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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818122002466 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/11035897.2022.2086290 Trees in Scandinavia are kind of interesting. At one time, birch and oak forests were present (early Holocene, 1.5 - 2 deg. Celsius higher than present) Apples during Roman warm / Medieval warm likely - but during the 500s(LAIA)? Probably imported by the Rus via river trade through central Europe. Potatoes? Aside from Chocolat, probably the best part of the Columbian exchange! (Especially fried in tallow with plenty of salt added!)
  2. Design by Apple? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252819161?sortBy=best Imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery!
  3. Whelp - soon I won't be able to pretend I can't hear my wife asking me to take out the trash or walk the dog... https://techxplore.com/news/2024-05-ai-headphones-wearer-person-crowd.html Thanks, AI.
  4. Grin - I know: your video did a great job of explaining. Besides, everyone knows the only way to communicate with Arrakis is via spicetrance. Putting massive radio telescopes at L4&L5 is just a pet hope of mine.
  5. Kinda my point. Space Race was part of the Cold War... And then once the prestige goals had been met, and there wasn't any immediately obvious profit motive - everything slowed dramatically. Sure we kept putting up spy sats and some science - but it took a commercial reason for 'Space' to be viable. Internet, phones, television and navigation and other communication technologies became (and still are) the primary drivers. Until recently - those firms were too small to be able to do anything but ask for rides from the government(s). The Bezos / Musk / other private launch competition is changing things - we are seeing the market in action and possibly the most innovative time in 'Space' since the 60s. I just hope people not only keep making money from 'Space' but that we keep inventing new ways to make even more money and the process snowballs
  6. ... But, yeah, I have long wondered why we don't have radio telescopes at L4&L5, a Mars relay, etc. Possible Starship missions?
  7. Participation trophy mindset. Probably because the politicians are so stupid that handing them a lollipop entitlement to their district is about as far as they think. This is why market driven scenarios work better (well, actually, war driven scenarios also work) to drive innovation and efficiency.
  8. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/why-is-tesla-giving-away-all-of-its-patents/#:~:text=Electric car company Tesla has,our technology%2C" reports Wired. Which is why you give away patents to everyone when you choose to work in the place that requires you to give them your patent so they can give the information to a local, recently formed totally not government funded independent competitor.
  9. Well... I just learned something about medieval history. Probably can't teach it at my school, even though I do talk about some of the crazy shtuff the Normans got up to back then.
  10. I'm mildly horrified. Having ridden LVTP-7 in the water numerous times... I can't help envisioning how that WON'T float. Aft down, nose in the air, water pouring in... Bloop!
  11. Aurora expected again Sunday night. 10pm - 2am is the ideal time. Actually they might continue through the week but Sunday will be the best due to the intensity and phase of the moon. Friday was almost New while today will be almost 1/5th. Intensity expected to drop in the coming days. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/auroras-expected-continue-week-view-us-rcna151840 I got nothing last night even with clear skies.
  12. The images I got are... not great. Hand-held cell phone images. Remarkable that I got anything at all. At the time I took the pics, I was super stoked to see the colors. But having sent from phone to PC - they're not worth posting. Cool for me - but also a mixed bag. I could tell from the cell that there was something to see - but I couldn't actually see it for myself. Too much light pollution, etc. Still - the closest I've ever come to actually viewing the Northern Lights for myself. (Fingers crossed for tonight)
  13. Word is that we might get round 2 this evening. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2024/05/11/ohioans-saw-aurora-borealis-friday-may-10/73653302007/ ... I got my kids up to bring their phones outside, the delay in response meant one kid got to see some green and the other light pollution illuminating an otherwise invisible cloud. Learned a lot about cell phone cameras!
  14. So I was unaware of this and ran back outside to try. Might have gotten something! Vaguely green / red tinge to the sky - I'll share tomorrow Thanks for the tip!
  15. Confirmed https://www.wlky.com/article/northern-lights-spotted-kentucky-indiana/60761975
  16. FYI - some dude in KY is posting aurora pics Cannot verify if believable - wife's insta. Still - cool if true
  17. There are a lot of people who have an employment relationship still awaiting this information. Customers find out later. Assume the worst. You won't be unnecessarily disappointed that way. If it ends up not that bad - you will be pleasantly surprised.
  18. Wow. I've avoided the game subs because they've been nothing but arguments between doomslingers and polyannafanbois for the last year. Looks like one side won the argument. The frustration I align with is towards the industry pushing games into publication / open to purchasing when they are clearly not ready. KSP2 should have never released (EA is repurposed bovine waste CorpSpeak) until it was in the state of the game with ForScience! That was a worthy EA state. The Alpha build released in Feb 23 killed the game. Sad. FWIW - Cities 2 is in the same state.
  19. I was impressed with how far they had come when I tried Science! when it came out... But then some of the game breaking bugs were still present and made me quit again. I'm waiting for the first Colonies build to try again. 2025?
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