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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I've finished chapter 7 of Infinitum, what do you guys think of the pacing and plot development, and everything? Feedback would be cool
  2. Chapter 7 of Infinitum is finished, check it out :)


  3. Wow, we're here, that was quick, I'm now 1/4 of the way finished with Infinitum, 25.8k words out a planned minimum of 100k words, or 28 planned chapters. Your guy's support has been awesome, and greatly appreciated, without the forums, I don't think I would've ever started writing without them. So a big thank you to anyone who's even read a chapter of my work, I will be updating here, and on my profile as I continue, and I really hope I can get this published. Btw, this ended up being longer than planned, 4.2k words total, I expected around 3.5k. So here's Chapter 7, A new home Also, can you guys tell me if the chapter titles are good or not? I may also be posting chapter titles as I finish them
  4. Uh, honestly can't tell if you're joking or not (I've heard that tune elsewhere) but I think you may be talking about 'Holwling for you' by the black keys..
  5. Just got back from Johnson Space Center :D I got to walk inside of the Independence replica.

    1. NSEP


      Woah, nice. You live in the US?

    2. Spaceception


      Yeah, my dad had to go to Houston for work (No, not NASA), and we went to Johnson. We actually live in Atlanta.

    3. Spaceception


      I also got a shirt that says 'Come to the dork side, we have π'

  6. Still looking for 1 person for the beta-reader PM Leave a comment if you want it, you'll see all drafts, and will be the first to see major updates.
  7. Almost finished with Chapter 7 of Infinitum!

    I would've been done with it yesterday, but I rewrote some of it because it didn't feel right :P

  8. @sal_vager What does 'Days won' mean?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. legoclone09


      It's the new Leaderboard section. How many times you've been in top 3 or 4 for rep gained per day it seems.

    3. sal_vager


      I wonder what other new stuff we got from that update.

    4. legoclone09


      Yeah. Wonder if there's a changelog.

  9. Thanks And, small request, can you remove the chapter from your quote? All you need to do is click on the box a couple times and backspace.
  10. One week until a possible booster re-flight!
  11. Chapter 6 of Infinitum is up :D


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Spaceception


      Almost 3k words on Chapter 7, and almost 25k overall :)

    3. Spaceception


      @NSEP I didn't realize you asked me a question...

      Anyway, I'm a Boy Scout, so I talk to people my age once in a while, and I have you guys to talk to :)

    4. NSEP
  12. Chapter 6! Now, you might be wondering, why is this text red? Well, one section in the chapter (You'll know it when you see it... I hope) might be fine, or it might not be, and I really need your guy's opinion. Anyway enjoy Also, over 21.5k words finished
  13. 1.3k words finished on the sixth chapter!

  14. Some pics, we all love those beauty shots
  15. There's life out there, IMO we're going to find it before 2025 with advanced telescopes like the James Webb, and E-ELT
  16. So, after some consideration, I've decided I'll only put up the first 7 chapters up, and the first two 2nd draft chapters up when they're finished. I'll still do progress updates, however, and publishing updates when the book is complete, and I'm looking to publish it. @Findthepin1@TotallyNotHuman_@Andem@ProtoJeb21 & @Atlas2342, you guys will still see the full novel, every draft so I can get tips on how to improve it
  17. So, after some consideration, I've decided that I'm only going to put the first 7 chapters up here, and once I'm done with the 2nd draft, I'll put the first two revised chapters up. I'll still do progress updates, however, and publishing updates when the book is complete, and I'm looking to publish it. @KAL 9000 @0111narwhalz You two will still see the full book, every draft, so I know how I'm going to improve it, and to everyone else, I'll give two more spots in the PM, the first 2 to ask can get added
  18. I'm working on a website, I need a business E-mail, among a couple other things, I'll release it after NaNoWriMo, by then, more than half of Infinitum/TCBW should be finished :)

    I'll also be turning my Facebook account into a page.

  19. Yeah, I haven't seen that series in a long time, but the moment I started reading it, I was like, I know I've seen this be- Star Trek Enterprise, pilot episode!
  20. Back up a moment here.... This was a reused first stage? If not, sorry, I just woke up.
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