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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. So - you're right. I got to see a remarkable partial eclipse while in school from Los Angeles years and years ago. It stuck with me as a really cool experience. So cool, in fact, that I took my kids out of school for the last totality. And Was Blown Away. I'm taking them out again - because it is that cool. Don't go to Niagara. Pick a small town and go to the ballpark there. That is all you need! (and yeah, if you can't - do go outside, and remember to look at the shadows!)
  2. It really will be worth driving into it. Corona is otherworldly - and photos /videos do not convey the experience.
  3. I'm driving my wife nuts with shifting cloud cover predictions... One day I'm on Indiana, the next Illinois or Missouri. Whatever... I'm going! Come on High Pressure System!
  4. Um... Some people should not be engaged - much less argued with. They're passionate about their misperception and committed to conspiracy. Can't win.
  5. Minoan and BA Assyrian empires suggest this could be a viable strategy. Of note - being a 'neutral' / unaligned trading power in a post - globalization economic scenario is a possible success story (there is a lot of speculation of fragmentation of the current system - and economists speculating of what it looks like)
  6. https://news.yale.edu/2020/07/24/globalization-began-early-1000-yale-historian-contends-book This book goes into some interesting details about the movement of population and trade back then - debunking 'China found America first' and 'Islam discovered America first' via some very credible explication of travel, trade and the impact of ocean currents and wind. Vis China - they certainly could have found America by following the coast north and then tracing the Alleutian Islands south... But she points out that like the Vikings (who did visit) they'd have found almost zero trade goods of interest. About the only thing the Vikings took was lumber. And casualties. Some slaves. There is a story about some Japanese sailors that got caught in a storm and survived 14 months at sea to wash up on the Washington coast - most died of Scurvy Go back and review the Japanese experience in WW1 and interwar period. The severe lack of 'modern' natural resources (coal, iron / steel, oil) almost precludes a Polynesian / Island (Japan) empire that does not conquer China / SEA first
  7. Fun Fact: due to the Trade Winds in the South Pacific, 'sea level' is 1.5 feet higher in Indonesia than near Peru. https://www.weather.gov/source/zhu/ZHU_Training_Page/tropical_stuff/enso/enso2.htm This also is an explanation for the late colonization of New Zealand, Samoa, Hawaii, etc. etc. The combination of the currents and prevailing winds made it extremely difficult for anyone to go East of Indonesia. (Early Chinese maps had the equivalent of 'here there be monsters' for anything past the Indonesian archipelago.) ALSO... According to Phys.org, that is the comparison of all of the water on Earth and the planet itself (and they mean ALL - including vapor and the water in our bodies). https://phys.org/news/2012-05-earth.html
  8. Yeah - the 'barely made orbit' was the plan for this flight.
  9. I for one have never posted some whiskey-fueled nonsense that I regret. Nope. Never. Weird thing is that as I try to convince my students just how amazing it is that SX is propulsively landing spacecraft... they just shrug. Because for as long as they've paid attention - SX has been doing just that. I remember thinking the first PC I built was super powerful - and I'm pretty sure my phone has more power than it did. It's almost like we can't predict the future - and then once some amazing future is at hand - we take it for granted.
  10. Side note: radar was initially developed for weather and adapted to the war effort.
  11. I haven't played for a while (waiting for 'Landed State" bug to be fixed) but IIRC your Kerbal actually has to touch the craft. I could be mistaken, however, as the game might require the Kerbal to be 'docked' (in a rumble seat or inside a cabin). That said - once one 'thing' has the science, anything that docks with it or separates from it has all the science until transmitted / delivered and then all have none (or whatever remains. c.f. data transmission vs sample delivery)
  12. Goals. They have no obligations, just intentions. Ofc you know that.
  13. (question abt the landing attempt) boost back /reentry looked great until I saw it wasn't slowing down much. Does it rely entirely on the landing burn to slow then stop?
  14. Very late to the party - just watched with my students. Why was Booster so much above terminal so deep into the atmosphere? It was supersonic at 5km
  15. Did you look at the original? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-46171-5
  16. Here's a fun little bit of info - Mars affects ocean currents. Yes, that Mars. Resonance = churn https://www.science.org/content/article/mars-may-be-having-profound-impact-earth-s-deep-ocean-currents#:~:text=Every 2.4 million years%2C Mars's,currents and makes them stronger.
  17. IFT2 launch video acquired from NASA via open records request (or similar)
  18. Speaking of getting trolled... I don't know if this is new or not - but the video is 16 hours old. I found it on Space.com and yet its on DailyMotion, so... Edit - and apparently not loading?
  19. Ah - thanks for the correction. I'm hoping the fuel transfer experiment works - but I'd love to see them surprise us with a lit candle.
  20. Bummer - no graphics of an attempt to hoover before splashing into the Pacific
  21. Would a false roof (shade roof) make a difference in the cost to air condition (cool) a large warehouse like building (ESA French Guyana facility)? I know that the challenge is the ambient air temperature - which shading won't improve - but it could reduce thermal heating. I clearly don't know the answer - but the fact that I don't see large buildings with false / shade roofs does suggest the answer. Anyone know Fer Shure?
  22. Nice to see them putting out Next Milestone stuff. Maybe by Christmas Break we could see the update?
  23. That landed state bug is persistent. I've done reloads and repeats of the mission before and after restarts. (In both cases I tried to load the save of the landed craft, and reloaded before I split from the interstage to repeat the whole landing sequence - and I keep getting the landed state error). Starting to think it has to do with the place I landed (Mun Anomaly). Random destination never gave me the landed state, but this place keeps doing it. I've been waiting weeks for the patch to try again.
  24. Um... You are saying that the group of players who hated science in KSP could bind all the science to an action group to 'reduce tedium'. Meanwhile the player who enjoyed science could run the experiments, get the Kerbal out to do stuff and read the wacky results. All players had options. So the KSP2 'QOL improvement' is only for the first group of players - you're confirming my thesis. All science is pregrouped in an action button on the UI - and to further take need to think away from the player - the button flashes whenever you can get free points. Fun. The rest of us who enjoy playing the game as a game (and maybe learning something about the biomes) aren't really served. N'est cie pa's?
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