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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. Yes i know. My mistake. Collective refers to throttle though. So you need it to do loops and fly inverted.
  2. Well your worked well because you use reaction wheels to control your attitude. When i say collective pitch i mean a helicopter that has it's attitude controlled solely by the angle of the blades. I think it would be more useful to script something that used the control surfaces in the swash to keep the craft level, because i am pretty sure SAS would do it pretty poorly. Also, that would give the craft auto-leveling which all other helis ATM don't have or don't have intentionally. Auto-level is a great learning tool for beginner RC Heli pilots so i dont see how it wouldn't help us flying in the game.
  3. I said that as a joke. I was hoping the "I'll bring the alcohol" comment would elude to that. Plus i even stated how they would have to completely redo the game, making fluid dynamics a impossibility. You said K"S"P jet engines would be 300 parts and take hours to build. Well real jet engine are composed of thousands of parts, take decades to develop, and cost a ton of money to built and develop. Take the Rolls Royce Olympus for example. R&R spent 10 years and 20 million dollars just to get the thing to run for the first time. SO by those standards, i think 300 parts and a couple of hours is absolutely reasonable for a game.
  4. I dunno could probably do some stuff. Aerobatics is one of the reason i was pursuing a collective pitch swash. So you could give the blades negative pitch and fly inverted and to tick tocks and some other ridiculous stuff.
  5. Ya exactly. When KSP finally gets fluid dynamics and we can build real jet engines it will be a day for celebration. I'll bring the alcohol. Side note: When they do finally add fluid dynamics they will also have to completely redo all the collision meshes for parts, the wheel system, the friction system, the part expansion system, and the RPM system. So that day is a long way away. We can hope though! I'm pretty sure the dev team consists of like 6 guys sitting in a room coding so if they had a bigger employment down-line stuff might get done way faster.
  6. i dunno man. its kinda hard to restrain kids like yourself maniacal laughter
  7. When you do the math, the circumference of Kerbin should be around 3,000 kilometers. But when actually doing a cirucmnavigation the ground distance reads closer to 6000 km. Weird.
  8. A while back i made a plane that had a small fuselage, small engines, and MASSIVE wings. That plane flew around Kerbin 7 times. I think i will try to scale up and replicate that design for use on a turboprop to see if it can fly further.
  9. oh no i've gone full retard never go full retard forgive me Very impressive! thats new internal tank record! I've hardly managed 700 kilometers! What was your average speed during the run? I noticed 180 m/s which is...like... amazing for a endurance run! I was flying at 150 m/s during mine!
  10. Theyre SAS bearings. not powered by jet engines. We've already went over this, SAS bearings dont fall under category of "turboprops." They are completely different.
  11. I hate when people say the wheels are "broken." They are not broken at all! Look at the stuff we've made with them! Wheel less bearings are far less efficient and under performing than wheeled bearings so i don't know what your talking about. Using 2 blowers is impossible to to lift a aircraft like Azimech's because only two provides no torque. It might work on a MUUUUCH smaller aircraft but not for anything "practical." I put "practical" in quotes because none of the stuff we've made here is practical.
  12. I didnt say it was practical. It was just a concept. Either way my initial testing was a failure anyway so forget all of that.
  13. I wonder if using KJR could actually create more compact engines that can run at higher RPM. Blade expansion is a serious limiting factor in RPM and thrust capabilities so being able to reduce it with a mod like KJR or hopefully some other way in stock might be beneficial. I've been thinking of concepts for engines based after the CFM International LEAP. I know it's not really to different than other turbofans but i was reading a lot about it and thought it would be a fun engine to base my stuff on.
  14. Ya we don't use KJR. It can actually cause performance limitations if combined with the right mods. As I have found.
  15. I discovered that a game crash while your warp drive is running renders it inert when you restart again. Making your ship marooned wherever it was when the game crashed. If this bug could be fixed that'd be great.
  16. Ya thanks that seemed to fix it. I think the safe altitude should be lower than 600K
  17. What altitude is "high enough" I'm at 100,000 meters right now
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