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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. You know your sig, and that link of yours?





    I hate you :D

    1. Tex Mechs Robot

      Tex Mechs Robot

      haha rick rolling is still alive and well :-)

  2. When I was 11, my scout troop went to Oregon for summer camp, now, I was never interested in spaceflight before then, I was more into art, but one of the merit badges they were offering was 'Space exploration' so I gave it a shot, I still didn't know much about it at the end of the week, but i did get to fly my model rocket 2 times, and after that, I've been absolutely hooked on pretty much everything space, and I really want a career in it. I also watched Star Wars. I absolutely suck at math though
  3. Guesswhowillreplynext.exe Not working, windows is working to find a solution to the problem. @max_creative
  4. You know, I imagined you to be in your early 30s.
  5. I just stuck a decoupler on the back (Reaction wheels are your best friend by the way, so when you're ready to land you can move quickly), and I rotated the rover until I could launch it without having to relearn the controls.
  6. I'm definitely not old, I'm around the youngest here, but I am going to be 18... In less than 2 years
  7. How did I land a manned rover on the Mun? First I slowed down all of my lateral velocity, then I go sideways so the rover wheels are facing the ground, then I slow down using the Monoprop engines that are positioned so that the center of Mass and thrust is in the center are lined up. Then I land
  8. Yesterday, I decided to cheat, and I built a small rocket that carried Jeb to Duna and back with infinite fuel/electricity, and no overheating. Finishing the mission didn't feel good though, so I guess I'm just not going to cheat anymore, or only for testing.
  9. I only have crashes when there's a particularly explosive staging/ascent/reentry, spend too long in the VAB, leave it be for a few minutes w/o doing anything, or build a rocket that's too big. Most of my problems comes from bad lag. Otherwise, it runs just fine, but it is stressful doing big manned stuff, because I don't know if it's going to just lag, or crash at an important moment, so quicksave is my very best friend. But I hope that those who get more frequent crashes gets it fixed soon, in all cases, fly carefully!
  10. That would be great. On a planet with 80% of Earth's gravity, and .64 Atmospheres, what would be the Kármán line, MaxQ, and SOI? It doesn't have to be exact, just a ballpark.
  11. If you're doing it manually, and you just opened up a fresh PM, the moment you press "@" Press the letter of the person you want to send, and keep spelling the name until you find their name, that's for when you're messaging multiple people. But if you want to make it easier to PM someone, just go to their profile, and press "message"
  12. Yeah, I didn't know this existed until like a month after I joined
  13. Hi everyone! I know I'm almost 8 months late with this, but I just wanted to say hello because I didn't do that when I joined back in October!!!
  14. Alright, I'll add you to the PM when I finish the first chapter
  15. There's a gas dwarf in a 68 day orbit, both have 2 Moons each, and there's a Mars sized trailing object, the main gas giant has an orbital period of nearly 3 years.
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