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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. If you subscribe to SpaceX on YouTube, they have live launches, with information, and they give you a stream notice several says before launch. And once they've been uploaded to YouTube, you can watch the full stream anytime
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter-catalyzed_nuclear_pulse_propulsion http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Pulse--Antimatter_catalyzed--ACMF
  3. Hey @RoverDude, First, I want to say, this mod is amazing, I'm making plans to build a Medusa tug to kolonize the Kerbol system But regarding the mod plans: Would you put in Antimatter catalyzed nuclear pulse propulsion? I think that would be a good step up from MiniMag. And from what I read in the previous pages, what's your planned full lineup/sizes?
  4. Hey everyone, since I'm rewriting The Void, I decided to tell you how the black hole gets to the solar system without being detected. No, seriously, Aliens, there was going to be an advanced Alien race that 'tests' other Alien civilizations, by threatening them with extinction, if they aren't advancing fast enough, or are sitting idle too long (Like say if they had a space program, but didn't do much with it, wink wink), then they do something that threatens them with extinction. If the Aliens make it through, they make contact with them, and help them become more advanced (Without telling them what they did obviously), and if they go extinct, they just say they didn't have what it takes, and move on to the next civilization. The ending for the revised version is going to be much different, and more realistic.
  5. Dunno, I've finished 2 pages, and it's coming together, but since it's Alternate history (At least for the first one), I need to make sure it's plausible.
  6. For 1.1.3? At least 20. Once today, but that's only when it doesn't want to work, which isn't often, or when I build to big of a ship/said ship explodes. But I have a weak laptop, so it's to be expected.
  7. Make all the space programs into one being. Who would also be in charge of government. Of the entire planet. Go Technocracy!!
  8. I love it, in the past 3 days, I must've gotten 30 to 50 rep
  9. I nuked my way to Vall, click the link at my sig for more info
  10. Whoo!!! http://www.leonarddavid.com/from-mexico-to-mars-elon-musk-live-webcast-to-be-available/ There's your answer @Mitchz95
  11. No he's helping. Although, that is a possibility for when the book is finished...
  12. True. But a planet has way more space, and plentiful resources. Well, even if it's not 100 percent habitable, Terraforming this world for their needs would be way faster and easier than Terraforming say, Mars or Venus. It's a big universe, there's probably two worlds out there, close to each other, and habitable for the Aliens that inhabit them.
  13. Moar funding! Also, didn't planetary sciences or something like that get defunded again?
  14. The only motive I see for an Alien invasion, is a habitable planet, sure you could terraform, but than takes awhile, and why do that when there's a perfectly habitable world nearby? Sure, there's those pesky humans, but we can take care of them no prob.
  15. With recent events in BO and SpaceX, do you think it's more like 1 to 2 years? or are you sticking with 5?
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