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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Okay that's the file next to corona, and under 'orbit', right? I'm just making sure so I don't break anything
  2. So, this series will have to be put on hold for awhile, I just deleted all of my mods because something in the game broke and I couldn't play it. So I'm going to wait for all the mods to update before I continue.
  3. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures I thought the hotfix worked, it said there was already a heba file, so I overwrote it, but it's still 9,459,999,000,000,000 meters away. I didn't put in EVO because I don't have any environmental mods, should I have put that in to? EDIT: I realized that I might be coming off as pushy, and I don't want too come across as that, sorry.
  4. Thank you ~~~9,000,000,000,000,000 meters is really far
  5. So, @AndrewDrawsPrettyPicturesValentine is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR I've been playing ALL DAY, and I'm not even 1/9 of the way there!! I got a timewarp mod, to speed things up a little, and I might need to turn on Infinite fuel/electricity, because it'll run out looooong before I get there. Is there any way you can make it at least 4x closer? Because at this rate, it's going to take me over a week to get there just waiting through 100x timewarp. Or did you intend for it to be a (Sorta) Proxima analog w/o Alpha cen A/B? Anyway, here's some screenshots;
  6. A 'planet' 170x the mass of Jupiter? That theory also crumbles, an object would need to be 75x Jupiter mass to become a star, this would be more than twice that, it would definitely make the star wobble, and we would be able to see its infrared and even its visible light signatures.
  7. Okay Mini-update, I will begin the series in the next couple days, and I'll start with unkerballed exploratory vessels first, screenshots galore hopefully, and maybe videos at some point. Also, even with timewarp at max, and warp drive on 100%, I think it'll take a decent amount of time to get to Valentine O_o But I'll do my best. I've also made a cargo plane for habitats, but that needs a lot of work, for one thing, I can't maneuver it, but let's be honest here, I'm crap at plane building/flying, tips?
  8. I know, I know, I was caught up in stuff, and never got the chance, sorry
  9. Ooooh, what's the possible size? And how many transits were seen?
  10. If your ship is the size of infinity, I doubt a large part is at the destination, more like impossibly tiny in comparison
  11. @K^2 Didn't they rule out stars because they would've seen the infrared signature already? Unless it's an old one.. Adding to this! What if it was a almost dead, cold brown dwarf that got captured, and destroyed a planet in/near the HZ, creating the dense Asteroid belt? EDIT Actually, that doesn't hold up either, I think they reported not seeing a wobble indicating brown dwarfs or anything larger. A captured, but extremely bloated/low density gas giant could be the answer, but again, it'd be a stretch. (I assume you already know this, I'm just laying out my thought process) A planet the size of Jupiter would block 1% for a sunlike star, this star's bigger than the sun, so to get just a 1% dip, you would need a planet larger than Jupiter. The asteroid belt/destroyed planet thing could hold up, weird dips could indicate bits of light getting through, but wasn't there weird dips on the smaller dips as well? Large eccentric orbiting moons could explain it, but even still, it's unlikely. I mean, a Dyso- NO SPACECEPTION.
  12. Ahhh, new planet candidates, I have to say, I mostly pay attention to the one's in the HZ, but I'm really excited for all of these news, always cool whenever I see you posted something here
  13. I don't think so. It'd be a pretty big coincidence that a few objects in the Oort cloud just happened to line up to pass in front of this star, what is it, every 2 years or so? It's definitely in that system.
  14. Well, the purpose would be to provide possible explanations for them to test more thoroughly, but I can see where you're coming from.
  15. You mean like, a- NO SPACECEPTION, DON'T SAY IT!! Ahem, sorry for that. I agree with both you and Streetwind, and this thing must be really crazy, but what if it was debris, from an al- NO I'M NOT GOING THERE. We really have to think outside the box to figure this out, maybe we could set up a huge chat and have everyone throw in their craziest ideas (That doesn't include you-know-who), then we break them down one by one, and mold them with other ideas until we have something that could make sense. It could be overseen/helped by astronomers working on it, we could name it the chat, W T F is this Get it?
  16. So, we finally got it nailed? Could the uncertainty be caused by a further out planet?
  17. Hey, so, future summer project, I'm thinking about starting a small blog on my website, nothing much, 1-2 posts a month, and I was wondering what topics I should cover in relation to advanced technology, and (Mainly) space travel.

    For one thing, I'd like to talk about why Nuclear energy isn't that bad, and another post about an old project about future spaceflight, think Orion or Daedalus, and what it would've looked like if we went ahead with it, and what changes would've needed to be made to said projects for it to work.

    1. cratercracker


      Maybe solar lifting? (gazering energy from parent star)

    2. Spaceception


      Good idea, since we don't really know how to put that into practice, it could be a series where I look at crazy megastructure ideas :)

    3. NSEP


      Awesome, im exited for it.

  18. Your collection is the complete opposite of awful, these are great! I love minimalist designs.
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