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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Would we be able to get a LqdHydrogen/Oxidizer 15/1 configuration for the cryo tanks? For lox augmented nukes and cryogenic engines? And speaking of the fans, you probably already know about this, but the micro fan uses around 20ec/s, much more than even the atlas. It might be the fan's RCS thrusters? With two atlas fans, the ec use goes from ~15 up to about 75 ec/s when the RCS thrusters are active
  2. Haha yeah maybe that's all it is after all lol Some things which might need a look in NF spacecraft: RCS blocks, esp the 4 and 5 way ones seem to have some slight thrust misalignments, making it quite hard to balance them without just using the bi or mono RCS thrusters. One example: the 5-way thrusters, snapped to 0°, induce a rotation during fore/aft translation http://i.imgur.com/bT48Rgi.png And the mk4-1 command pod keeps blowing due to overheating past the core temp limit of 1000k, even when just returning from LKO. I haven't had a problem with the mk3-9, which is also 1000k core temp limit, but maybe that's because it's bottom node is the full width of the pod so it gets fully occluded, while the 4-1 expands out to 3.75 from a 2.5m bottom node? And maybe the 4-1 could get unmanned control like the 3-9 does too?
  3. Cool, that updated dll worked! new logs in the same place, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gbvc6miuv2ka9pz/AADXF3Ghl7spquBKmDWSalyHa?dl=0 Thanks!
  4. Logs were too big for pastebin, but here's my ksp log and player log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gbvc6miuv2ka9pz/AADXF3Ghl7spquBKmDWSalyHa?dl=0
  5. Nice idea for a mod, should really be stock! But when I tried it, it stopped any of the buttons in the stock and blizzy toolbars from loading in the VAB for me. I removed just this mod and the buttons all showed up again.
  6. The centrifuge doesn't seem to have any working USI-LS support for me... It's set to science lab mode by default, and has the option for a workshop, but there's no LS options. (though scrolling down in the description of the science mode lists some USI-LS stuff). Do I need pathfinder for it to work or something? I have DSEV and MOLE, and USI-LS/MKS etc.
  7. Those are from MKS, which has a few other multi-node parts too (the 'tundra' hubs would be nice to have working esp), and yeah the adaptive nodes are KPBS as I guess you worked out lol
  8. I didn't think I'd find this that useful, but I realised that was because I've disregarded the kind of builds you can do with it for so long! Very fun! And re the future plans for a decoupler that uses fairings for fake-connections, it wouldn't just be useful for engine fairings/decouplers - a few parts use different 'fairings' on multiple nodes to give choices for different visual options, which doesn't currently work: EG: the missing end caps on the mini-trusses, and the rounded white corner parts on the right side are actually 6 point hubs which change depending on how many nodes are used, the yellow-highlighted one should be a 90° joiner like the topmost two are.
  9. Well like I said, I didn't actually check all the numbers lol. Though for example the YF-1 circular ones are 85 Ec/s/ton, but in the top tier tech node for solar power, somehow feels underwhelming, particularly as it mentions weight saving. Or the KRQ 1x4 is 84 Ec/s/ton, in the highest tier of solar tech too, and says it's the 'Most advanced solar panel tech available to Kerbalkind!'. Then in the previous tech tier you have T65 1x5 concentrating at 95 Ec/s/ton, KRX 1x3 concentrating at 92 Ec/s/ton, but then the KRX 1x4, at 70 Ec/s/ton So maybe not an overall buff, but a couple of tweaks could be good? The main one which is probably too powerful is the E340 4 panel, 4ec/s for 0.032t, so 125 Ec/s/ton
  10. The main thing that comes to mind re balance, is solar panels, especially the high tech ones, could do with a buff imo. ether mass or power, but they don't seem much better then earlier tier solar. Mind you I haven't exactly checked all the mass/power ratios, it's just a general feeling. Also, it could be the ones I do end up using more from @akron's Probes Plus are just overpowered lol
  11. If they're retractable, try retracting and redeploying them. Otherwise you might need to save-file-edit the panels back to a retracted state, then deploy them again. At least I think that'll do it...
  12. Yeah I've had issues with heat control too, though I haven't properly tested with stock radiators. And no idea what's different in their configs ether that could cause a problem. I was using your Stockalike Mining Expansion to make an asteroid tug, and even with some beefy Heat Control radiators it was overheating like crazy... I think it's time for me to actually properly test them out now. Edit: OK, still getting overheating with stock radiators... Using a Terravore (100kW), 2.5m ISRU (500kW), and 1.25m USI reactor (150kW), with 4x medium deployable radiators. Shouldn't that be 750kW required heating with 4x 250kW radiors, so no problem? Or am I misunderstanding core heat? http://i.imgur.com/qvoQtwm.png Just tested the rontgen with 4x stock large radiators and no thrust though, and it worked fine.
  13. Just noticed the center of the navball is not hidden by the map/biome legend.
  14. I think OPM uses Custom Asteroids to spawn it's asteroids, and Custom Asteroids's own default config adds it's own 'comets' in the form of eccentric orbit asteroids, without Kopernicus, so maybe a way to integrate with that mod would be cool.
  15. Oh right, I'm so used to Dmagic parts that I forgot it wasn't the vanilla one lol. Also the vanilla parts might need some more editor search tags, 'BTDT' didn't find the vanilla scanner. But it is working for me now, though I don't know how to look at structures other than what it first shows, I just see the monolith at KSC. It says it found 14 structures, but I just don't know how to look at the different ones. EDIT: I worked out how to switch between them from reading the readme on git. But maybe just some buttons would be good? or even a mouseover tooltip?
  16. Nope, only get the data readouts on the instruments window. TBH I don't remember seeing the 3d view last time I tried it ether on my mac, in KSP 1.0.5 or so.
  17. I don't know about extra radiators, but I think just running the engine cools it enough, and you're meant to shut it down when not in use? I haven't had much heat problems actually flying with one anyway, and at the speeds it goes at, you're going to get atmospheric cooling too.
  18. Maybe a colour gradient curve adjustment, so you can set it to shift colour rapidly in the 0-1% range for showing flat areas in the slope map? And it could even be handy for the biome maps, if you could get it to do more obviously different colours for different biomes that would be awesome. Another idea I had for a feature was to be able to set the zoom bioime map to have white borders, while keeping white borders off on the big map. Sometimes all the white borders on the big map just blend into a big mess, but it's really handy on the zoom map.
  19. One thing I've noticed with 17.2, is when first opening the zoom map from the big map of a non-kerbin planet, the mouseover biome readout shows kerbin biomes. Eg: go into a ship around eve, open big map, display eve map, right click on a point to show zoom map, and mouse over the zoom map, see kerbin biomes.
  20. Just found a bug with the repulsor particles when flying over water... They don't despawn:
  21. I'd love some alternate SCANsat parts! even just the lowres/highres altimeter first would be good, as the DMagic multispec is quite nice as a replacement for the SCANsat multispec. And for the laser altimeter without SCANsat, it could just be a higher stats version of kerbnet, like high anom detection, or enhanced in orbit situations or something? And you could totally add the CALIPSO imaging system ahead of the other parts for that satellite lol
  22. I wonder, would it be possible to get another colour scheme for your texture switching parts - Ven-alike matte grey? Even without hand drawn details like Ven's, just a plain matte light or dark grey option would make your parts fit in with Ven's nicer
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