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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Cool article https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/09/15/jeff-bezos-on-nuclear-reactors-in-space-the-lack-of-bacon-on-mars-and-humanitys-destiny-in-the-solar-system/?tid=pm_business_pop_b
  2. No I found them on the internet, sadly, I still don't have Space Engine, I really wish I did.
  3. GJ 876b1 everyone!! Just imagine it to be dimmer, with much larger ice caps Prox b!
  4. I don't, I was born a few years before the Columbia disaster in fact. I've missed so much I hope we get to Mars.
  5. Do you want to be the Planetary sciencer for "The Void" and "The children between worlds"? I think it's safe to say you're the resident expert on planetary systems :)

    1. Spaceception


      I'd add you to the PMs for both.

    2. ProtoJeb21


      Sure, I finally have a few days for some KSP stuff.

    3. Spaceception
  6. I was here before they changed to these forums. I honestly don't remember them, but, I was here before the change
  7. Your comment reminded me of this: https://planetplanet.net/2014/05/13/building-the-ultimate-solar-system/
  8. Dunno, I'm pretty sure it depends on the size of the parent star, the size of the planets, and how much material they worked with.
  9. Yes, the story behind everything is pretty interesting.
  10. I mean, that after I've finished writing them, which one should I write next?
  11. I wonder if this will be looked back a the billionaire space race to see who has the better private space program.
  12. While I partially agree with his points, I wonder how this'll turn out. Grabs handful of popcorn from gpisic.
  13. Which one should I write after TCBW and The Void?
  14. @ProtoJeb21 When do you think you'll begin looking at Lalande?
  15. If you want, could you see how many light years apart are Proxima and GJ 876 in Space Engine for my novel?

  16. 2??? Starshot gotta get funded so we can investigate. @ProtoJeb21 I forgot that Ran also had potential planets So that's fixed.
  17. @Jonfliesgoats There's already a mod for the Orion, but a small scaled Daedalus engine would be cool.
  18. Of course not! It might get the SLS mothballed. EDIT: Reading through the comments raised an excellent point. :I think the vast majority of people who don't watch every hearing and read through all the minutia every day don't realize what a tightrope Charles Bolden walks on SLS. He's been ordered by Congress to build SLS, and he's continually accused by Congress (and SLS fans) of slow-walking the program. Congress holds the purse strings, and if Bolden can't convince them he's doing his utmost to make sure SLS is built, they cut his programs. If SLS doesn't succeed, Congress won't say, "Ya know, we shoved this rocket down NASA's throat, so it's not really their fault; it's ours." Nope. If SLS fails, Congress gets to blame the Administrator, his staff, the President, his political party, and most of all, the agency. Most importantly, Congress has been threatening to take over the appointment of the agency's officers. I presume that would mean they could choose an administrator who favors their particular programs. So, knowing all of this, Charlie Bolden cheers loudly for SLS every chance he gets. And having seen a little bit of what's going on, , I would absolutely do the same, for the Agency's sake."
  19. Most planets overall: http://www.openexoplanetcatalogue.com/planet/HD 10180 b/ 9 planets. Largest Kepler system: http://www.openexoplanetcatalogue.com/planet/Kepler-90 h/ 7 planets. Closest confirmed Multiplanetary system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_1061 3 planets Closest unconfirmed Multiplanetary system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon_Eridani#Planetary_system 2 planets Although, if Proxima has more than 1 planet, than that would obviously be the closest Multiplanet system. Edited @RainDreamer
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