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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. 6/10, don't really get the date, but like the text.
  2. How far away is the system? I'm getting rain right now. In fact my family had to "Evacuate" Florida on our RV a couple days ago in pouring rain, I was completely soaked helping get the RV hooked up to the car..
  3. @ProtoJeb21 Congrats! Second time in the same year I believe
  4. Any news on your planetary systems?

    1. ProtoJeb21


      Yeah, I made a post about the four IPH systems (although I referred to them by their KIC designations) on the Planet Hunters talk page. Nothing much else, since school just started up again. Sorry.

  5. I'm probably not going to be back on here until the first of September (Limited data internet)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spaceception


      Verizon, jetpack.

    3. Andem
    4. Spaceception


      I'm traveling so...

      I mean, I don't mind the traveling, it's fun, but I miss constant internet.

  6. Project Starshot. Seriously, that thread was pinned for an entire month, all we need is a NASA budget worth of funding, moar research, and we're good to go, Prox b in 20 years!
  7. @Andem These are awesome, and I really love the historical quotes you put at the end. What's your modlist for this?
  8. Possible occurrences of Earthlike planets, last updated November 2013. http://phl.upr.edu/library/notes/occurrenceofearth-likeplanetsaroundgkmstars And one for M type stars, last updated April 2013. http://phl.upr.edu/library/notes/statisticsofnearbyearth-likeplanetsaroundm-dwarfsstars
  9. Almost forgot about this. Proxima b 2nd most Earthlike planet (By ESI) found, .01 behind Kepler 438b, an exoplanet about the size of Proxima b, except with an orbital period a little over 3x longer. But unlike 438b, it's orbiting the closest star to Earth other than the Sun. This is a big discovery, because not only does it mean Earthlike planets may be way more common that we imagined, but we can study it thoroughly, maybe even visit, this century. More info: Proxima b M-Warm Terran Mass : ≥ 1.30 Radius: .8 - 1.1 - 1.40 Stellar flux: .70 Teq : 227 Orbit: 11.2 Distance: 4 ly ESI: 0.87 K2-72e, and maybe c. Now, these planets are probably not smaller than Earth, but they're very interesting nonetheless, with orbits of 24 and 15 days respectively, now, so far, only e is on the catalog, but I've sent one of the people working on it an email: More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K2-72 http://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-s-kepler-telescope-just-found-two-planets-that-could-support-life K2-72 e M-Warm Terran Mass: 9.8 - 2.7 - 1.2 Radius: 1.4 Stellar flux: 1.46 Teq 280 Orbit 24.2 Distance: 181 ly ESI: 0.82
  10. Well, other planets are possible, an Earthlike planet orbiting in the distance between Earth and Mars should be just fine. If Universe Sandbox 2 is accurate.
  11. http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=36248 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_164595 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_164595_b Apparently, A planet orbiting a Solar mass star every 40 days is in the "Habitable zone" somehow Regardless, other planets are possible, and this is interesting nonetheless. Thoughts?
  12. Do you want to be added to "The Children Between Worlds" PM?

    1. TotallyNotHuman


      Yes please! I'm in school though, (blegh!) so I may not be very active. I'll try my best to help out.

    2. Spaceception
  13. Do it, sometimes you'll hit a block, but what I do is just read about what I want to write (Interstellar travel, exoplanets, other types of intelligent life, etc) sometimes it doesn't help me, but when I do overcome the block, I know what I want to write about, and it'll take longer for me to hit it. If your computer overheats, just aim a couple of fans down at the keyboard where it gets hot, that's what I do, otherwise it shuts off shortly after entering the VAB, I've been able to get 1 to 2 hours of playtime with the fans. VttM sounds very interesting, I'm a sucker for Scifi TAC Oooh, nice, a fantasy book. AFJ could be interesting, although, I have to admit, I've only read one type of book like that. They're good ideas, and drawing is fun. Keep at it, and you could be a bestselling author someday I'm really looking forward to VttM My current books are in my sig.
  14. Good, but did you know you can alter the starlight, making it dimmer, and making the planet look like it's orbiting a dimmer star?
  15. How Proxima b could be habitable, and the challenges it faces. https://palereddot.org/opportunities-and-obstacles-for-life-on-proxima-b/ There also seems to be an unconfirmed planet with an orbit of a little less than 200 days, which is mentioned in the article.
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