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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. click to enlarge Proof that there are little green men on Mars
  2. Nah, doesn't work as nicely and I've had that just stop working during launches. It's also a pain to have to set the rigid/strut option on every single part. They should just auto enable them on everything and not need to have it in the GUI to begin with. Mage, would something like this be an option to enable boil-off or other options for your mod (like not using non-stock fuels)? It looks like a nice feature to change setting in-game for people not handy in changing cfg files.
  3. Try to set gimballing at 50% for launch and lower to around 10% along the way to orbit.
  4. Check for this in your persistent.sfs file (open with notepad etc). It's about 135 lines from the top just before the SCENARIO info starts. AdvancedParams { EnableKerbalExperience = False ImmediateLevelUp = False AllowNegativeCurrency = False PressurePartLimits = False GPartLimits = False GKerbalLimits = False KerbalGToleranceMult = 1 ResourceTransferObeyCrossfeed = False ActionGroupsAlways = False BuildingImpactDamageMult = 0.05 PartUpgradesInSandbox = False <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Set this to = True PartUpgradesInCareer = True }
  5. The gimballing issue came up in the 1.1.3 update, so it's not confined to 1.2 (but maybe it has gotten even worse, havent really compared yet). I need to tune down gimballing the higher I go into the atmosphere, starting at 100% and going down to around 10% before going into orbit. PS: Anyone seen this mod? Nice addition to the Shuttle it looks like. http://spacedock.info/mod/1011/Shuttle Payload Technologies
  6. Haha, thanks I made a version before to test the heat on longer burns, but basically just "moar radiators" as it was an excuse to finally use those huge fixed radiators. I could get away with 8 I think, but 16 looked so much cooler
  7. click to enlarge Descent over a beautiful Kerbinian aurora.
  8. Same here, performance is way down vs 1.1.3. Lots of "hickups" in flight and lower frame rates (GTX970+4790K+16GB), also some stalls in the VAB when copying parts.
  9. I'm having a hard time selecting parts to bring up the GUI. A lot of the times the parts will not turn green or be able to show the GUI. I have the rotate the craft or camera view a lot to get them to work again, sometimes even go to the space center and back to the craft.
  10. KerbodynePlus I think you mean. I have a patch to scale them down as they are freaking huge in the mod itself. I've not seen an update for this mod yet to 1.2, but if you want the patch files for a few smaller sizes, let me know.
  11. The shipcore D parts are placeholders I think, no textures to begin with despite others that went missing in the last version. Regarding station parts, they work fine except there are no longer any nose/mount options like in the 1.1.3 version.
  12. Ah okay, thanks for the confirmation. I had removed the LS mod, so they did not revert; I just changed the persistent files to get them back into slave labor. There goes my credibility as care-taker.
  13. Testing out the SSTU 1.2 WIP release with new spherical tanks and solar panels with translucent textures. Gorgeous!!!! click images to enlarge
  14. RoverDude, is it possible that USI LS changes the classification of kerbals somehow? Bill, Bob and Valentina are now listed as tourists after not having gotten anything to eat for a few days (greedy buggers!). I don't know when it happened (didn't notice it until I launched them and could not EVA with them), so I no longer have relevant logs.
  15. I'm too lazy for that. @PART[SSTU-SC-C-SM]:NEEDS[SSTU]:AFTER[SSTU] { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {maxThrust *= 5} }
  16. That was discussed before, but the thrust is scaled down the same as the other engines; the 27kN is real-world thrust. But this is why we have MM patches
  17. @W. Kerman I don't have scatterer or RVE installed on my RSS save, so I'm pretty sure it is stock.
  18. click to enlarge Testing out the new ScienceBox. KSP 1.2 stock Kerbin system with Stock Visual Enhancements (EVE + Scatterer + presets)
  19. My entire parts categories as well as the top menu bar (save/open/etc in VAB/SPH) sometimes disappear for a second or two. It's probably a stock bug.
  20. I'm afraid my modding skills end at MM patches.
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