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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. @ProtoJeb21 I don't know if this is right or not, but I think the gravity is 33.17 m/s, or over 3x the gravity of Earth. Have fun on that planet!
  2. A new planet has been found orbiting a red dwarf star, it's estimated to have 7x the mass of Earth, and 1.4x the radius of Earth, so it could have a large iron core, and possibly a strong magnetic field, it orbits every 25 days, and receives about half the amount of sunlight compared to what Earth gets Now we're just waiting for it to appear on the PHL list https://futurism.com/scientists-just-discovered-an-alien-planet-thats-the-best-candidate-for-life-as-we-know-it/ http://gizmodo.com/trappist-1-has-some-serious-new-competition-for-best-pl-1794423297
  3. Ugh, sorry for the lack of updates. So far, 62k words have been written overall. I'm working on Chapter 17. Chapter 1 is undergoing heavy revisions for the writing contest I mentioned. I have a website: https://spaceception.wixsite.com/spaceceptionwriter I have a Critique Partner. And I'll find out tomorrow if I get a mentor from said writing contest. Holy crap a lot of stuff is happening at the same time
  4. You're a mod!? When was this!? New mods are just popping outta nowhere!

  5. Just to the point that I can write accurately. Oh crap, forgot to update. I'm actually getting help from an author (Who's given birth' who's also giving me tips, so you guys can keep this thread going if you have anything to add
  6. I have a website now! What do you guys think?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      I don't know why, but I can never tell the difference between fair-skinned South Americans and Eastern Europeans. It's kind of strange that I can't tell the difference.

      Wait a second, does this mean you can speak Spanish/Portuguese?

    3. Spaceception


      I can count to ten in Spanish.


      By 'Southern American', I meant 'Southern US American'

    4. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      Oh haha. Usually people say "from the south" and I get the idea. "Southern American" is another way of putting it I guess. Just looks and sounds an awful lot like "South American"

  7. Thanks for all of the replies, especially, @Red Iron Crown, @Camacha, and @Gargamel, I really appreciate it.. @ZooNamedGames You can shoot me a PM
  8. Uhhhh, this is for my novel............. And uh, you guys wouldn't happen to know how to make it realistic, do you? Some of you guys mention having kids, so I assume you know what it's like, any tips on how to write it? Yeah... This is an awkward post to make, but I'm cringing hardcore at what I'm writing so far, and I need help.
  9. Erm, not trying to be political, but what if that bomb killed innocent people? It wasn't a test, and I get that it did kill some of its targets, but still, a mile wide blast radius? What if a innocent family was caught in that blast radius?
  10. I'm so excited!! Also, I know it's in the sci-space section, I clicked on the wrong thing, sorry
  11. Wait... When did you become a moderator? Congrats btw :)

    1. septemberWaves


      It was quite recently. And thanks.

  12. So... I'm not 100% sure if this thread belongs here, but I was wondering, what sort of entertainment would colonists have to occupy themselves with? If they have cards, would they still be playing Go Fish, or Speed, or Poker? What about chess? I know a lot of writers like to spice it up, but would they be contempt with regular chess? What kind of music would they listen too? Would they watch movies and tv? What about more recreational stuff? Do you see interstellar colonists dozens of light years away from Earth enjoying a game of pool? Or Foosball? I've been reading this article (http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/futuregames.php), but I was wondering what else there could be, would they play games they have today? What about alien games? We meet an alien civilization that's aqautic, what kind of games would they play? What about betting? Money might be completely different, it could possibly be used on vastly different things since stuff like food, water, and shelter would automatically be given to colonists, in exchange for work. What are your thoughts? Btw, this is for my WIP Infinitum... soooooo, replies would be nice
  13. You're evil. I like you. Interstellar Enceladus. Globular But if you reeeeeeealy want to have fun..
  14. New update!!! I'm doing 'TeenPit' which is a contest for teens between 10th and 12th grade, and I have my 50 word pitch, and first 250 words On the writing side, I'm working on Chapter 15, and have 56.3k words completed, and 30.3k words overall for NaNo.
  15. A good pointer to life outside of Earth. Also, if we do find life, would it be considered exotic, or Earthlike?
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