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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Ahh! Even though I can't watch it, I'm so excited!
  2. Nice! I can't wait to see it Looking forward to it!
  3. Hype train at full power Also, I won't bee able to watch the stream (Limited data wifi right now, boo!) so I'm counting on you guys
  4. A: Yay! You're back! B: Those are some good points you raised, hopefully SpaceX changes more than the name.
  5. So, I think I'm going to make TCBW a quadiligy instead of a trilogy, to tie up loose ends between the second and third novels.

    1. electricpants


      I think it would still be a trilogy, since as far as I know, a trilogy is just a set of books, movies, games, etc.

    2. Spaceception


      A Trilogy is three books, and a Quadilogy is four.

  6. I've finished over 1.6k words on chapter 7 of TCBW! It coming a bit slow, since I'm not very good with the type of scene you will be reading, but it's starting to come together :)

  7. The Voyage Through Time has been (IDK, temporarily) renamed The Time Sleeper:

    In the year 2051, a brilliant physicist and engineer builds a Cyropod that allows him to stay in stasis for a hundred years without aging. After boosting into orbit, he steps inside, and locks himself away for a century, where he wakes up in 2152.
    Expecting fame and glory when he wakes, he is shocked to find out humanity has nearly wiped itself out. Desperate for supplies, he lands on the surface, and finds himself a prized slave to ruthless dictators who are willing to kill anyone without remorse.
    With no way of traveling in the past, and the remnants of humanity on the edge of another war, which could wipe them out for good, he must rise a rebellion against them.
    Or risk nuclear annihilation.


    1. NSEP


      Why did you have to rename it?

    2. Spaceception


      Because he's not exactly traveling to the future, he's just sleeping, for me, it didn't fit.

  8. So, uh, Elon has launched a new company, Neuralink: http://nerdist.com/elon-musk-founds-new-company-neuralink-to-turn-us-all-into-cyborgs/ Quote from the article; But the actual neural lace is the moonshot idea; the longer-term, more groundbreaking goal like SpaceX’s trip to Mars or Tesla’s production of a vast fleet of electric self-driving vehicles. In the near-term, it seems the goals of the company are far less sci-fi, and deal with technologically treating neurological disorders like depression or epilepsy with brain-machine interfaces. Sources haven’t apparently given out much detail about what Neuralink may produce in the next few years, but it seems that near-term products may include brain implants built with more basic neurostimulators (a.k.a. “brain pacemakers”), like those used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Also, new WBW article soon! Discuss!
  9. Wow, less than a month later, and we're back! now we have 51 planets outside of the solar system that could support life, and both have high ESI's. The first, and most Earthlike one is GJ 3323b or LHS 1723, which is 17.4 ly away, PHL doesn't have distance though, that's what wikipedia says. This planet is probably 2x the mass of Earth, and 1.3x the radius, it receives about 20% more light than Earth, and orbits every 5.4 days, with an ESI of .89, making it the second most Earthlike planet to date after TRAPPIST-1d The parent star is M4 type, with .164x the mass of the Sun, and .119x the radius with a temperature of 3159K. http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/GJ 3323 b/ The second planet, is GJ 273b, or as it's probably more commonly known, Luyten's Star b, which is about 12.4 ly away. The planet is probably about 2.9x the mass of Earth, and 1.4x the radius of the Earth, it also receives about 20% more light than Earth, and orbits once every 18.6 days, with an ESI of .86, making it the sixth most Earthlike planet to date. The parent star is M3 type, with .29x the mass of the Sun, and .293x the radius of the Sun, with a temperature of 3382K http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/GJ 273 b/ And, one thing to note, there are now eight planets within 20 ly that could support life, 3 of which, are extremely Earthlike, in terms of ESI. http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog
  10. The life is deep underground, shielded from pretty much everything, only after a cave expedition starts showing strange readings, do they find it. Also, colonization is still in full force, and isn't finished, also terraforming has only been in the works for nine years, and they've mostly just made plans. Haven't heard of that, (I'm sorry to all of you but I don't watch anime!) but there's no 'false utopia' like in Divergent or whatever, it's rundown, corrupted, dirty, and extremely dangerous. But thanks Yeah, if I write it, it's going to need a load of research. That video is ridiculously long. Good idea! I've read that, I might loosely base it off of it. Well, maybe steampunk without spaceflight, and limited airflight. Also, never heard of that. But the protag is a medical/biotech student who builds a device that can control people's bodies against their will, like bloodbending (Avatar/Korra, is the closest thing I've watched that's probably anime) , or like I said earlier, Imperio, (Look up 'Sufficiently advanced' on YT, he builds a similar device, but it needs a controller, and the person actually needs to wear the helmet), Also, check the OP for The Voyage Through Time (Now The Time Sleeper) update
  11. Chapter 5 of TCBW is up! Personally, it's my favorite chapter so far, stuff is getting good :)

    1. Spaceception


      OH! And I almost forgot, I've also finished ~500 words on Chapter 7, (That's taking forever, but it's getting there) and I'm just 4k words from the 40k word count mark!

    2. adsii1970


      Congrats! I know it is a good feeling to get a chapter done.

  12. My USA chant is already fighting to break loose.
  13. So, as some of you know, I'm working on a website, it stills needs a lot of work, but how is it so far?


    1. cratercracker


      Looks very nice!

    2. NSEP


      Nice! Will check it out when finished/released.

    3. Nailed it!

      Nailed it!

      Cool! You should add the gas planet from TCBW or the human ship Infinitum, just to make it nicer.

      Just an idea :wink:

  14. known for Exoplanets, lots, and lots of Exoplanets
  15. Okay, so after a lot of thought, I think I'm going to write 'The Voyage through time' (The title will be renamed later) instead of 'Genesis' (Because I don't know how the story will flow yet), it'll be 2-3 books, and will take place in the 2040s or 50s, haven't decided yet. I'll begin work/outlining/research when Infinitum is finished, and begin writing when the first book of TCBW is finished, and I'm working on the second. Also, read an updated OP.
  16. Thanks! I'm working on it. And to everyone else, I am no longer taking betas for the PM.
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