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  • About me
    Engineering Student
  • Location
    Setting course for Rocheworld
  • Interests
    Gloria in astra caput
    Lets head to the stars

    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. I'm taking a look at some of my early posts trying to jog my memory of one of them... sorry for being an idiot. :P:confused:

    1. daniel l.

      daniel l.

      Forgiven. :)

      I have some pretty silly posts from my newbie days as well.

    2. NSEP


      My early posts are embarrassing too.

      But look who we are now!

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