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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Who's going to Mars in the 2040s like me?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dman979


      100k/yr. isn't much if you're married. I'd like to go, but I won't.

    3. The Raging Sandwich

      The Raging Sandwich

      Oh please, become an Orion astronaut and go in the 30s!

    4. legoclone09


      ^implying Orion will work


  2. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships, physics and math behind fantasy and science fiction. https://www.amazon.com/Wizards-Aliens-Starships-Physics-Fantasy/dp/0691147159
  3. You just make an account, there's not much to it, and it's easy to join, then you just follow people and stories.
  4. As long as I can still play KSP, I'd like that, because, it would definitely happen to me
  5. Well, they sometimes exterminate an entire civilization, unless they pull themselves through, then most of the civilization dies out, so I guess it depends on your POV/
  6. Yes, exoplanet hunting telescopes get developed much earlier, as you can expect, it was hard finding the first planets, but after awhile, the had their candidates.
  7. CinemaSins you mean? I watch them, they're pretty good, but sometimes, the 'sins' don't make sense.
  8. If there is a surgery, I hope it's not too bad. But hey! Now you can work on being ambidextrous Get well soon, hope it doesn't hurt, I broke my right elbow a few years back, it wasn't fun, luckily, I'm left handed.
  9. I dunno why, but this is the best one, imagining that in the game.
  10. So don't land, punch a hole through the ice from orbit, and drop a sub, you technically didn't land
  11. I've made some posts that make me question my intelligence.
  12. I think this is the first show I've actually been addicted too, I can't stop thinking about it! I keep thinking of alternate endings to the last episode, and what season 2 will be like. GAH, JUST RELEASE SEASON 2 ALREADY. I (Almost, but not quite) regret watching it before the series was finished, I really want season 2 to come out. I've also heard a rumor it's coming out early next year, fingers crossed
  13. I finished it this morning, and got halfway through again. Tomorrow morning I'm going to finish it
  14. Best TV series I've seen so far, I'm already rewatching the series. can't wait for season two
  15. Which one is you? That's pretty cool by the way Aside from failing to dock... I bingewatched Stranger things
  16. Wish granted, you implode the universe I wish I had a powerful new high end laptop.
  17. Stranded on Eve, because I forgot to make sure he wasn't on the list of Kerbonauts on the ship.
  18. While the upper atmosphere of Venus could have some form of bacterial life, I think it's more likely for Titan to have life, for one, it doesn't even need to be on the surface (Even though, we have theorized that life could exist on the surface), Titan is thought to have an underground ocean, so even if the surface doesn't have life, remember, Titan has a lot of organics, a lot could've seeped into the underground ocean, and BOOM! Life!. Although, on the other hand, I think it's too early to rule anything out, we should send probes instead.
  19. Does anyone have any tips for writing good conversations that can go into some of the details, without going on forever?
  20. GASP!!! I can't wait for the site to have an IST and H(opefully) Mars colonization section
  21. Nukes, nukes, nukes, NUKES!! I've made a Vall tug, kolonization of the Moon is taking shape
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