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    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. The next Star Wars movie will be called 'The Last Jedi'


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    2. adsii1970


      I can see it now: Star Wars XIII  - The Sith Returns, followed by Star Wars XIV: The Gathering of the Sith, followed by Star Wars XV: The Demise of the Jedi

    3. max_creative


      Star Wars CDVI: Error: 404 Good Name Not Found. 

      Star Wars M: We ran out of good names after XXVI.

      Star Wars W: W means 1,000,000,000,000,000. We had to make that up. Also, the sun exploded a few billion years ago and we're still making movies. 

      Star Wars Q: The end of Star Wars. 

      Star Wars QI: the last few hundred people in the universe are going to get stuck in a black hole. We are sending out these probes hoping that someone finds one. 

      A few billion years later in the Kraken spiral arm of the Andromeda Galaxy... 

      Jeb: Hey look! A probe full of movies! 

      Bill: The War Stars IV movie was actually good! The others weren't. :( 

    4. adsii1970


      IV was so bad... had bad physics to boot. Death Star II could not have been tidally locked on Endor's forest moon as the movie tries to claim. Even if it had a normal orbit, it would have been shredded by the gravitational tug between the moon and the planet...

      Not to mention that, but when the Death Star II exploded, it would have destroyed the surface of that same moon because of the sheer amount of debris and the explosive force of the reactor destruction...

      Then there's the whole thing of the Emperor...and his clone... that was supposedly "book canon" yet discarded in the movie... among other problems. There would have been a new grand moff - appointed after the death of Tarkin, who presided over the governors under the Galactic Empire. Even if Vader did kill the Emperor, the Grand Moff would have become the next emperor and still in charge of a huge imperial fleet...

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