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Everything posted by Dobelong

  1. That’s great! is there a forum or download link to this? I was not able to find it.
  2. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues where craft spontaneously explode upon doing things like touching the ground or loading a quicksave. This here is an experimental ascent vehicle built for the Whirligig world of Derbin, and has experienced this issue in a variety of forms. Here it is with a Big-S delta wing spontaneously detaching moments after loading a quicksave. Normally the entire craft spontaneously ceases to exist, but in this case I managed to somewhat mitigate that outcome by pausing immediately after quickloading and unpausing after a few seconds. Turns out that every single time I quickload this particular instance, the Big-S inevitably falls off after a few seconds. Also to note, this craft used to completely destroy itself half the time I teleported it to Derbin's surface. The flight logs indicated that the wheels had collided into the fuel tanks (to be fair, they were clipped into each other, but the catastrophic collapse only happened about half the time.) Paradoxically, I managed to (so far, anyways) completely prevent this from happening by moving the rear landing gear outboard, which apparently prevents the landing gear from "colliding" with any other part of the craft. I am no physics expert in this game, but I thought the collisions were taking place due to a part falling off and then colliding with another part. In contrast to this hypothesis, just moving the gear outwards, which should have made a structural failure more likely since it was now attached to an outboard wing, completely solved the issue. Spontaneous disassemblies also happen when staging, though I suspect that one is probably from the staged parts grazing against the accelerating craft.
  3. Naturally, after I figured out how to efficiently escape Mesbin's SOI, I immediately booked a mission to Derbin and attempted to make an all-in-one return vehicle. I personally reasoned that if I could escape from Derbin, I could also use this vehicle for Valyr, or other high-gravity planets like Galaxy Unbound's Aquel or Herculeon. This is the 5th version but still suffers from "Explodes or flips over while staging" disease.
  4. Wow, that's cool! Also, did this modpack get an update since July 29th? I didn't know about the Scatterer compatibility but rest assured I will try it out. The installed version I've got is 0.13.0, which seems to be the latest version on CKAN and as listed here.
  5. This engine definitely has a lot of interesting potential, and I can't wait to see it in-game! I understand the concern that it might overshadow the regular Mammoth but I think the developers have probably already considered how this engine fits into the engine meta without making any existing ones obsolete. We know in-lore that the Mammoth was made to be "a truly enormous engine of the highest efficiency." Early single-nozzle mammoths were giant bombs, so engineers moved to instead cluster together four small but advanced engines to better handle the chamber pressures. Interestingly the lore suggests the Rhino also suffered from "being a bomb syndrome" and so was retooled to be a vacuum engine, so the development of the Mammoth and Rhino likely comes from a common ancestor. Judging by the giant pipe on the side, this engine is an open-cycle gas generator type rather than the high-tech closed cycle used by the KS-25. Thus, it seems that rather than go for an engine that was the zenith of thrust and efficiency, engineers sacrificed the latter for raw power, vested in a single nozzle. Also to note is that just like the Rhino, this engine having one single bell rather than four spaced out SLS-style means that it could probably also be stack-attached as an upper stage engine or clustered itself into some kind of Mammoth-Mammoth abomination. Based on all of these observations, I would personally conclude that the Mammoth II is probably going to be a cheaper, "Half-measure" type engine with decent performance at both ASL and Vacuum air pressure, but beaten in both respectively by the Mammoth and Rhino. The gas generator could also mean this engine is cheaper than the Mammoth, since it's less high tech. fulfilling the mixed performance role of the Swivel and Skipper in smaller engine sizes. Of course anything or everything I say could be or become wildly incorrect due to changes down the line before KSP2's (probably not that soon) release date, or just poor prediction.
  6. It's been a while (2 months) since I played KSP, and I see that this mod's gotten much more mature! Were there always parts available? (I recall they were here in an old build but not up to date the last time I downloaded this.) I'll definitely need to check if this gives FTL communication ability so I don't have to strap 200 relay dishes together. Once again, I definitely need to check this pack out. on that note, I appreciate the clarified modpack descriptions and overall improved organization. Keep up the good work StarCrusher!
  7. Per Kerman was taking part in the annual KSC Economic review when he realized that, as indicated on the oh-so-informational bar graph, they had made exactly zero money that year due to their numerous rocket crashes. This shocking event causes him to drop to the floor and have a heart attack. Fortunately, paramedics resuscitate Per Kerman just in time, so he survives. What he did not survive, however, was a loose wall bolt slipping and causing the whiteboard with the bar graph on it to land on top of him. John Kerman- A high-gravity planet
  8. I just started trying out this mod a couple days ago to get back into KSP and wow it's pretty hardcore! The planet designs are excellent and I really like the effort to add proper science info. One thing I'm currently struggling with is that I am currently expending upwards of 4,000 meters per second once in low Mesbin orbit (990km) just to get a transfer to nearby moons like Graymun. Is this optimal?
  9. if I may ask, which version of Kopernicus are you using? Also I've noticed that CKAN does not have the new 1.11 version yet, it's still on 1.7.3.
  10. I use the latest 1.12. Be sure to carefully follow all the instructions (there's multiple pages) and run the game a couple times after installing. Even then I still do get occasional bugs and my brand new gaming laptop still struggles with rendering the map screen at first, before the farther away planets disappear.
  11. Hmm, looks pretty cool, I wonder what weird celestial bodies will be around this one!
  12. All I want is a reliable way of finding interplanetary phase angles. Kerbal Engineer does that (sorry if people've already brought that up a dozen times)
  13. Very nice, is it on KerbalX? Also fyi, apparently 1 shock cone intake (which also has better performance than the adjustable ramps) can provide air for 4 RAPIERs.
  14. Does anyone have any tips for finding the various easter eggs? Do they show up on anonmaly scanners for Kerbnet?
  15. That sounds pretty hard, but I do admire your effort. On my end, installing the latest Beyond Home with the indicated version of Parallax (CKAN wants to auto update it but I don't let it) and the newest Kopernicus seems to be working fine, though I haven't explored worlds that thoroughly beyond the Rhode system at this point. If we can get a replicable bug or terrain error, we could report that and maybe get a patch if possible.
  16. I can also verify that at least on launch and teleporting to planets, After Kerbin works. Not sure about Before Kerbin though.
  17. A strange glitch often happens when I switch from a vessel in interstellar space (or just really far away from Kerbin) and go back to the space center. The same error constantly pops up on the log, and the buildings become really deformed and jittery to the point where clicking on them becomes difficult. However, it seems that going into a building and exiting it/launching a craft from Kerbin will fix the issue. Has anyone else been able to replicate this?
  18. Knowing Kerbals, they'd name it after a scrambled egg or a stick of butter Anyways, this thread seems really promising! Getting the motivation to do something daily is certainly a trial, and I look forward to your future progress!
  19. Personally, I added all the systems at once, launched the game, closed it, and then launched it again before playing. Perhaps this might help?
  20. Yessss, the warp system works excellently now! Oh boy, does this mod work...
  21. The sheer visuals of this modpack continue to impress! I especially enjoy the massive floating rocks (not sure if they were intentional but they look cool) That being said the game did drop to 12-20 fps when I got down to the surface of Orus. Lag was especially bad during flight, though I'm not sure if that's because of Kopernicus, Scatterer, or some optimization issues. Right now Nova Kiribani does still seem to be the most refined out of all the packs, so if I ever start a fresh install I'll probably download just that to reduce the mod's extreme RAM and graphics usage. ... is what I would say, if everything else also didn't look so fantastic! Not sure I could really resist wanting to download everything again anyways. Especially the future additions you've hinted at! I just hope the lag goes down sometime.
  22. Oh snap, I never thought of that Thanks for the patch!
  23. I deleted the WildBlueIndustries folder from GameData and replaced it with the GitHub download. Unfortunately, the exact same thing appears to be happening. Warp engines will pass the FTL check in editor but say "Needs More Power" in flight. Notably the warp effects still activate for the 2.5m warp ring, but the spacecraft doesn't go anywhere. Not sure if this could be related but the spatial location always says "unknown"
  24. I had some trouble finding asteriods in my modded Install which includes Blueshift, so I tried a clean install with just Blueshift. 1.It loads much faster actually, which is really convenient! 2. The asteriods appear around the Kerbin System now (before they appeared all around the Galaxies Unbound Galaxy, and I had nearly all the systems installed. Hardly any were actually within reach without FTL) 3. Unfortunately, this mod itself doesn't seem to work for me right now. I've got an S3 Warp Engine, Lander Can, and some SAS and batteries by itself on a craft (from what I understand this should at least be capable of FTL and passes the check in the editor) however spawned in, the drive (and any combination of drives that I've tested actually) always say they "need more power." Also to note, the warp engine, when throttled up, continues to consume small amounts of graviolium even when not able to actually perform FTL. I've also included my mod list in CKAN (my only way of downloading mods for this install) if that helps. I only downloaded Blueshift and the recommended mods that came with it.
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