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Posts posted by Kergarin

  1. 17 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    These mods and an established path to realism exist already, they are called Sigma Dimensions + Rescale. The first thing to do is to up-size your universe. Once you do so, your rockets are no longer clearly large and OP for their jobs, and you grow to realize that stock scale is too small. 2.5x or 2.7x are the ideal scale for beginners and most seasoned players, and SSTO design becomes reasonably hard to accomplish. After that (at higher scales) you'll want FAR which adds a realistic aero model and ends the drag cube system. Finally (after 3.2x scale), you'll want SMURFF which deals with parts being super-heavy.

    Alternatively, if you're hoping to nerf all engines so they fit better into stock scale... Uh... Have fun setting that up and actually playing with the engines afterward. For example, Skylon's SABRE operates up to Mach 5 on air, and Mach 25 is the equivalent of orbital velocity. So you'll want to nerf the RAPIER to operate up to just Mach 1.5 on air...... You can still use SMURFF at stock scale and fix the part mass thing but the rest of it...nobody's going to want to do it, to be honest.

    Absolutely. I only play at 1x size for challenges and to show that the game is too easy :D

    2-4x size fits KSP Stock parts best. Burntimes, payloads and reentry becomes much more realistic. SSTOs with small payloads to LKO are still possible.


    Besides this I also think the new boosters are out of balance.

  2. 21 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    This is more a "mission idea" than a challenge, but really it's neither. There's just no forum for "ideas on how to play the game differently than was intended." :)

    And I have a pretty strict definition of grind when it comes to science. If I have to pay attention to it outside of the VAB and mission summary screen I feel like I had to grind too much.

    Well that's true. But it's also a more challenging way to play the game :)

    My definition of science grinding is doing one type of experiment in more than one biome per planet. E.g. Orbiting Mun and doing the same experiment over different biomes, or waking around KSC to do science.

    Just one straigt line of science without repeating experiments is my personal limit :D

  3. 13 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Both have their minuses, but a mod to automatically collect science eliminates the grind in it for me.

    I like the idea though and may try it in a future run :)

    Science grind is not needed for this at all. Even at just 100% rewards. It's totally doable by just doing one biome per planet per experiment and 0 KSC science apart from launchpad science at the first launch.

    It's not verry easy but also not that hard. But that's why this is in challenge forum :D

  4. 1 hour ago, Gigakoos said:

    No problem! But keep the reusability in mind. 

    Sure, SpaceX's plans for Starship include in-situ resource utilisation on Mars (that's one of the reasons they chose methane and lox as fuels) so go ahead! 

    So then, does this fit? :D
    It's an older build, and maybe I have posted this for one or another challenge already :D
    If you say it's legit I will start calculating


  5. I still love the old challenge and I'm working on optimising it from time to time. Well... It's by now the only way I play career to be honest :D

    So I'm verry happy to see you starting a new one :D

    In my opinion, leaving all rewards at 100% is more than enough to play career without contracts. And this works without any boring science farming or mods. So 200% money should be more than enough to play around a little.

    Generally I think, you would finally work to the point, where rewards get rare, but then you can make money by science (and labs) or isru mining on other planets. (making money by isru on kerbin should be forbidden)

    What about breaking Ground science equipment?

  6. 42 minutes ago, djr5899 said:

    So, is there any decent workaround for this until an official fix is released?  I saw something about editing a .cfg file, but, it didn't seem certain of what value to adjust, and whether that was a true "pre-1.8" value or just a drastic swing at correcting it.

    Would really like to play some KSP this week, but, as a few others have said, I find it rather unplayable as it currently is.

    This makes the game behave like 1.7.3. Works fine for me:

    On 10/21/2019 at 3:25 AM, OHara said:

    Many of the coefficients of drag in 'PartDatabase.cfg' , and a few of the part dimensions, seem to be clearly wrong in 1.8.0. 
    If we delete that file, KSP regenerates it, but again with the wrong values.   

    Those of us with a previous working installation can copy over the old 'PartDatabase.cfg',  delete the line containing "version = ..."
    and that solves the 1.8.0 problems with aerodynamics and heat.

    The problem is, squad doesn't tell us, if there are any intended changes in aero and heat, or if 1.8 was meant to still behave like 1.7.3.


    This is the second weekend with an unplayable broken release, and without any comment. There is no point in playing the game and creating new designs, if no one knows if they will still work next week.


    I'm not asking for a fix or a deep analysis. I know this can take time.

    But squad DOES absolutely know all the time if they intended to change aero and heat in 1.8.


    So please squad give us a hint. A or B. You can answer this in a second.

    A. There are no intended changes, the patched release will behave like 1.7.3. You are fine with sticking to its aerodynamics.

    B. There will be changes, you can stop playing until the patch comes out.


  7. Nassault for making the best ever cinematics which always make me drop a tear

    @Stratzenblitz75 for his absolutely brilliant and crazy builds

    @EvermoreAlpaca for beating me at Eve :D:sticktongue::sticktongue:


    Don't read spoiler, frustrated sarcasm ahead :D


    And who was this guy, who is the only one to build a ship which can endlessly reusable travel between and land on all Planets and Moons including Eve? Wasn't this the same who did build the first ever 5 science point SSTO and the first ever fully functional Eve SSTO:sticktongue::sticktongue:


  8. I hope they add least add the outer planets to the Kerbol system, this would be a good compromise, as there would be some more things to explore before going interplanetary.

    Also it would feel more complete.


    Besides this, a stock option to resize everything would be great. The stock parts are totally overpowered, they feel best and verry realistic in a 4x larger Kerbol system.

  9. 13 hours ago, Anth12 said:

    @kergarin yeah it the priority isnt an issue.

    Once the weekend was over squad jumped all over the important bug reports like fly to honey.

    The temperature and drag issues will most likely be at the top of their list

    I'd just be happy to hear some hint if there are intended changes, or if the final version will behave like 1.7.3.

    I don't want to put days or weeks into the game to create new designs, if they are based on the wrong aero and become worthless after the patch

  10. Yes.

    This clearly needs a fix, or at least some comment, if there was an intended change or if we are fine with replacing the partsdatabase.cfg.

    Playing 1.8 makes absolutely no sense at the moment, if no one knows, if the crafts we design now, will still work tomorrow.

    Also sticking to 1.7.3 makes no sense, if we don't know, if there were intended changes.


    I'm playing since 1.0.x and never had a bug stopping me from playing.

    This totally breaks the game, and needs at least a quick developer comment, what's intended.

    Please just give us a hint squad

  11. 16 hours ago, OHara said:

    Many of the coefficients of drag in 'PartDatabase.cfg' , and a few of the part dimensions, seem to be clearly wrong in 1.8.0. 
    If we delete that file, KSP regenerates it, but again with the wrong values.   

    Those of us with a previous working installation can copy over the old 'PartDatabase.cfg',  delete the line containing "version = ..."
    and that solves the 1.8.0 problems with aerodynamics and heat.

    Had the time to test.

    This solves the issue and behaves 100% like 1.7.3.


  12. 5 hours ago, OHara said:

    Many of the coefficients of drag in 'PartDatabase.cfg' , and a few of the part dimensions, seem to be clearly wrong in 1.8.0. 
    If we delete that file, KSP regenerates it, but again with the wrong values.   

    Those of us with a previous working installation can copy over the old 'PartDatabase.cfg',  delete the line containing "version = ..."
    and that solves the 1.8.0 problems with aerodynamics and heat.

    Thanks! Do the newly added parts still work then?

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