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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. @Shadowmage I'm getting this NRE spam: [EXC 00:20:32.276] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.Rotate (Vector3 axis, Single angle, Space relativeTo) SSTUTools.SSTUAnimateRotation.Update () when I do the following: In the VAB, place a command pod or something else as root stack two centrifuges (of the same size) under the root part inflate both centrifuges, then alt-click the one attached to root, so you pick up a copy of both centrifuges at once observe NRE spam it goes away if you trash the ghost parts you just picked up, or if after placing them you deflate the last two parts, or delete them. It doesn't happen if the group is two different sized centrifuges. It happens when you pick up a copy of any group of parts if there's at least 2 inflated rotating centrifuges of the same size in the group. If you need a log I can get one later which isn't full of career gameplay, just wanted to post before I go to bed in case you can reproduce
  2. Looks like the solar panel's surface attach node is on the wrong side or something, the default placement makes it deploy 'inward' instead of 'outward', it needs to be rotated 180° in the editor to work normally: http://i.imgur.com/qHViz7G.png The panel could possibly be lighter/produce less ec/s, but I'm not sure it could handle the ec requirement for that antenna then... And perhaps the SAS level upgrade could be applied to Landvermesser/B and Fomalhaut too? They're the only ones who miss out.
  3. It looks like the medium docking port with chute doesn't get occluded properly, at least on a 2.5m pod. Does it need a custom drag cube or something?
  4. Was the recent change to fairing max sizes reverted deliberately? There were max size buffs, and the titan fairing had a bit of a tuneup tweak too.
  5. I have no idea what I did, but I tried re-installing scatterer today, and now I no longer get the halos (on OSX). Maybe due to upgrading SVE to since I last uninstalled scatterer? These are the settings I have which seemed to work for me (and disabling alt sqrt did give me halos again too):
  6. I seem to be getting more explosions than expected when using the NFLV radial decoupler. Using it for a 2.5m mainsail LRB stage, but the main tank of the booster (Ven's cryoXXL) keeps exploding when it's decoupled. I've tried turning down ejection force all the way to 0%, and with no autostruts or rigid attachment, and still explodes the tank. If I offset the tank to be further out from the core stage, so it's not visibly touching the top of the decoupler, it no longer explodes. So I guess I collider issue?
  7. The USI patch to convert rocket parts to material kits for inflatable deployment doesn't seem to be working. This section, from the USI-MFT-AddResources in the SSTU-OptionalPatches folder: Don't think it's relevant, but I've made my own part trimming patch for SSTU (for most of ship core), and I've put the USI-MFT-AddResources patch in a folder I have for my own patches "ZRodgertweeks"... So no idea why it wouldn't be working. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/clq8hxlf7v14fh4/KSP.log.zip?dl=0
  8. @CobaltWolfFound some small bugs in RC1: The magnetometer included with the N100 omni antenna is a different experiment to the "standard" magnetometer experiment most other magnetometers use. The mini radial decoupler now has 1000 ejection force (I guess it was easier to test the force offset from before with the extra power lol) And the 1.875 radial decoupler (which now looks much nicer!) now has a force offset like the mini used to have.
  9. Just a small thing I noticed, the folding heat shields should probably be put in the heat part category.
  10. Looks like some of the cryo ZBO tanks are still very expensive for part unlock, 125,000 funds each for the 1.25/2.5/3.75m in-line tanks, more than the radials or the 5m parts. And just had a crazy idea. What about a 'part upgrade' you buy before researching the tanks which is quite expensive, which reduces the unlock cost of the tanks? To simulate researching the general technology required for ZBO tanks, then just different sizes of the tanks not costing as much to make? Not as useful for playing without part-unlock costs though, unless it makes the part-use cost cheaper too, or somehow detect that difficulty setting.
  11. Well it happened again after disabling all the antenna power patches. Still can't pinpoint a trigger to reproduce though, just happens after playing for a while. But just avoiding that one upgrade seems to work for preventing it. Also unrelatedly, I've been having problems with the surface exposure and landing site image experiments when using automated science sampler. The cam got into a state where it wouldn't even run after a scientist reset it manually on EVA... But I'm guessing this is mostly to do with automated science sampler and DMscianimategeneric. But would you consider enabling data collection from the surface exposure experiment? Is it meant to be a photo of the scraped surface, not a sample experiment?
  12. I've been using it, works pretty well. only possibility I've found for problems is playing with commnet and buying the antenna upgrade. BTW @akron after I fixed the commnet bug last time by undoing the antenna upgrade in my save file, I tried re-buying the upgrade, and it broke commnet again after playing for a bit without problems. It seems to happen when changing from the VAB to the space center scene, or just leaving an editor scene. Anyway after the 2nd time it broke, I reverted the antenna range upgrade again in my save, which fixed it again. *Edit* also, I have OPM and JX2 antennas, which both have patches which mess with antenna strength. OPM boosts power, and JX2 reduces power if OPM is installed to counteract it (lol). For me, OPM's patch has always been disabled, but I only just disabled the JX2 patch (I was wondering why my antennas all had shorter range than normal). So I'll try the coatl antenna upgrade again now that I've disabled both the patches and see how it goes.
  13. Yeah I can confirm this, here's a before/after decoupling a small booster which is placed in 90° symmetry: http://i.imgur.com/L7sC3kp.png and after http://i.imgur.com/XtUPgfM.png And the 1.875m Titan radial decoupler seems to have it's two surface attachment nodes swapped. This is what happens when you just place a booster on one without any rotating of parts: http://i.imgur.com/zaVSH7k.png Note the booster inside the core stage. Placing the decoupler on the corealso seems to place it a bit under the surface of the core. And even if I rotate everything to make it look right, I get explosions when staging away spent boosters using these decouplers. So not all bad!
  14. Well I just managed to fix it somehow, by editing the upgrade unlocks in my save file. If you search for: SCENARIO { name = PartUpgradeManager And then set "ca-upgrade-antenna1" to False, and load the save, probes worked again with commnet enabled, and continued to work after I bought the upgrade again. So yeah. Weird. lol
  15. Yeah, though if you try to launch the game via steam it will only run it if you let it update. But you can turn off auto-update, and run the game directly from the exe.
  16. Yeah, I've just had to disable commnet. Here's my game data, anything looks like it might have something to do with it?
  17. I'm getting some exception spam in the log when using antennas with range upgrades applied (I think...), in KSP 1.3, which has broken my entire commet, probes on the launchpad don't even get control: [EXC 19:06:54.518] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String].get_Item (Int32 index) PartModule.ApplyUpgradeNode (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 appliedUps, .ConfigNode node, Boolean doLoad) ModuleDataTransmitter.CommPowerUnloaded (.ProtoPartModuleSnapshot mSnap) CommNet.CommNetVessel.UpdateComm () CommNet.CommNetVessel.OnNetworkPreUpdate () CommNet.CommNode.NetworkPreUpdate () CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].PreUpdateNodes () CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].Rebuild () CommNet.CommNetwork.Rebuild () CommNet.CommNetNetwork.Update () My only clue pointing to it maybe being Coatl is the antenna upgrade. However I'm not sure what actually triggered it, as it was working one launch, then broken the next without buying any tech or upgrades etc... Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/clq8hxlf7v14fh4/KSP.log.zip?dl=0
  18. I don't really remember, but I don't think so, it's not new to me. Not sure as I haven't used scatterer in ages due to this problem, at least in 1.2.2. For the sun issue, I got it to work by doing the conversion to png in SVT, and also doing the in-game toggle as well. I think SVE also has dds versions as well but I don't know where the config that points to those is. @Chaumas Found it, SVE_JoolRings has a cfg which modifies the sun's textures, so SVE has the highest priority sun config by the looks of it. So try replacing those dds' with the pngs, and update the jool rings cfg. Or did you mean the atmosphere halos?
  19. It is a .dds problem on opengl, I get it on Mac too. First thing to try, when in-game, is changing the texture resolution via the esc menu/options, just toggle it to something different and apply, then you can set it back to what you like and re-apply. If that's no good you can try replacing the dds files with png versions, and editing the sun.cfg to update the paths to point at the pngs. Here's some pngs from a previous version of SVE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3w28pqh06a0u03s/sunpngs.zip?dl=0
  20. That doesn't seem to do anything for me. Even tried restarting after changing it, but still getting halos when it's on or off.
  21. Yeah, I don't get it on a stock + AGM install, must be a mod interaction... I did get an out of bounds exception though while testing with a stock install - when removing an action from an action group using the full GUI window in-flight. And also in the right-click menu of a part (I tested on a single part 2.5m stock capsule ship), pressing the AGM: Disable option to hide the tweakable UI editor options doesn't actually hide the extra menu items. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xc0n8laakl0f5ob/KSPAGMC2.log?dl=0
  22. Any hints as to what settings to mess with to fix this? Using the new scatterer with SVE on mac. Or better to just wait for an SVE update @Galileo? (also, no idea what's up with the sun flare, looks like a dds-not-working-on-mac thing still) Also in map view: http://i.imgur.com/HZLiSGh.png
  23. I just saw this pop up on Spacedock before you posted here, and all I can say is OMGWTFBBQ So hyped to try these parts!
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