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Everything posted by Marstiphal

  1. No idea how I managed that but thanks! This is by far my fav mods, so glad its being continued. Do you have a way to donate?
  2. All the dependencies are up-to-date, here is the log file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aX5stvIX5VkMQ5xKpm22YstTfoNg6SXI many thanks
  3. I have an issue with KCT that just displays a grey box when loaded in - no buttons etc. (1.7 version) anyone else having a similar issue?
  4. Oh no! Hope you manage to get it sorted soon. Are there any other links about for the DL or are those the only ones?
  5. Ah OK, seems like I'm going to have to make that painful swap over to 1.3 with all my mods..... Many thanks
  6. Thanks. This is by far my favorite mod so slipped you a few quid to help with its continued development. Also on a separate issue, having the KCT window open on the VAB tab with a vehicle ready for launch causes large frame rate drop. Switching to another tab, launching the vehicle or closing the KCT window and the frame rate goes back to normal. Let me know if I can help further, you need more information or fresh logs.
  7. Hi, I'm runnign on KSP 1.2.2 but running into a strange issue. KCT appears to be getting stuck in some king of loop spamming lots of lines into log and grinding game to a halt. [KCT] ScL:0 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [KCT] TPiK:2 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [KCT] TPiL:0 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [KCT] TEnK:1 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [KCT] TEnL:0 Have you seen this issue or know what it is? logs here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/457x51h04elc1on/output_log.zip?dl=0 EDIT: This seems to be when upgrading facilities. At the end of the upgrade period, the issue goes away but the facility also doesn't upgrade, also money is lost. Upgrading the facility a second time just works as intended...
  8. Is there still an issue with KIS+DRE and NREs? I have the latest version of both but if I say leave some KIS items on the ground then leave and come back to the scene I get massive lag and a debug full of null refs. Same with some rescue rendezvous. Deleting the KIS items resolves the issue
  9. Hi, I seem to have a strange issue where as the launch sticks for the sounding rockets don't detach on launch - they just stay attached to the rocket itself. I'm pretty sure it's not this mod that is causing the issue but wondering if you have seen/heard of the issue before or what I can do to try and track down what the issue is. Issue found to be old version of EPL.
  10. I still seem to be having issues with this... I have deleted and made sure that the latest version is installed and I'm using the latest MM but still have clamps that don't work. Is there anything else I can check? Debug or log that might tell me what is going on?
  11. thank you, must be something to do with my install.
  12. Hmmm, strange that I sill don't have them working. I'll try deleting and re-downloading the mod again
  13. Does the latest build still have the launch clamp issue?
  14. Hey, not sure if this is going to be helpful or if anyone else is still having the issue with acceleration through an atmosphere on reentry rather than deceleration. This is happening to me when I go into IVA during the reentry process - the exact same craft works as intended when used without IVA output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwOBQBDhORtMYnNvRUFtYUNiakE
  15. Thanks, I appreciate the help. This was after a new game, test dropped 2 SRB's and 1 main engine and associated fuel tanks. Here is the file You say that things de-spawn at >23km but I'm seeing these dropped pieces being tracked at far greater distances. Could that be part of the issue? I've never had any problems with SR before. I'm on the latest KSP and latest SR files and it has been working just fine on this set up. I therefore can only assume (i know, I know) that this is a new conflict with another mod or something updated.
  16. Hi I'm having as issue with StageRecovery not working and I cant work out why (hoping someone can help!). The mod is installed and the icons in game all appear, setting can all be configured. In the VAB the StageRecovery icons appears and works as intended - i.e. it produces messages with stage recovery information ,terminal velocities etc. The problem is, when I actually launch a rocket SR simply doesn't appear to kick in. I get no messages about either success of failure of recovered stages and no credit increase. I have used SR for a long time so I know this is not an operational issue (such as not putting on parachutes etc.) I have done all the obvious things such as remove and reinstall the mod, disable and re-enable the mod, disable powered recovery - all without luck. Is there a log or something else I can look at that might point to the issue?
  17. [quote name='Argonicus']Engines lost their cover if you have decupler under tham, anyone know how to fix this? And loooks it more visual bag then physical[/QUOTE] yeah same issue here
  18. I have this exact issue. Was there any fix for it? I have installed the new mod first removing the old one as I always do but all of a sudden I get this.
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