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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. Do you just speed up your video clips or do you actually get like 60 FPS with these planes. Also, you said the Azi-8 couldn't get off the ground...... BTW I love the cowling on the Focke-Wulfe
  2. Gosh darnit Azimech stop beating your own speed record! XD. Secondly, if my plane can get off the ground without changing the physics, why can't yours? Third, I agree with @Majorjim that changing the physics to make something work is cheating. HOWEVER, the changes squad made to the erro in 1.0 really sucked and changing the drag setting is really the only way to make high performance planes. I also changed my RPM limiter to 50 but I haven't been using it, as I never need to go above 25-30 RAD/s to get something to work. I firmly think squad should just reduce the weight of parts. As the current weight of say, an I-beam, I unrealistically high. That would make getting planes off the ground much easier. They could also improve the spaghetti joints and make collisions between wheels and other vessels better.
  3. @The Optimist No not really, as mine works with 1 engine and has a geared transmission.
  4. @SpannerMonkey Did you use tweakscale? If so, try making a engine without tweakscale and that other mod. Stock engines are harder to make but if you put more time into it, it will probably perform better in the end.
  5. Ive just gotta say, that's flippin sick man. I dream of stuff like this!
  6. Another thing you can do, is have the tail closer to the ground. This can make takeoffs much easier and quicker. You may also want to try tilting your wings dihedrally and tilting the trailing edge a couple degrees toward the ground for more deflection during flight, which makes the plane kind of "float" at very low speeds.
  7. Current project = Stock turboshaft cars. My initial prototype actually works a lot better than expected. You can check it out on KerbalX for more info, specs, and download.
  8. Use structural I-beams for the fuselage and the bigger cubic octagonal pieces. Also, shorten the fuselage and make a custom tail plain, if you make it a tail dragger it will get off the ground easier.
  9. Ya just the engine is 30 tons, but the rest of the plane has some serious weight reduction and brings the total weight of the BeeGee MK2 to 40 tons. Another thing, maybe if you got rid of all the aesthetics on the chakora it would go faster because less weight. Just an idea. How does BDA have any effect on turboprops?
  10. I use 64 Junos around a 30 ton frame, but its not all about blowers. Try lightening the drive shaft and optimizing your prop pitch.
  11. have a long tail and make sure that your tail gear can steer. if you need to, hold "S" while your doing your takeoff to keep your rear wheel on the ground, until your going fast enough for the rudder to have any effect. You could also reverse the rotation of your shaft, so that it will head off into the field next to the runway and not cause any harm.
  12. My engine is also A LOT larger than yours. If you want to go faster i suggest making bigger engines.
  13. I like your new plane. Very compact.

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    1. erasmusguy


      Thanks! It's a lot smaller than the type of turboprops I made back in 0.90. Thought it might be faster for it, but not really. 

    2. Gman_builder


      Ya 1.0+ has been great for a lot of stuff, accept for the fact that it has almost ruined turboshafts. :P

  14. Dude i've been trying to beat your speed record ever since the Chakora was released.
  15. In a real helicopter, a swashplate angles the blades on one side of the rotor head to produce more thrust on one side of the aircraft. Therefore it moves opposite to where the thrust is produced. (I.E. Thrust on right side of aircraft makes it roll left) KSP helicopters currently work very different from real life, and if we can't make movable swashplates we will have to find a way to make the entire heli move without breaking the head.
  16. I had problems with to much forward pitch in @EpicSpaceTroll139's mini heli and his super tiny turboprop. They both have the same problem with the antennas clipping through the thermometers. I was talking to Koro for a little bit on the server, and he said it was all you lol
  17. I have downloaded many off the internet and built my own, but one problem I keep running into, is the antennas clipping through the thermometers and breaking the engine. If you have a solution for this I would love to hear it! When you mirror turboprop subassemblies.... well, all I can say is that the kraken strikes.... and strikes HARD. This is why its hard to make reliable turbojets. The blades inside expand to much under high RPM and hit the frame or blower, making bad things happen.
  18. What mod did you use to make the map of your journey?
  19. By the way. On a propeller plane, as in piston or turboprop, the props spin at between 4k and 8k RPM. But a helicopter's rotor on average spin around 400 RPM which equates to about 40 RAD/s. So helicopter rotor blades in KSP actually spin at a closer speed to real life than turboprops do.
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