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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Likely - I doubt that SX wants their prototypes falling into competitor's hands. That said - they'd honestly have to make the FTS break up the ship to ensure sinking. Weird - I can't link to reddit now? TIL Thousands of shipping containers are lost to the sea each year, and that if the containers cargo weight does not exceed 80% of the containers rated capacity, they will float. TIL Thousands of shipping containers are lost to the sea each year, and that if the containers cargo weight does not exceed 80% of the containers rated capacity, they will float. : r/todayilearned (reddit.com) (Super weird - I could not paste the link directly. Had to drop it into a Word doc and then recopy from there to paste). Point being; even if not completely water tight (the internal tanks are fluid tight) - any trapped air = buoyancy. Meaning - if they don't blow the ships, someone will recover (or crash into) one. VH-MXJ - Dassault Falcon 900EX [055] - Flightradar24 If interested - Reddit thinks this is relevant.
  2. Went back to EveryDay's feed. Starship splashed down (controlled) as well! (Start at 9:54ish for the very last bit including splashdown) There's a point where you can see speed go to near zero - and then it jumps up, and you can see the ship settle (presumably in the water). Some might contend that I can't prove it landed intact - but telemetry data and what little we can see, along with camera movement looks very good for Starship being recoverable. Big question: did they blow it up in the water... or will there be an effort to recover it?
  3. I just rewatched the landing of Booster. They did it. Very impressive - it 'landed' in the water and tilted over. (start ~ 07:00 for the terminal phase). One of the Raptors did not relight - and in fact seems to have eaten itself, given all the crap that flies off - but still, an impressive feat. Frankly - that would be a recoverable ship! EDIT - despite the name of the video - this does NOT show the full flight; it show's Booster's full flight, not Ship's.
  4. Falcon was trying to do (and keep doing) something that had not really ever been done before. SX was also just getting into space as the scrappy up and coming new kid trying to prove its mettle. Having done what they did with Falcon - there was no reason to repeat all of the steps - doing so would be tantamount to admitting they'd learned nothing along the way. By progressing to Booster and SS propulsive landings from the start - they're showing confidence in what they've learned and what they think they're capable of. And in an impressive manner. ITF-4 and we are already hovering both craft? In what? 6 years of effort?
  5. I think you might want to reflect on this. Maybe two out of all of the test article Raptors had issues - none of them catastrophic. Don't fall too in love with your thesis - it's okay to change your assumptions with more data
  6. Nice! Start watching abt 1:04:20. Does it look like we can see the hexagonal outline of the tiles? Am I seeing things - or does anyone else see what I think I'm seeing?
  7. The enduring image of the flight for me is that burned through flap still actuating. Wowsers
  8. One tough bastad of a ship. Humans are amazing. Now I'm wondering if there is a Navy vs Navy race to see if anything is recoverable.
  9. Oh yeah - watching the booster telemetry go from over 4,000 km/h at 20 km altitude to less than a thousand at 1km before lighting the rocket and then the hoover was amazing. The physicality of all that - wow!
  10. Also - no tumble. That landing burn was incredible!
  11. Anyone found a clean snip of the human-Millennium Falcon - Starship scale comparison? Asking for a friend. Going back to the fuel transfer plan - they just showed a graphic of the two ships laying belly to belly. Why try to mate two building-sized craft in that way, rather than using some kind of umbilical?
  12. S&Sf when typed while not wearing glasses. 'Science and Spaceflight'. The forum won't let some of us into the sub, but we can backdoor into the threads.
  13. Nope. Sad times. Still - best community I've been with!
  14. Seeing as I am still ShafowBanned from S#Sf... Will someone like this so I can get back here easily tomorrow? TIA.
  15. That was fast. https://apnews.com/article/china-far-side-of-moon-probe-4f140a9c2bef8a5e5e919f1967080858 Not messing around.
  16. True - to add to this; when Mt St Helen's went off there were two, brief local effects. 1. Daytime temps under the ash cloud were up to 8 degrees cooler during the day. 2. Night temperatures under the ash cloud were 10-12 degrees warmer. Third - the unexpected result was how temporary the effect - and that there was almost no global cooling. This is attributed to the lack of sulpur in the ash. Aerosol sulpur is linked to the Icelandic volcanoes that caused the year without summer. The bigger crop risk that no one is talking about is the fact that most crops are engineered to die. Monsanto, et.al. like their profits - so you cannot get a second year of crops from the presently planted seeds. Only organic crops might be available for follow on years. Thus when the Nuke war happens - the logistics will be cut off and then the human tragedy will cascade.
  17. Based on wooden cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Almost all of them. In fact, the scenario where nuclear winter happens is almost impossible.
  18. I'm hoping to see the forums continue. KSP1 is still a game, after all. * FWIW - This is my all time favorite internet community. (especially the regulars at S&SF) I'd like to give a shout out to @Snark, @Vanamonde and @Gargamel who I credit for wrangling all of us, all these years. You guys are saints for helping us keep it civil and fun! Hopefully this place is still here in a year - but if not... Thanks for all the fish!
  19. Looking for paleoclimate / archaeological assistance (articles or links) with effects of the Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA) (volcanic) on societies in the Americas / southern Africa. (6th and 7th Centuries - coinciding with the "Dark Ages" of Europe) e.g. Cooling and societal change during the Late Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD | Nature Geoscience - It's pretty clear that Justinian Plague and mass migrations happened in conjunction with the LALIA in Eurasia due to cooling temperatures and changes in the weather patterns. But I'm looking for archaeological or paleoclimate information for the Americas or Sub-Saharan Africa for that time period. The closest I'm finding is the fall of Teotihuacan ~ 600ish Teotihuacan - World History Encyclopedia There is a pretty good correlation between the LIA (starting in the 1300s) with changes in Native American cultures A 600-Year-Old Blueprint for Weathering Climate Change - The Atlantic, including paleoclimate data showing intense droughts in the American Southwest during the LIA. There is similar climatic variability during the Medieval Warm period impacting Mesoamerican cultures. It's the earlier pulse I'm looking for; stories / data about the Dark Ages - outside of Europe. Thanks for any help. (Teaching the correlation between climate change and societal disruptions) Edit - adding that Great Zimbabwe flourished just as Eurasia was going into the LIA. These kinds of major changes in different parts of the world are fascinating.
  20. Nuke, I'll solve NFUN's riddle for you using math's and logic. Marines get this stuff, watch: There is exactly one way that adding a third point of data won't totally mess up @K^2's two-point prediction. Literally every other possible point would make his ' two points and a ruler' derived prediction some degree less accurate. Since there is an infinite number of other possibilities for where to place the third point - and we cannot split infinity, we will use the SWAG principle and insert a sufficiently large number for infinity and do the math. I'm going with a gagillion. If you add a gagillion, plus the one possible point that makes K^2s big brain prediction possible, you get a gagillion and one. Divide that by 2 and you get the average - half a gagillion (give or take). Thus, the average deviation from the preceeding two points when placing the third point should be half a gagillion off the line of the other two. Since that's the case, logic tells you that if the third point lines up with the first two it can only mean one thing: @K^2 is clearly manipulating the data and cannot be trusted.
  21. Question about potential energy and solar charging. Apologies if this sounds a stoopid question to the educated... But is there a potential energy or balance limit to a portable solar charger's ability to supply power to a phone battery? I'm in the second full day of no power and finally got to play with the 28w backpack solar charger I bought a year ago. The charger does great until I get to about 50% and then it begins to struggle. I know that there are issues about the angle of the sun and etc involved... I'm not asking about solar efficiency.... But the question is more about 'pressure' (as the analog for the correct technical term). I. E. Is the battery reaching an equalibrium point with the charger such that once it hits 50% there is enough charge in the battery to resist further charging?
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