's Delta 34 shown (notice the triangle ("Delta") with the number 34 inside), the first of the Thrust Augmented Improved Deltas (TAID), a Delta D to be specific. Notice the launch pad and tower: they have been upgraded to something like the Delta II's; in fact, this tower style (if not in fact the actual tower) would be used all the way through Delta II, just with added things like side panels and other details. Then there is the Delta II version, which has four wider support prongs and is sunk into the exhaust hole of the concrete launch pad. I'll just add a square variant to the round type and have the prongs toggleable between 6 skinny, 4 skinny and 4 wide variants.
  13. I've remade the already-new Launch Plates as I wasn't really satisfied with them. They were too thin, so they didn'y allow any clearance for the rocket engine. and the plate ring was too narrow, without any room to place the large sizes of the hold-downs so you could get clearance under the engine. The new plates are 0.6m thick, and are much wider, with plenty of room for hold-downs. Currentlyy there are three sizes (1m, 2m and 3m wide openings) of round and square types, with the square types having a rectangular hole option (only 1 rectangular size option for the size 1 plate, the other two have two sizes). They were designed to and have to be put flush to the floor of the VAB, or they will look very weird, as I deliberately put in only two stretchy launch clamp legs, and they are real skinny. The Launch Plates are low-profile minimalist "bases", good for use on launch pad statics that resemble a launch platform, where having a large launch base would look out of place. Also good to use with the new separate Mini Milkstool parts. Two represenative images: The new plates are on the AlphaDev branch of the GitHub, and the old ones have been removed. The new plates do have a different part name.
  14. I also fixed the new Titan II GLV tower umbilical cfgs on the AlphaDev branch, as I had a typo in the "TechRequired" line that prevented them from showing up in the tech tree, which would be the Launch Stands node.
  15. All three of the new Mini Milkstool Launch Stands are now on the AlphaDev branch of the GitHub. All three sizes of them are meant to sit with the large foot pads (which are not part of the launch clamp transforms) on the top of the pad static (i.e. on the floor of the VAB), so offset the whole assembly so those foot pads are partially under the floor. There is only a partial collider on them, so there is some leeway to how far down they can go. They will look quite odd otherwise.
  16. Yes, you can use TweakScale, but I don't provide any configs for it, nor am I interested in doing so. You can also make MM patches to adjust the rescaleFactor.
  17. Third Mini Milkstool Launch Stand size, for 1.875m and 2.5m rockets, is done. This one was tall enough to warrant making three height variants: short, medium and tall. I was using my stripped-down dev install, with only the separate Solid motors from BDB, so part selection was slim, and used my go-to Vector and Rockomax tank demo thing. I'm now making standalone part versions of the mini-milkstools, with each height a separate part. Not launch clamps, but a snap-in part for use with the launch plates and launch bases. No integrated hold-down bolts either, use the separate hold-downs. Speaking of the launch plates, those are going to be remade, and they plus the new snap-in mini-milkstools will be put in a new Launch Plates tech tree node. The snap-in mini-milkstools will also be in the Launch Plates sub-category of my stock custom MLP category.
  18. Second Mini Milkstool Launch Stand, size 2, is done. This one can accomodate 0.9375m, 1.25m and 1.25m rockets by changing the hold-down bolt configuration. It's also about twice the size of the size 1 version. These are being designed to sit flush with the top of the launch pad static/ground, with the actual launch clamp components (like the stretchy columns) hidden inside the large foot pads. This is a new technique I'll be using quite a lot from now on, as it frees me from the limitations of the usual launch clamp style, i.e. anchor pad on the bottom, stretchy column/leg, cap pad, then everything else on top. The Titan II Launch Stand also uses this style, and the Vanguard Launch Stand incorporates the stretchy columns as the main vertical beams of the stand itself. Oh, something I've overlooked for a while now, but B9PS now has node switching I'm now going to incorporate it into the MLP v2.1 parts, starting with the new Mini Milkstool Launch Stands. Switching between the Tall and Short variants now moves the attach node as well, putting the top of the stand in the same spot.
  19. I can understand the RSS/RO questions, but I don't make the MLP parts for RSS/RO, they are for stock scale or 2.5/2.7 (like JNSQ), the same as with KSC Extended, BDB, Tantares, Tundra, Cormorant, SOCK, etc.. The Titan II GLV tower should work with the new BDB Gemini (whenever Cobalt does it), as I don't think it will change in size, just details, as well as becoming a set of 50 or so parts
  20. That's how Explorer 1 discovered the radiation belt later named after Dr. Van Allen, with such a lopsided orbit that put the sat into the belt itself.
  21. Taking a break from the larger things to do...smaller things! Filling a neglected need for tiny-rocket launch stands, here's the first of the Mini Milkstool Launch Stands, the Micro one, with hold-down bolt positions for 0.3125m and 0.625m rockets: Each of the three main mini-milkstools will have two height variants, tall (shown above) and short: The hold-down bolts also have vertical and horizontal types, with the horizontal ones better suited for tiny SRMs, which usually have a relatively wide nozzle. The other two main sizes will be the Mini, for 0.9375m/1.25m/1.5m, and the Small, for 1.875m/2.5m rockets,
  22. I don't use RSS or RO, so I don't make Modular Launch Pads for it, sorry. It's up to the RSS/RO users to make it compatible with it, which is true for most if not all non-RSS/RO mods.
  23. As it is, no, everything is designed for stock scale rockets (roughly 2/3 real scale). For RSS, you'll have to rescale them bigger, although the larger General Launch Bases can accomodate large rocket sizes without rescaling.
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