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Everything posted by evileye.x

  1. I use both selectroot 2 and EEX . Nice to know you will develop it further! Cool! EEX2 may be?
  2. Hello @RoverDude, first want to say how much I appreciate your modding efforts. Really great top quality mods. With this particular mod I've launched A LOT of sattelites. So cool parts, nice looking and very useful. I have a tiny suggestion though. I've noticed your parts have 3400K heat tolerance, is there any specific reason for that? May be it's worth tone it down to 2000K? This and add ablator to DERP pod as well... (Yep, I like stuff to burn up on reentry ) What do you think? (I realize it's perfectly doable with MM patch, but...)
  3. I play with 64bit workaround and getting error when starting new career, but other than that all works fine
  4. Really love this cool mods. Both HGR and HGR redux. It has so many cool and useful parts, I mean every part is unique and functional. One minor note - if @Orionkermin you will ever come back to modding, may be it worth to bump up texture resolution a bit. I like the textures as they, they are great, great work!... But now with all that porkjet stock parts and ven's revamp the resolution looks bit out of date. However I will use the mod anyway, every single part (LES, small inline chute, capsules, boosters, 1,875 size tanks) is so cool. Seriously, HGR is one of my favorite. What I would do for updating this mod: 1) Make default chutes parameters like stock ones. I mean 500m full chute deployment is bit... too late for 1.0.5 2) Add ablator amount for capsules and move COM so they will be stable on descent. Now I use 1,25 heat shield scaled to 1,5m for radish - it helps not to die in 1.0.5 3) Spud capsule needs integrated chute (like USI Derp pod) because conic chute lloks plain silly on it. However as it is, spud is cool capsule for lander. .... By the way Daikon Service module has a bug - whenever you go back to launched vehicle (from space centre or loading from game save), Daikon Service module decouples and fly away at kraken speed. If not on surface, it just warp out of the universe... Also, soyz style solar panels work only on 1 side, is it intended? It's hard to tell which side is working and which is not by visuals..... Still , GREAT mod, I really appreciate it!
  5. Hello, I love such nice realism mods (Persistant rotation, EVA fuels, Saturable RW, TACLS, KCT, KIS) can you tell how exactly amount of oxygen loss is calculated? Can you make it dependent on part volume Kerbal EVAed from? Configured in % To have reason to make EVA from small crew modules attached as airlocks (let's say 1 percon kerbal can included in ven's stock revamp ) , not directly from Hitchhikers or Science labs.
  6. Hello @magico13, I want to thank you for your great mods, they are so cool. I mean both KCT and Stage Recovery adding so much to gameplay. Really, brilliant mod. I play without reverts (unless it's simulation) or reloads, so I always try to back up my mission with duplicate rockets and supply dropships ready to go. I've come up with an idea and I beleive it's you who can make it real I'm bothered with kerbal crews quality of life and it would be great to have something cool like TAC LS or KCT to fix 2 moments: 1)Poor Jeb has no vacation or rest (unless his rocket is being build by KCT , but still...) 2)Poor Jeb can be cramped in small Gemini capsule for days and weeks (sometimes years) So... The idea is - kerbals should have vacations based on mission time and "cramped multiplier" (being x days in tiny capsule make them tired) - to make soyz-style crafts (for example HGR sojuice) or hitchhikers useful. I mean if you have 2 occupied seat and 2 free (even better 4 in Hitchhiker) seat, then your Kerman recovers faster from mission. Moonwalk also has a good effect on that (or even landed status). If cramped for too long, thay retire (also all the stuff may take kerbals attributes in account). Or ( ) make space walk without helmet? Also, other penalty could be Remote Tech style delays in your Kerbals actions if they are cramped for too long. I think it was already proposed, but... What do you think? Will be perfect addintion to KCT. Kerbals Safety & Wellness ? or Kerbals HR ? Kerbal Labour Union ? Kerbal Mood?
  7. Great mod! Can't play without it! Thank you for update!
  8. I have an issue with B9 sepratrons - they explode everytime I use them due overheat. May be worth to look at it's heat generation?
  9. Yeah, but KAS/KIS really does all that in magnificient ways. Orbital construction? sure Satelite upgrade/maintance? sure Buiding relay tower on Kerbin? definetly Towing fallen lander? easy Refueling on surface (or in space) without docking port or kraken tentacle (AKA The Klaw)? hell yeah and dozens of other interesting missions and opportunities.... It is one (two to be honest) little mod that makes so huge difference. And you have to realize, many many cool thing will not get to orginal game (hard to implement, maintain, support and "there's a mod for that") So why limit yourself after you have learn base parts and mechanics? Mods are in developers scope, you know. They count on modders and eventually modders become developers for KSP eternal glory. IMHO developers should focus on solidifying a platform for mods (which is KSP) - perfomance, engine, memory limits, moar moddablity, not on features ALREADY DEVELOPED by talanted modding community.
  10. I think the whole SAS fix is missing as well SAS definetly behave not like in pre 1.0.5 version. Hope you'll have time to investigate, thank you in advance.
  11. Agree, it's doable. What you have offered - in general good recomendation how to deal with very thin parts snaping (it's not only this particular part problem), I do it the same way, but sometimes it is really hard and frustrating process. Another question refarding trust plate - may be somebody has alternative texture or even part with similar function - kinda don't like brickwall patern on the bottom of my rockets
  12. Download 1.9.0 from Ven's Github repositpry, it is updated to 1.0.5 and have stock mk1 cockpit and wheesley. Also rocket parts now match stock "porkjet" style. By the way, great job, Ven! 1.9.0 is great!
  13. I'm trying to rebalance AIES engines ISP with MM patch. The idea is If Vacuum ISP >330 , then ISP = ISP *,9 @PART[*]:NEEDS[AIES_Aerospace]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*],#manufacturer[AIES?Aerospace]] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @atmosphereCurve { %selectcur = #$key,0[1, ]$ } } } @PART[*]:NEEDS[AIES_Aerospace]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*],#manufacturer[AIES?Aerospace],#selectcur[>330]] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @atmosphereCurve { key0 = #$key,0[1, ]$ @key0 *= 0.9 @key,0 = #0 $key0$ key1 = #$key,1[1, ]$ @key1 *= 0.9 @key,1 = #1 $key1$ } } } Doesn't work. I don't get how to use conditions based on variables
  14. Here my rule set for "hard" playthrough: Science - 40% (I use Dmagic Orbital Science mod) Funding - 70% (or 80 don't remeber exactly) Penalties - default Don't like to grind contracts for money. Contract should give general direction and incentives. Too low fund ratings are frustrating. But in general, I like to take cost of the rockets in account, and build effective launchers. And I use almost all contract configurator packs for contract diversity and sense :) Reentry heating - 120% Don'r use cheaty strategies from admin building. I mean don't use it at all. Reaction wheels saturation mod All RW torque - 5% from default. TAC lifesupport mod Persistant rotation mod EVA fuel mod (EVA fuel is taken from monoprop) - this makes rescue missions nearly impossible without KIS|KAS and engineer. Also I use cool USI DERP pod (which is fit in 1,25 service bay) for actual rescue. Remotetech mod. KCT mod. Really great addition to the game. With TAC LS it's tons of fun for planning and backing up your missions. So I have spare orbiter in the VAB (just in case) and will build 2 mun direct landers - if first one lands hard on the engines, guys will have chance to come back home. No revert on "real" launches - only in KCT simulations (you pay money for that btw) and no quickloads. Dead is dead, no ressurections. Even when I upgraded to 1.0.5 and 2 my kerbals burned up on standard reentry in Gemini (HGR Radish) like capsule - consider it failure in ablator layer. Every manned mission should rely on pilot to have SAS. I've found adding probe cores for stability assist as cheating. That makes pilot vital part of crew. Every manned flight should have escape system. HGR mod have wonderful launch escape tower (as well as inline chute) for gemini/mercury style capsules. Only my very first launches were without LES (Vostok style). And crew always has personal vanguard parachutes. Connected Living Space mod - prevents teleporting between capsules without sensible crew passable connections. No resource transfers via KAS winch or klaw, only via pipes and docking ports. KIS | KAS mod - just great addition to the game. Giving so much to do in EVA :) Unfortunately FAR, KJR, Deadly Reentry and Real Chutes don't play nice with my modpack (which is also 64bit win installation) so I don't use them yet. But I will eventualy. I'm sorry, I just have noticed "vanilla" in topic. But... without KER and precise node (hate stock nodes handling) I just cannot play. Then goes planet beautification (Better Atmosphers, better kerbal heads) and then .... PARTS ... Really stock KSP is a great game for 1st week or month, but then everybody should go crazy with mods. Mods - this what makes KSP best space game ever.
  15. [quote name='Gaiiden']I take out all the extra nodes via the part menu before attaching it, that seems to help[/QUOTE] Does not help for me. However what I found - if I turn plate 180, I can easily attach it. Then I can attach something (i.e. engine) to engine node. And after that I can un - attach plate, turn it back 180 and attach it in the right way - already with engine. Awkward, but it works.
  16. If I don't see SAS fix tweakables (as they were in 1.0.4) on control parts (capsules and probes), does it mean SAS fix doesn't works for me? Model is activated via AltF8 menu. I'm not sure it should, because I use saturated RW mod and MM patch that reduces all RW torgues to 5% from initial value - to make RW wheels more believable... By the way, really great mod (nice to see all the fixes eventually become part of original game)!
  17. I'm sorry for my stupidness, and all in advance. I'm totally module manager noob, but I know it's an amazing moding tool and want to use it. Is there's anyway to use conditions, let's say: if 1) part is in SXT mod and 2) has max tem >2400K and 3) not a heatshield then maxtemp = maxtemp - 1000 Appreciate your answers, thak you in advance. Hmm , looks the answer is exactly 1 page back :) I need to run tests @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[SolidFuel]:HAS[#amount[>349]]] update - came up with @PART [*]:NEEDS[AIES_Aerospace]:HAS[#maxTemp:HAS[#amount[>2400]]] { @maxTemp = 2400} does not work update - solved! [CODE]@PART [*]:NEEDS[AIES_Aerospace]:HAS[#maxTemp[>2400],#manufacturer[AIES?Aerospace]] { @maxTemp -= 1000 }[/CODE] MM Forever!
  18. Hmm. I have difficulties while trying to attach thrustplate to the bottom of fuel tank. It's just flashing red|green back and forth, it's really hard to make it attached. Any workarounds?
  19. Just here to note that fairings work fine in 1.0.5 and thanks to new thermal fixes, fairing bases stopped to explode. However I have another issue - fairing bases works as decouplers just fine, but [I]interstaging [/I] fairing bases don't decouple despite the fact they showed in staging diagram. Something needs to be fixed (in PF mod itself may be) - decoupler shold be working OR interstage farings should not be indicated as decouplers... As workaround I add another decoupler on top of interstage fairng base and disable staging icon for fairing base itself (thank to new tweakable in 1.0.5)
  20. [quote name='SpacedInvader']I was under the impression that not only was said hack unstable, but most mod developers have disabled their mods for use there through MM...[/QUOTE] Not most mod developers, just few of them. KJR, FAR and some other. However there's workaround [h=2]KSP x64 Total Unfixer[/h]Have not tried it yet. Just remember not to ask mod authours for support under 64 bit and you're good to go. The game is very playable and enjoyable. But yes, I'm waiting for 1.1 as alll of us :)
  21. [quote name='NathanKell']Buzzard should have a maxtemp of 400 or so, probably.[/QUOTE] Another airplane cockpits in SXT have 800K tolerance, which is reasonable...
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