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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. The background also stays dark when selected, though the icon line art turns white as it should.
  2. I'm getting an exception in-flight when I right-click on a command pod, then right click on empty space to close the pod's menu: Full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtqfjemwvmotzas/KSPAGMC.log?dl=0
  3. Having a minor icon issue - the science icon always has a very dark background. I had this back in at least 1.2.2 iirc... I've double checked the icon files in my install, and can't find anything weird there.
  4. Would Stage Recovery be able to check chute parts that have built in decouplers to see which node decouples, for the VAB tool? Right now, any chute that has a decoupler gets a separate stage from what it's attached to in the stage preview window, so you can't see the recovery speed for the real full stage. Eg this chute's decoupler is on it's top node, but SR still counts the two parts as separate stages:
  5. Do you have Trajectories installed? Pretty sure that recently added some in-flight stuff. And X03 is working fine here. The time to atmosphere feature is pretty sweet!
  6. Yep, that version worked! And speaking of, I'm getting an error with the CE station contract too, unsure if related:
  7. I'm getting NRE spam with the exp version when I launch a craft, only BBT installed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0x56o7gb2mglwa/BBTKSP.log.zip?dl=0
  8. Here it is, let me know if you wanted the unity player log too: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w69u6nq9jp3pqbj/sigmabugKSP.log.zip?dl=0 Also something else I've noticed, the option to disable the stock exploration contracts doesn't work perfectly. On a fresh save, go to CC settings and disable stock exploration and apply, then reload the KSC scene, and go to mission control. The world first contracts will be hidden from the 'all' tab, but one will still show up in the 'available' tab. If you accept it, it will be deleted on scene change. (you get to keep the advance lol)
  9. Does that dll have the sigma binary fix too? I tried it out in case it did, but it didn't fix the problem for me with the career evolution pack.
  10. There are a few errors in my logs to do with parsing different parts of the contracts. Here's my KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6v2e4hb6uwsinm/CEnotloadingKSP.log.zip?dl=0 And Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/moy0i6ncclz1oje/CEnotloadingPlayer.log.zip?dl=0
  11. I just started a new career save and was going to try this pack out, but the contracts aren't showing up at all. The pack isn't even listed in the CC settings window, while the other pack I have (tourism) is... The CEContracts folder is in /GameData/ContractPacks, with CC 1.23.1 for KSP 1.3.
  12. Is there a reason the KFD-200 2.5m torch drive's isp is lower than all the other torch drives? It seems to be 'off curve' with the others - the KFD-100 has 7500s, the 200 has 5000s, the 300 has 10000s, and the 500 has 12000.
  13. I would really love a H/H-mounted inline docking port part, any plans for one?
  14. It actually flys pretty nicely! Stock aero though. Also ReCoupler helped a lot, the 'saddle' crew sections actually connect back to the rear j-k adaptor.
  15. After installing OPT for the first time the other day, I gotta say I really love these parts! Here's my first OPT spaceplane, docked at my space casino! Not quite a SSTO, needing 2 SRBs to get it going, but a very fun and easy flight for 32 tourists up to 500km orbit. Made with some help from tweakscale (the main wings are actually winglets lol) and mk2expansion for the RCS nosecones.
  16. Done, though I used a lighter green... 108,163,98 looked too dark to me. They should be in that same dropbox folder
  17. Awesome! Something you might need to look at for an update is the heat production curves for the asteroid harvesters - I had to increase the MaxCoolant on them to make up for the extra efficiency they get. *edit* looks like not just the asteroid harvesters actually... Their heat production curves are already halved form the surface harvesters, to make up for the difference in efficiency, but looks like radiator MaxCoolant just doesn't take efficiency into account at all in the current part configs. eg the size1stackdrill at optimum temp produces 5000/50 = 100kW of heat, or 2500/50 = 50kW for the asteroid harvester, so the MaxCoolant of 100 would be fine, except the efficiency of 5x/9x surface/asteroid also seems to multiply the heat output, so it actually needs 500kW MaxCoolant. *edit* did a PR on the github for my suggested changes
  18. It could be a multi-node shroud thingy instead of a separate part, would cut down on parts at least.
  19. Yep, unless another mod you have needs it. Or unless OPM uses it for something else I don't know about lol Also, even if the JX2 isn't enough by itself, it's combinable
  20. Yeah, CBK is what lets OPM modify the tracking station power, with the patch I mentioned. So if you want the tracking station boost you still need that patch active, but you could delete the antenna power part of it. However with a powerful enough antenna from a mod you probably don't even need the tracking station boost. I use this one https://spacedock.info/mod/1107/JX2Antenna
  21. If you want to disable OPM's antenna changes, you can rename the file 'OPM_CommNet.cgf' in the OPM folder to 'OPM_CommNet.txt' Unsure if you'd need CBK if the range modifiers are disabled though, but it probably wouldn't do any harm to leave it in just in case.
  22. Have you looked into using the Community Tech Tree at all? If you use that there's more nodes available in more 'paths', and if you balance for that, you can recommend it's use, while having parts less balanced in the vanilla tech tree for people who don't want to use the CTT. Also, I was wondering, how about a short quetzal-to-1.25 or 0.625 adapter? both ends of the probe are odd sizes, and I use that probe for heaps of things! Maybe even a Barquetta-to-0.625?
  23. I just had this too, and if you just dump some fuel or something to update the ship's mass it should work itself out
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