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  1. Thanks SpaceTiger, Keep up the great work on your utilities...
  2. Is this 1.3 Compatible? If so, CKAN needs to be updated.
  3. Version mismatch, I just have keep downloading from Spacedock, I figured you would start using CKAN.
  4. @Ser Fog of Tech still seems to work, nicely done on the coding, the only one who is having problems with it is CKAN. Thank you for this wonderful mod.
  5. I was wondering if you could update your KSP version to be compatible with 1.2, I currently have no problems with is current version of Ship Manifest, but CKAN says it incompatible. Thank you Papa_Joe.
  6. CKAN crashed when updating this, and now I don't have it on any list since I tried to remove it and reinstall.
  7. The mod is called: Science - Full Reward or previously known as: No More Science Grinding.
  8. @Nansuchao I know that you stop adding to this post due to 1.0.5 update, but I'm sure you can start again with 1.1, most mods listed are available once again. The only thing you have worry about now is getting bored repeating the same missions from the original mission.
  9. I included ForScience! also. Since Automated Science Sampler can't get all of the science from Mkerb Inc. Science Instruments.
  10. @avivey This mod showed up on CKAN as compatible, however, it currently doesn't have a toolbar icon. I'm sure your currently working on it, so I won't bother you much longer, I just thought I would point it out.
  11. Are going to make OctoSat 1.1 compatibility? I love your designs and current stock probe bodies are huge.
  12. Looks like @simon56modder you will get your chance, they have said they will be release 1.1 in ~a week, hopefully solving the wheel problem in the process.
  13. This mod is the best, I really love x64 can make Science Station work even better, especially when you make large stations.
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