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Everything posted by Planetfall

  1. The Russians never considered bringing Laika home. they planed to poison her but she died of heat exhaustion instead. I couldn't bear to launch a dog to space without being certain s/he would survive. They can't give consent and are so innocent and cute. Sorry if i'm over reacting but my dog just died a week ago. Interesting point
  2. Yep. (Just think of the smoke as super heated steam)
  3. Awesome videos Vaos! I'm loving Solar Nations, really excited to see where it will go.
  4. Why do Eve last? I would think to do it first so I wouldn't have to carry the big return rocket the whole trip.
  5. It's one of my favorite books
  6. Have any of you read the Levaithan by Scott Westerfeld? Lots of walking tanks! Just google image Levaithan book walkers (the book has illustrations) it's so cool!!
  7. It looked so intimidating until it started to walk. : P looks awesome though!
  8. Well I fixed most of the collision issues but the prop just doesn't have a good enough thrust to weight ratio to power any of the planes I've built around it. :/ i think I'm going to take a break from this for a bit. Making Props shire requires patience!
  9. Hmmm... I've been trying to make a terbo prop that fits into the hollow plane fuselage but the axle bangs around too much so it can't stay at top speed for more than a few seconds. It speeds up hits the fuselage, stops than speeds up again. I'm definitely getting somewhere though!
  10. Weeeeee! *barff* Weeeeee! These craft are so amazing. They feel real rickety and steampunk, I love it!
  11. DWARF! *hides under table* Sererusly though, it looks like a nice place
  12. Sounds fun! I might try this. How bout we can hyper edit our base onto the Kraken for testing but then have to launch from kerbin to complete the Challenge.
  13. Ok got it. It might take me a while to get round to doing it though, as my school is starting finals. It may be a few weeks. But hopefully there's going to be lots of submissions for you to choose from besides me.
  14. K, so free form. I like it! What type of medium? I usually do pencil drawings but I could also do a watercolor.
  15. Ahh, so this drawing would... Create the character! Hmm... I have some ideas, but who would you like better, a Wiley schemer who's behind the scenes (Machiavelli) or a powerful orator (Hittler)? It feels so strange asking if someone would like a Hittler. WHAT AM I DOING WHITH MY LIFE???
  16. what is your roleplay group called? I'd like to read up on the characters before trying to draw them.
  17. Wow, I love the Krucible's shape and bridge. It seems a tad lightly armed for a warship though, than again I don't know much about naval combat. Do you think your computer could handle two of those fight? That would be epic!
  18. One of my brave Kerbonauts, Katbe kerman, died today from unknown causes. A week of mourning has descended upon the KSC and the fledgling Munar colony she had briefly called her home. Caroletti, Katbe's closest friend asked for a flag to be placed in memory of Katbe at her favorite flying sight, the old airstrip. All kerbonouts Stationed at KSC attended the funeral. Those abroad listened to the far well ceremony through their ship radios. Katbe's three good friends remembering the times they had together... The Sacred lines of the Stardwellers... the night long vigil... And the rising sun. A new dawn, a new day, a new light. Has anyone else given their departed a funeral or ceremony?
  19. I like the idea and the plot, but the lack of voice really hurt the imersion for me and made it hard for me to follow who was talking. Also you mention Jeb in the intro then the show starts with no real Segway into the fight over Eve with Bob. Overall all I liked it. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. I just wanted to point some things out.
  20. Well I've been trying to play all stock parts with only KER and KAC. But I'll look into USI freight again. Roverdude certainly is a great programmer. I'm happy he's a dev now!
  21. I'm so excited about this! I've sent a fleet of scan sats to Jool and working on a hive mother and a little scout plane for Lathe. I'll post pictures when I find the time. I think I'm going to do the easy casual mode with focus on role play and aesthetics. Thanks for making this challenge Jane!
  22. Perfect! The drill proboscis is great. sorry for the late reply, I was camping. I saw lots of bugs.
  23. Really cute! I tried to make one a while ago but it was way too big. I noticed the front is a bit of though. there is a grill on the front, it's my favorite part. But you got it real accurate from memory! There's lots of pictures if you look up Ray's speeder.
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