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    Engineering Student
  • Location
    Setting course for Rocheworld
  • Interests
    Gloria in astra caput
    Lets head to the stars

    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. I have a website now! What do you guys think?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      I don't know why, but I can never tell the difference between fair-skinned South Americans and Eastern Europeans. It's kind of strange that I can't tell the difference.

      Wait a second, does this mean you can speak Spanish/Portuguese?

    3. Spaceception


      I can count to ten in Spanish.


      By 'Southern American', I meant 'Southern US American'

    4. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      Oh haha. Usually people say "from the south" and I get the idea. "Southern American" is another way of putting it I guess. Just looks and sounds an awful lot like "South American"

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