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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. Ok, v1.3 marks the end of the initial release period of Modular Launch Pads. I have now started work on v2.0, which will be a mostly "clean slate" revamp plus more stuff...like the shuttle and Falcon 9 pads, among others. The revamp part is mainly with the original Saturn pad stuff (the Soyuz might get some kind of redo as well), as I remake most of the parts. They were originally made for my own Saturn V as part of the Simple Overhaul, and due to wanting to get the standalone modular version out relatively quickly, I just reused what I had made. They were assembled mostly in Unity from existing and a few new simple primitive objects made in Wings 3D; back then I was much more comfortable working in Unity than with making complex things in Wings. Now, I have a much better handle on working in Wings, and so it's time to remake the Saturn parts as single objects or just a few major subassemblies. First up is the mobile launcher base, which is now complete. Still looks pretty much like before, but with some different details: Support columns have been changed, and there are more side-struts (and no more sawtooth shadows). The real base didn't have massive square-sided columns, but what looked like half-tripods upon which the the whole mobile launcher was placed. The base's elevator shaft is a subassembly object, and also now has cross-brace struts: The railings and hatches are also complete subassembly objects, and there is now a hole for the tower elevator shaft. The base's deck is two pieces now, and are aligned properly as well. There are more railing posts too, the benefits of making them a single object. The elevator blast shield is also a subassembly object, and has more detail (and is taller now ):
  2. You need B9PartSwitch installed to enable the switching on the various parts that have it. It's included with the ModularLaunchPads. .zip, in both KSP 1.3.1 and 1.4.3 versions as separate .zip files. Animated Decouplers, also included as separate .zip files for KSP 1.3.1 and 1.4.x, also needs to be installed. I don't do CKAN, so I'm guessing it didn't pick up on the two dependencies needed. The launch pads need a free attach node on the bottom of a rocket. Usually this will be a center engine's bottom node, and will work, but the bigger the node (the pad's attach node is size 5) the easier it is to attach the pad, which is why I made the patches for certian mod parts. I don't have the Making History expansion, so don't know what those engine plates are like.
  3. And already posted v1.3.1.... Nothing big, just forgot to convert the textures to DDS format, something I always do but in a major derp moment it slipped my mind this time. Also, fixed the two Saturn pad subassemblies, I had reverted the tower base sections' internal name back to the original one, after deciding the elevator change wasn't big enough to warrant making a new part.
  4. Version 1.3 is now on Spacedock! Changelog: 1.3.0 **Russian Launch Stand** > The Russian Launch Stand no longer uses a separate arm assembly. The clamp arms and one adjustable (by mesh-switching) fuel arm are now built into the stand itself. The fuel arm can be retracted manually. Two additional fuel arms and a separate crew elevator tower can be added as well. > Russian Launch Stand's clamp arms can also be turned off, so the big Soyuz Launch Pad's gravity-retract hinges and arms can be used instead. > Color can now be switched to the Soyuz Pad's green. **Soyuz Launch Pad** > The Soyuz Launch Pad base now has switchable hinge-mount configurations, either at 90 or 45 degrees. > The clamp arms have adjustable-size clamp pads, done by the deploy limit slider. > Extra attach nodes are included on the base for use with the Russian Launch Stand's fuel arms and crew tower, as an interim step until I can make proper ones for the Soyuz Pad. > The color for the base's central ring, clamp arms and counterweights can be switched to the gray-drab color of the Russian Stand. **Saturn Pad** > The individual tower swing arms have been eliminated. There are now new switchable Saturn tower swing arms, in four general sizes (for fuel tanks of 1.875m, 2.5m, 3.75m and 5m diameter), each with seven switchable umbilical connector types. There are also new BDB Saturn V arms with two different size options (for default and rescale sizes). Eventually the general type arms will vary more from the Saturn V ones they currently use as a base; this is a small step in that direction. > The individual flame hole inserts for the base have been eliminated. They have been replaced by a single square and rectangular switchable insert, both with multiple options. > The standard launcher base no longer has attach nodes for accessories like SRB hold-down arms and tail service masts, these are now in the new switchable inserts. > The tower base sections' elevators are now off by default, and have switchable maximum heights when turned on. The deploy limit slider can still be used to fine-adjust the stopping height. > The hold-down arms no longer can be retracted manually, retraction is only by staging via Animated Decouplers > What was the Type 1 and Type 2 hold down arms have been revised and renamed the Saturn V and Saturn IB Type B hold-down arm. The other hold-down arms have been renamed General Type [x]. > Two new hold arms have been added, a bottom-mount type and another one designed for the Saturn IB, the Type A. > New Saturn Milkstool with an integrated insert, i.e. switchable node and hold-down supports. > NOTE: Disable staging for any part (like swing arms) that is manually retracted, or move its staging icon into a stage above that of the launcher base, otherwise they will reset if staged. **General** > ALL OLD PARTS ARE NO LONGER LOADED BY DEFAULT. They are in a separate folder called "Old_Parts" that is outside of the Gamedata folder in the .zip file. If they are needed to prevent craft and save files from breaking, copy the "Parts" foder from "Old_Parts" into the ModularLaunchPads folder, and copy the contents of the "3D_Assets" folder from "Old_Parts" into the "3D_Assets" folder in ModularLaunchPads. > Old parts won't appear in any category or the tech tree, they are provided solely to prevent craft and save files breaking so the old parts can be replaced. This is the last time old parts will be included. > Saturn tower swing arms are now back in the Structural category. > Added v2.3.0 of B9PartSwitch for KSP v1.4.3 > Added MM patch file for Tundra Exploration, it adds a size 5 node below the bottom of the three first stage tanks for attaching a launch pad. > Revised the custom category, old parts were removed, new ones added.
  5. Excellent! Reminds me of the Saturn IC proposal, which would have replaced the IB's clustered fuel tanks and 8 H-1 engines with a single tank and one F-1 engine.
  6. Ahead of the v1.3 release, I've made and uploaded the new trailer to Youtube: This will be in the OP when the update is posted.
  7. I'm getting all the stuff assembled for the v1.3 update release, but then did a last-minute addition: I made the elevator in the Saturn tower base sections switchable, it's now off by default, and the max height can be switched to different values. This was mainly to make the base sections' part window icon actually visible now, as having the elevator at 63m made the icon very tiny, but it also makes adjusting the height with the deploy limit slider easier for shorter rockets.
  8. After discovering that launch clamps can indeed have other animations in them that aren't part of the clamp release one, I've revised the Russian Launch Stand yet again. The big multi-switching arm assembly was just too complex, and will no longer be used (or be an option), instead the launch stand will have a single adjustable fuel arm built into it. Two more fuel arms can be added separately. The crew elevator tower will be a separate part only. This has made for much less complexity, as most of the deploy limit sliders have been eliminated, leaving only those for the crew elevator, and they are confined to that part. Here's a dev demo of the new Russian Launch Stand, with the Tantares TLV rocket: I have a plan in mind to spin the launch clamp-type stands and pads into a separate mod. There would be much less modularity and configuration ability, but there would be a whole series of 1-part (or 1+1) launch stands and pads that would work as node-attached launch clamps. This Russian Launch Stand is now the prototype for them.
  9. Officially, no, because v1.2 of Modular Launch Pads uses B9PartSwitch for texture switching for the red and gray versions of the Saturn tower parts, and the KSP 1.2.2 versions of B9PS don't have that ability. V1.1 of Modular Launch Pads is still available on Spacedock. Now, it might be possible to load the v1.2 parts in KSP 1.2.2, but I can't verify that. Best case is that they load ok but there are only red versions available; worst case is that they don't load at all or even cause the game to crash.
  10. Finishing up details, like making the new bottom-mount hold-down arm have switchable sizes: Also added a 3x120° hold-arm arrangement for the square insert, intended for the Delta II with 9 GEM SRBs, and then made a hexagonal deck insert for them:
  11. It's not what I had originally envisioned, because B9PS does not move attach nodes, only turn them on/off. So instead of having the nodes for the booster hold-down arms move as the supports change (moving inward in two directions), I have to define all of them (64!) and separately switch on individual sets of four, that's the reason for that third switcher. Same deal with the core setup, all twelev options had to be done separately. The original idea was to: Select core size (5m, 3.75m, 2.5m, 1.875m), then core support arrangment (2x180° or two versions of 4x45°), then the booster supports (off or one of 4 sizes); the latter two options would be context-based on what core size was selected. It worked fine with just the mesh transforms (the actual support objects), but not for the nodes. I could have just put in one set of nodes for the core supports, and another for the boosters, but unlike the square insert the walls (and thus the flame "slot") of this insert change as the core size becomes smaller. That would have left those nodes outside the walls for the smaller sizes, which could cause confusion, and wasn't very elegant. Another idea was for the node-switcher to change both the core and booster nodes, which would make the .cfg way bigger.
  12. Thanks for the mention and nice words, @pTrevTrevs! Also nice to see the Saturn IB milkstool used for a non-Saturn IB launch
  13. Been working on the switchable rectangular insert for the Saturn launcher base, here's a WIP preview demo. Almost done, just have to finish defining the booster hold-down arm attach nodes in Unity.
  14. Oh, this is actually a few days old now, but I revised that alternate Saturn I/IB hold-down arm, it's now shorter, which meant it had to be made lower as well. Just didn't like having it and the support pad extending past the green ring. This may not have been obvious from that demo video, but that gray block at the end of arm retracts downward quickly as the arm begins to retract backward. This isn't at all like the actual Saturn IB hold-down--which is just two struts hooked into the bottom of the fin-but, you know, Rule Of Cool. I like giving these hold-down arms a little visual action rather than just sitting there, even though it probably goes unnoticed most of the time.
  15. I looked at those FASA Redstone clamps with Collide-O-Scope, and despite their appearance they are not actually hollow, there are just two large box filling up the ring: No wonnder bad things happen if you try to use them like how they look.
  16. @VoidryderThank you! I originally made these for my own Soyuz and Saturn V, since the idea of launching them without their distinctive--almost iconic--launch pads just seemed wrong. These are just the latest iterations, now available for all.
  17. Made another new hold-down arm, this one is designed for an 8x45° arrangement for the Saturn I/IB on the milkstool, now with a revised ring that has switchable node setups and hold-down supports.
  18. Yes, 1.3.1 versions of B9PartSwitch and Animated Decouplers are included. The Spacedock thing is just to keep it current with the latest KSP version.
  19. Almost-final version of the new switchable square insert, now with an option to turn on an inner deck:
  20. Working on a switchable square flame hole insert for the Saturn launcher base. The attach node+support configuration for the hold-down arms can be switched among various styles, and the supports have four different length and two width settings. A WIP demo: The rectangular insert will be next, it will also have switchable settings for SRB/LRB boosters of different sizes, e.g. a three 2.m stacks or a 2.m core with 1.875m boosters, and so on.
  21. OK, B9PartSwitch has a KSP 1.4.3 version out now, so I just put up v1.2.2 of ModularLaunchPads on Spacedock which includes the .zip for it. Kept the KSP 1.4.2 version as well for now. Not sure if this was actually necessary, but better be safe. Also included the MM patch for FASA. Changelog: 1.2.2 Added B9PartSwitch v2.3.0 for KSP 1.4.3 Added Module Manager patch file for FASA to the Patches folder. This adds a size 5 attach node to several meters below the bottom of the first stage tank of the Saturn V, Saturn IB and Titan II, and the main tank for the Atlas and Redstone. This node is used to attach the pad bases.
  22. Yep, and it's available for KSP 1.2.2/1.3.1 due to the efforts of Raidernick. The person who commented on my youtube said he uses FASA, and someone here also requested a FASA patch some time ago...I never got around to it until now; it was only five parts. I didn't actually load FASA, just looked at the .cfg files to find the tanks I needed, and put the new node several meters below the existing bottom node to account for engines and additional parts.
  23. Ok, due to a reply on my youtube channel, I made up a MM patch .cfg for FASA, similiar to the ones for BDB and TantaresLV. It adds a size 5 attach node to the first stage tanks of the Saturn V, Saturn IB and Titan II, and the primary tank for the Atlas and Redstone. Will be included in v1.3 of Modular Launch Pads, but it's available now on my Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ub05cks5dkmnzzr/FASA-MLP-Patches.zip?dl=0
  24. After spending a lot of time in Unity, I've decided to save that full bottom-mount assembly for other purposes (like the American Launch Stand and derivatives), and just use an arm by itself for the Saturn launcher base. The full thing just didn't fit in well with the square flame hole of the base, and it turned out that I would be using much of the square insert's structure anyway, so the bottom-mount arm is now simply another hold-down arm option. I will be adding switchable hold-down support/node options to the inserts to provide for different tank/stage size options, and only four general size options, not tank-specific ones, since the arm now can be moved in and out to fit a certain tank diameter. B9PS when used in node-group switching with the stackSymmetry value confnes the symmetry to just that group that was enabled, so KSP doesn't include other nodes when placing the part in symmetry. That opens up some useful switching combinations.
  25. Well, what was to be a quick update is taking a bit longer, as I keep adding stuff to v1.3 beyond the original simple partial revamp I had intended I'm going to add a bottom-mount hold down arm assembly for the Saturn pad. It's inspired by the one used by the Delta II, though mine as retracting attach struts and arm since it's much cooler visually. Will have switchable versions for 2.5m, 1.875m and 1.5m (BDB Delta II) tanks/engines, as well as a special one for the current BDB Atlas V, as the RD-180 engine for that isn't 2.5m at bottom of the housing. A pic of the 1.875m version with the BDB Titan II core: The 1.5m Delta II one will have only three arms, to fit with the typical 9x SRM configuration. A variation of this will also be included with the upcoming American Launch Stand.
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