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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Yes, but Scifi is usually considered to be 80 120k words. http://manuscriptagency.com.au/word-count-by-genre-how-long-should-my-book-be/ Although, it's your choice in the end.
  2. I've almost finished the second chapter, 1st chapter still needing edits (It's not that bad, but the others are busy I suppose ) So far, it's around 12.1k words total for both chapters, there will be at least 1k more words in the second chapter, maybe 2k.
  3. No, he's awesome, but I'm talking about independent scifi, not KSP fanfics. Drat, I still can't remember.
  4. 1: This isn't a science topic. 2: On the top right corner, click on your name, and go to account settings, on the middle left, you see 'signature'.
  5. I know @LordOfMinecraft99 is writing, and another forum member as well, but I can't remember their name.
  6. So I'm currently writing WIP science fiction novels (Links in my sig), and I know some of you guys are too, So what scifi do you guys write? Post here, and we can get something of an archive going maybe, like the fan works library
  7. Thanks for the mention Although, The Void is being rewritten, and The children between worlds is still being edited Y'know, Aside from you and me, there's been a few members who're writing science fiction, not just KSP fan works... I gonna start a new thread for that. Anyway, can't wait for the first chapter
  8. I've written almost 10 pages of the second chapter of "The children between worlds' and is looking to be longer than the first, the first chapter will be posted on the main thread soon 


    Also, I've got around 10,400 words :)

    1. Show previous comments  56 more
    2. Spaceception


      Chapter 3 is up! It's a first draft, so it's probably not very good, I think there's too much telling and not enough showing, but leave your comments on the overall storyline :)

    3. Spaceception


      33,333 word count now. :)

      Can't wait when it's 44,444.

    4. Spaceception


      Daaaaaang this status is long.

      Anyway, chapter 4 is up!

  9. So I wouldn't need to donate, or record video, or my voice, or anything, just play, and say I played? And then people donate? I might do it, but I don't know where we'll be on the fifth of November.
  10. I thought you actually had one of the best days of your life from a space nerd perspective
  11. The space cannon/loop/fountain ones sound the most ridiculous, the elevator might be good on Earth, but probably preferable on Mars (At least easier), and Orion could be used someday (Or some variant), and as for Emdrive, I dunno, maybe, but I'm not sure, and SSTOs could probably be useful for small payloads, and launching stuff on smaller planets/moons.
  12. Or they wanted to show off Our booster survived and now we're going to put it into space with crappy aerodynamics, and land it yet again!
  13. Welcome!! I hope you will enjoy your stay at Club space, I've been here for almost a year, and it's still awesome
  14. Well when you put it like that... T minus 14 minutes!! @Aetharan I think they saw your comment.
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