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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. I'm sorry, but I still think the values fit better in this one.
  2. That looks ok so far. But if we add the multiple antenna values, it gets tight. But I could delete some and only keep the essential values. Hm... I will think about it. In every case thanks for your effort! I can absolutely understand you, I'm also not really happy to have a broken scale. But I still feel like the most important regions should have the most space. So on the other hand, I'm even thinking about breaking the scale further, and make the region between 1 and 50Gm even larger, to have more detail in that important section.
  3. Maybe it looks nice and is technical correct. But there is absolutely no space to position all the antennas between the planets, and isn't exactly this the most important to show? Why use so much space for a few values in an area without any targets, and have so narrow space in the most interesting range?
  4. I have just created a correct Log scale compared to the broken scale. I still see a big problem with Log scale and Mun+Minmus. The distances are too different to use any natural scale. I think I will do another scale change on the broken scale version at 100Gm to make it more compact. And will make it in higher resolution. Have just seen Duna is wrong on the log scale.
  5. Minmus is at 0,047Gm, or am I wrong? Is the space between Minmus and Eve really interesting? There will be only two antennas for each DSN level between 0,1 and Eve. I will try to populate this a little and try the log scale, if this does not work.
  6. What about something like this? Smaler scale and hard scale changes at 0,01 - 0,1 and 1 Gm instead of log. Hm... I think I should change the general resolution
  7. Hi @GoSlash27, thanks for your opinion. Thats right, but i see two problems in this version: We now have again a verry tall scale. The log scale could be verry iritating, especially to new players, as it does not show the distances 1:1.
  8. Here is a (verry ugly and rough) example how a log scale and adding mun and minmus would look like:
  9. But even with a log scale, I still don't see a way to add Mun and Minmus without breaking the scale or having huge gap. They are at 0.012 and 0.047 Gm. Any ideas? I could do a sperate scale for the Kerbin SOI.
  10. Sorry for the late reply, got a lot to do at the moment... Sadly I will not find time for this, but i don't mind if someone does a version for RO. Thanks to both of you! I will see what i can do, but it would take some time. It would not just be an extension, OPM changes all antenna powers, so even the values for the standard planets don't fit.
  11. Thanks a lot! What an honour! That was unexpected
  12. Hello, When building something in orbit it's often important to dock the parts precisely together, and sometimes it's hard to see if they are a few degrees off or not. So what about an option for docking ports where they only snap in to each other at fixed steps like every 5 or 10 degrees when activated? I think that would be really helpfull.
  13. Thanks for all your input I will see what I can do and optimize it, as soon as I find the time. If someone is verry bored, you could test if my antenna suggestions for Hohmann transfers to Eve and Duna are ok. I think these are verry important values for the early game. You should be able to break into a parking orbit or land safely at the arrival from a Hohmann transfer before loosing contact. And you should regain contact early enough to return from these planets using a Hohman transfer. Other planets than Eve and Duna are too far away or have too irregular orbits to make usable predictions.
  14. Would be an idea, maybe it could even fit Mun and Minmus then. But it would be harder to compare the distances and hard to realize in mspaint.
  15. Thanks! Yes it's verry tall, but it has to be tall to make all values fit I do zoom in and scroll up an down to the distance I need. I think it is still readable, if you rotate it to the right. Will have to check this later, thanks for your opinion!
  16. Hello, I felt like i need to visualize antenna ranges for all DSN levels compared to the planets distances to Kerbin, so i can clearly see which and how many antennas i need without any calculating. Update V1.2 for KSP1.4: -stock game: no changes -OPM: added level 4 DSN, introduced in OPM v2.2.0 -GPP: no changes -OPM + GPP: no changes -GPO: new! Here are some great Planet Pack extensions made by @wile1411 OPM (including the new Level 4 DSN introduced in OPM v2.2.0) OPM + JX2 Antenna (JX2 disables the new Level 4 DSN introduced in OPM v2.2.0) GPP GPP + OPM GPP+GEP+OPM GPO For more detailed calculations please see @Poodmunds CommNet Signal Strength Calculator & Antenna Selector: Old versions
  17. Ok. So I'm forced to leave the rover and separate lander back at duna, and also returning them both doesn't give Elon Style?
  18. Sorry, had just edited the post while you were answering. I have taken brute force out. But it is still 114%. My plan includes a rover, which is later returned to kerbin or kerbin orbit. So having a rover doesn't seem to exclude anything else?
  19. Using the same reusable launch system for all payloads which lands without chutes. Using old school engines. Assembling a separate direct ascend vehicle without chutes which has ladders and extra space and carries a rover and later brings it back to kerbin. Bring the crew in a transfer stage with extra space plus lander without chutes which later remotely returns to the transfer stage which then remotely returns to kerbin orbit and stays there, while the crew gets back in the separate ascend vehicle which land on kerbin without chutes too. So everything including the rover and lander is reusable and returnees And I think it gives: On Tongues of Fire. Use no chutes; propulsive landings on both Duna and Kerbin. 10%decrease in highest payload mass. Old School. No nukes or ions. 3% decrease in highest payload mass. Brute Force. Assemble a Direct Ascent vehicle in LKO; no ISRU, no propellant transfer, no Duna orbit rendezvous. 12% decrease in highest payload mass. Slow Climb. Put ladders on your vehicles so you don't have to jetpack around on the Duna surface. 4% decrease in highest payload mass. Elon Style. Make the whole system fully reusable without using nukes, ions, or airbreathers. 25% decrease in highest payload mass. Stayin' Alive. Bring extra living space (at least one extra seat per Kerbal) for the transfer to and from Duna. 18% decrease in highest payload mass. Loop The Loop. Make your transfer vehicle a fully-reusable solution that can brake back into Kerbin orbit and be used again for the next trip. 15% decrease in highest payload mass. Consistency, Good Sir. Make all of your launches with the exact same launch vehicle. 6% decrease in highest payload mass. Justin Case. (NEW) Provide your crew with a separately-landed ascent vehicle as a reliable way to get off Duna (inspired by The Martian). 18% decrease in highest payload mass. They See Me Rollin'. (NEW) Bring a rover for your crew to get around Duna. 15% decrease in highest payload mass. Which is 126%? Even if I exclude brute force, because parallel to the direct ascend vehicle there is a second ship, which docks to the transfer stage before it returns, it's still 114?
  20. If I see this right, it is now possible to get more than -100% bonus, which would lead to negative score, which means the heaviest ship with all these bonus will win
  21. Thanks It could be even smaller using a single launch and without all these docking ports. And a single seater can be really tiny It works even on one spark, but it's less efficient. I do often see to big engines on Duna crafts. A single terrier for example is enough for a direct single staged ascend of an Mk3 pod.
  22. Thanks! I don'tknow if loop the loop gets replaced by Elon Style or if I can have both.
  23. So here it is... finally Heaviest payload: 1.695t 5 launches: 1x 1.690t 4x 1.695t I think i've got: Old School 5% Brute Force 12% Slow Climb 4% (why did i bring this ladder? ) Elon Style 25% Consistency 6% = -52% Score 0,8136 (if i didn't get another thing wrong ) The ship: The whole tour: https://imgur.com/a/R8sPz
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