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Rocket In My Pocket

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Everything posted by Rocket In My Pocket

  1. We can't give you said folder because that would be redistributing Squad assets, which is illegal.
  2. Well, more fuel doesn't always equate to more Dv, but it's hard for me to say given I don't know how much Dv it originally had sitting on the pad. Plus you've got tanks locked off which would change things. Plus, you're on an outdated version with mods. Plus it's a mock up, not the real thing. Trouble shooting this wouldn't exactly be easy if it is a bug, lol. (A shot in the dark: Everything set up good crossfeed wise?) If you're not opposed to a bit of "cheating" save your game, and use the debug menu (Alt+F12) to fill up all the fuel tanks on the real deal in space, see what numbers you get, then re-load your save.
  3. Because it's showing you DeltaV at Kerbin Sea level. Hit the "Atmospheric" button and move the slider all the way to the right to see Vacuum Dv. Vacuum Dv is typically always gonna be higher than Sea level.
  4. 16Gb, never had any issue with any game using too much except "The Forest" which must have some kind of serious memory leak because I would have to restart it ever 2-3 hours as the RAM use crept up and up and up, even past 16Gb which would make the game begin to stutter. (Most I saw reported in task manager was like 27Gb/16Gb? Not even sure how that's possible lol.)
  5. A. Nothing has changed, there was no update in regards to planes, the wings never had fuel storage, except for the large airliner style ones, and the shuttle ones. B. The mod "WetterWings" which you'll find in my signature, will solve your problem for you if you're so inclined. C. French translation follows: R. Rien n'a changé, il n'y a pas eu de mise à jour en ce qui concerne les avions. Les ailes n'avaient jamais de réserve de carburant, à l'exception des grandes comme celles des avions de ligne et des navettes. B. Le mod "WetterWings" que vous trouverez dans ma signature résoudra votre problème si vous le souhaitez. Oh, and welcome to the forums my French friend! Oh, et bienvenue sur les forums mon ami français!
  6. With the way technology is going I'll be surprised if anyone really "owns" anything 20-50ish years from now. Nothing we make is really worth owning anymore, everyone get's a new phone every few years, why buy them at that point? Pretty soon we'll be leasing them, or just paying a monthly fee for the service, which the phone is included in. Vehicles are plastic pieces of junk, no one is going to be passing down their old truck to their son, or grandson. Computers are outdated faster and faster, it'll get to a point where we just can't keep up lol. We typically don't have physical copies of the music we listen to, the shows we watch, or really much of anything entertainment wise. Even gaming is making moves towards being a "service" rather than a "product." A house is about the only practical thing one can own anymore, and pass down. From the looks of it most products, will become services in the future. Is it for the better? I don't know to be honest. I think as a race, our entire existence can be summed up as frantically laying track in front of a speeding train, and hoping we don't come to a sudden cliff. Lol. We just won't know till we get there.
  7. I think it's important to accept that times and values change. Decades ago we valued things we don't value now, like modesty. Your grandmother's grandmother wouldn't have been caught dead in a bathing suit, let alone a bikini. In that respect you can think of privacy as the new modesty. The older generation will resist, and the younger generation will barge ahead as they always do, it will be a painful process, it always is; but the world will keep turning. We (I'm assuming your at least "middle aged" like me) come from a time when privacy was more valued, our fathers valued privacy and they instilled that in us. Today's generation is more connected, they were born with the internet at their fingertips, they take it for granted the same way we take air and water for granted. They will come up with their own social standards that are different than ours, things will change. Privacy is a foreign concept to them, they don't value it and don't even want it; they want everyone to know what they are doing; the internet is a social stage to them. While I don't personally agree with the reduction of privacy I'm self aware enough to know that at this point I'm the old man yelling at the kids to get off my lawn and turn their rap music down.
  8. Why would we? It's a great game, that's seen continued support and development long past the point most games do. None of the DLC's are required to play, I have like 800 hours in that game and don't own any. No DLC = No money = Dead game. PayDay 2 is still alive and well after all these years, you can go play it right now with some 15k players. (That's more than double Vermintide 2, a much newer title in the same vein.) All thanks to the money they get from said DLC's. Oh and on topic, apparently they already have one lol. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/9245/Kerbal_Space_Program__Making_History_Bundle/
  9. If you're worried about it at all, you should get off the internet entirely; you've already agreed to far worse.
  10. Because it's not the Russian Sputnik, it's the Vanguard TV3 an early American satellite that failed. Which looks a lot like the Sputnik. The press at the time jokingly called it the "stayputnik" in comparison to the more successful Russian attempt.
  11. Wow, nice! Good point, I "liked" his other KSP vids as well.
  12. Lol, 10 seconds in and his narration is already making me smile. Liked and subscribed! Good on you @Triop
  13. True, but we don't even know if we're getting more DLC's eventually at this point.
  14. Put the oxidizer in a dedicated tank by itself with a decoupler, blow it off when you are done with it. Or, there is a mod that does exactly what you want I think.
  15. The proof of the pudding, as they say; is in the tasting. It IS cartoony and not overly realistic. It IS fairly popular. (Considering it's an educational game about orbital mechanics at heart.) These two things could be entirely unrelated, sure; but I find that pretty hard to believe. Especially when you consider that the game often garners interest from casual gamers who otherwise have zero interest in space or rockets.
  16. Either way, fancy coding can only do so much. You can't "magic away" performance costs, any new system is going to need CPU time, which is going to make the game perform worse; stock or modded.
  17. No offense, but no thanks. KSP is as popular as it is because it's cartoony and not overly realistic. Leave realism to the modders, or another game entirely.
  18. Actually, more often that not it's the opposite; with modders making the better code/solutions and actual gaming companies being sloppy. Did you hear about that modder that fixed Aliens Colonial Marines entire AI system by fixing a typo left in by the devs lol?
  19. Welcome to the forums! The lander...reminds me of something...can't put my finger on it. Lol.
  20. Wait...why not use both? I do. If it places additional load on your computer as a mod, it would still place additional load on your computer as a stock feature. Extra calculations are extra calculations, no getting around that.
  21. Why does it matter what the speed/altitude units are in? Just learn whatever they are by default. You do it all the time in other games; learning made up in universe currencies, stats, and terms. I don't use the metric system in real life, but it was easy enough to learn it in relation to KSP the game. If they used "Kerbo-meters/Kerbo-Glugons an hour" or something like that would it be any different? Something tells me changing those IVA scenes would be a lot of work, which is why it hasn't been modded in already. You could check out some of the RPM cockpit stuff, it's a long shot but maybe someone out there has something like that.
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