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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. It's pretty cool but Lilium (I think that's how you spell it) has a flying car, that actually looks like a flying car, but this is also sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
  2. Back in 2015, Yuri Milner gave $100 million for a new project called, breakthrough listen, and it got millions of 'hits' from 692 nearby stars, 11 of which rose to significance but aren't likely to be of Alien origin. Between now, and when if ends in the coming decade, the team it plans to publish results every 6 months. The results will be published in the Astrophysical journal. All data http://blpd0.ssl.berkeley.edu/lband2017/Lband_BL_SETI_Submitted_Draft.pdf The 11 hits https://seti.berkeley.edu/lband2017/index.html News article http://www.businessinsider.com/breakthrough-listen-first-detection-results-2017-4?utm_content=buffer3b7df&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-ti
  3. *Inserts some philosophical question about what pain is, and what it means to different people* If you mean physical pain, then, yeah, I guess, but mental pain can (At least sometimes) help you improve over time, so you don't make the same mistake, yadda yadda.
  4. I like that idea, maybe the mods can implement part of it.
  5. I'm doing camp NaNo, and it's hard, I was only able to keep that pace for 2 weeks where I wrote ~35.5k words from April 1st to April April 14th, where I got REALLY stuck on chapter 17, since then I've written around 3k words total, and I'm still trying to pick up the slack. Before I pushed myself for NaNo, I finished around 2-3k words every week or so, but I have a lot of free time, so it'd be a lot less if I had a job.
  6. Alright, thanks, I got that 'average' from this site: http://physics.ucr.edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node19.html Guess it was wrong, anyway time to vaporize some aliens And a tenth of what you'd need to blow up mercury? I'd hate to see what it does to Ceres...
  7. I used this calculator (http://www.csgnetwork.com/kineticenergycalc.html), and, it's Newtonian I believe.
  8. Wow... are my numbers wrong, or are they higher than the Earth's rotational energy? Btw, for context, that's an averaged mass Asteroid at 20% the speed of light.
  9. So... 9.375 x 1033 Joules What's the total energy compared to The dino asteroid Earth's rotational energy (I think it's much higher, not 100% on that) And the world's nuclear arsenal. I've tried to figure it out myself, but I can't.
  10. My actual research right now Just killed off a few billion aliens, whoopsies.
  11. I'm going to paste this on notepad so I can look it over from time to time if that's alright with you
  12. Idk, maybe they're still working out the ESI or something, it still says 'the site will be updated, etc etc'
  13. Happy birthday to me, I'm now seventeen :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nailed it!

      Nailed it!

      Feliç aniversari!:D

      (It means happy birthday in Catalan)

    3. Spaceception


      Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys :D

    4. daniel l.
  14. I have the first 250 words of my book (It'll probably get more edits though) what do you guys think? Any tips to improve it? 2313 Mimas spaceport, in a trailing orbit above Saturn. The air was thick with the scent of smoke, as rioters lit the clothes of people from Earth and Mars on fire from their lack of help over low resources, and severe overpopulation. The riots had been getting worse over the past few months, and didn’t look like they were getting better. Raven looked at them in a mixture of shock and bitterness as several people grabbed the naked workers and started beating them. The next thing she knew, she was a child again, watching her father get beaten to death by rioters. Full of pent up rage, she ran over to the shouting crowd, and threw one of the rioters off of the man and towards the ground, she looked at the men they were attacking, they all had bloodied faces. She bent over, and tried helping one of them up, but was punched from behind and knocked over from one of them. She looked up at the assailant, holding her now bleeding ear. “Are you really going to defend those stand-up guys?” he shouted. He was about to punch her again when Morales, her pilot, grabbed him, “They’re letting us die!” he shouted, “And they don’t give a damn about it!” he looked like he was going to say more, but Morales jabbed him in the nose. She heard a loud crack that signaled he broke it before throwing him to the ground.
  15. Videos; The one below was made shortly after it was announced. And something on AI
  16. Here it is, the 36k odd word piece all about the new company. Neuralink and the Brain's Magical Future. http://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html
  17. Heyo everyone, while on a road trip yesterday, I had an idea for a weird but potentially awesome planet, and it follows as so; The planet is however big it needs to be, but I imagine it'd be bigger than Earth. What makes this planet exotic, is that it has some highly dense atmosphere or dense fluid that water could sit on top of (Supercritical CO2? Idk), with either pockets, or an entire ocean of liquid water above that, and a regular, thinner (But extremely humid) atmosphere above the water. I just woke up, so forgive me if this is completely stupid, but could it work? If it's impossible to form naturally, could it at least be possible with a sufficiently advanced alien society? Are elements of this possible? It's for Infinitum, so I'm fine with some inaccuracies.
  18. Guysguysguysguysguysguysguysguys!! I have a mentor in teenpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just so excited
  19. @ProtoJeb21 I don't know if this is right or not, but I think the gravity is 33.17 m/s, or over 3x the gravity of Earth. Have fun on that planet!
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