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Everything posted by evileye.x

  1. Hey @Lack, thanks for bug fixing your cool parts. For some reason, TT06-A stability enancer (very nice part, btw) has leight at least 24,1m - that makes impossible to use it with small sounding rockets in the begining of career without upgraded launchpad...
  2. Hello @Lack, I want to report a bug with kerbolyov grid fin - once attached, you cannot unattach it in VAB... And the part is not there after launch
  3. Play brutal ironman XCOM 2 . Then play brutal campaign in brutal ironman XCOM LONGWAR. By the time you'll finish, get bac to KSP 1.1 or... 1.3 or... 1.5
  4. I wonder, how does it works with KCT spaceplane revovery to inventory?
  5. By the way, there is a mod to reroll seed. Specially for save scumming
  6. Don't play the game like a cheater. Be an Iron Man I really advise BeagleRush YouTube channel if you wish to learn how to play. I've thought I'm an XCOM pro, but learned some tricks. Love this game. Like mix of chess and russian roulette....
  7. I'm on X64. Buildings bug is solved by the mod But unfortunately there's damn annoying right click menu bug when you have to click hell of it to make part menu appear. However never had issue with phantom roll induced by CKAN or x64, so... I think OP is unfair.
  8. The shuttle design is pretty senseless, until you think about RETURNING things from space. Or polar orbit nuclear strikes. Remember shuttle was capable of polar mission, but never flew it. If crazy politics and military was not involved, shuttle could be more reasonable spacecraft... When soviets started buran, they knew it's kinda senseless, but needed to show THEY CAN DO IT and even bigger and automated... Then ditched the program.
  9. Hmm, all this Saturn story is very strange. Why they dropped totally succesful Saturn V and fired Wernher von Braun ? You know, N-1 failed in 7 launches or so... Saturn V was total success and F-1 engines was so cool, but never used again? For me it looks like they simulated all the moon stuff, then like "oh no, wrong concept, we need something completely different - a Space Shuttle". Too expansive? Shuttle development and exploitation was also expensive. The most obvious reason for this - Wernher von Braun and Saturn V actually ... failed. May be...?
  10. check small one, that goes on top of radish capsule
  11. I would add deploy height for small inline chute // inline chute default fix @PART[InLineChuteSmall]:HAS[@ModuleParachute] { @MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @minAirPressureToOpen = 0.06 @deployAltitude = 1000 } } min pressure may vary, but default HGR deploy alt 500 is way to low in my experience
  12. I'll check my cfg for HGR today and list it here. But looks you've got all covered
  13. Is it possible to change remote control station requirements instead of - specific probe core and 6 kerbals to - have 2 pilots on crafts?
  14. So, to clarify things, is it compatible with PF for everything?
  15. Hello, what do you think of HGR (and HGR redux) support? Amd seems there's no support for whole SXT, right? Also, would be cool to include USI exploration pack as well. If you're considering suggestions...
  16. OMG, so incredible mod! Can't beleive it's happening, super-cool!
  17. Hello @blowfish , I'm bit condused. CKAN has B9 Aerospace Pack and B9 Aerospace Props with identical size 61170 KB. Which one is correct one? ..... O'k - figured out. Looks like B9 Aerospace Pack - it has props as dependancy
  18. Cool engine. Great term - Porkalike. Porkified RAPIERS
  19. Hello, definetly gonna try this. I hate stock node gizmos with all my heart and never play without precise node and hotkeys. Do you have hotkeys for +orbit -orbit ? Can be helpful when you trying to arrange intercept on Ascending|Descending node.
  20. I play at 120% heat level. Really, 1.0.5 adds some challenge to reentry. You need ablator. Don't go too high - you get lot of heat and less drag. But if you go lower, make sure you have low mass and high drag. Drogue chutes and airbrakes are your friends. Love 1.0.5, really cool ( hot ) changes
  21. @Ven I like new 2 men pod, TKS style. I really hope IVA is on to do list for it Do you plan to make RCS pod and retropack for it?
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