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Rocket In My Pocket

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Everything posted by Rocket In My Pocket

  1. Your rocket is flipping during gravity turn? Have you placed any fins on it as stabilzers? (They should be at the bottom of the rocket ideally) Can I ask at what height you're beginning your turn? Do you have SAS enabled? Also, do you use the "soft control" mode? (You press Ctrl to engage it, it makes the controls less twithcy)
  2. Sparkly rainbow magic?! What's not to like? 8.5/10 Took a few points off for it not being Kerbal related.
  3. Space Engineers is Minecraft in space. Period. Kerbal Space Program doesn't feature any of the things one would associate with a "Minecraft" style game like; Crafting items into other items, Blocks you can pick up and place, Enemies, etc... The only thing I can see that the two games have in common is...umm...they both revolve around creating things/exploration? P.S. I would actually say the closest thing I've ever played to this game is Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. If you played it back in the day then you'll know what I'm talking about...if not: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banjo-Kazooie:_Nuts_%26_Bolts
  4. Personally, I can't bear the thought of losing a single Kerbal. I'll revert a 3 hour mission to the launchpad if I think there is even a chance a Kerbal could become stranded or killed. New Kerbalnauts cost money though, so perhaps it isn't out of concern, but more so cheapness lol?
  5. I don't see a problem with converting the controls over to a console format. In my experience the only problem with PC to console ports is the delay between patches, consoles often getting left behind as newer and newer versions come out, something I found frustrating with Skyrim for example. That aside, the more the merrier!
  6. Have you tied restarting the game entirely? I've had a similar problem where the KSC disappeared and I couldn't do or interact with anything, re-loading the save didn't help but restarting did. Also, Alt+F12 brings up the Dev commands, maybe something in there can help you?
  7. Thanks, the only good thing that came out of it was that I was finally motivated enough to join the Kerbal forums, in an effort to inspire myself to get back on the horse...errr rocket!
  8. If you put a probe core and some parachutes on it, you should be able to recover it once it lands, assuming it lands safely. Without a probe core or a Command module the game will consider it "debris" and it'll be worthless. On a side note if it seems dangerously long, perhaps consider placing the parachutes along the back/landing gear along it's belly in such a way that it lands horizontally instead of vertically? Failing either of those you could put an antenna on it and transmit the science back to Kerbin before jettisoning the Science Junior, of course this will mean doing more flights overall to gain the same amount of science. Best of luck!
  9. My laptop finally crapped out on me after years of service, and while I work on getting a new desktop to replace it, I'm starting a new Campaign game on my girlfriends laptop...I must admit I'm a little discouraged/disappointed as I've always kept all my ship designs between saves via copying them over to the new "Ships" folder but sadly they've all been lost forever... So now I'm starting from scratch for the first time in a while without any of the workhorse designs I've some to rely on, I'm torn between attempting to recreate some of them or striking off in new directions, but ultimately I'm just glad I can still play! I've always spent more time designing things than flying them so despite being a fairly long time Kerbal player I've never made it past the Mun/Minmus, so my main goal is to really be productive this time and fly more missions instead of making umpteen different useless toys that don't serve any purpose! Lol.
  10. My vote is the Wheesley, not for any technical or game play reason...but based on pure nostalgia. I'm one of those people who tends to start campaign mode over and over, so 90% of my planes have been designed around the humble Wheesley back when there was no such thing as the Juno. I've even got a 255 part monster that has 16 Wheesleys, as well as a heavy VTOL with 6 Wheesleys as lifters and 6 more for forward thrust! Lol. I guess you could say that I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for what I consider to be the classic "Workhorse" engine of KSP.
  11. My rule of thumb is typically a quick "3,2,1..." under my breath between each stage, which amounts to about a second delay. Not sure if it's required but I don't think it hurts to be safe!
  12. Nah! Scared the crap outta me the first time too, Lol. In all honesty I kinda wish there was a way to turn it off, those red icons sitting there just make me sort'ave nervous... I'm sure we all did a double take the first time we launched after 1.0.5
  13. I tend to agree that the jump from 30 parts to 255 is a little absurd, more granularity would be appreciated. Feels like you go immediately from having barely enough parts to more than you'd typically need in one upgrade. On top of that, most computers struggle to maintain good fps at anything over 300-350 parts, so the jump from 255 to infinite is largely pointless in my opinion.
  14. Oh my gawd, tell me about it. Lol. There is nothing worse than spending hours tweaking and re-tweaking a ship and your carefully designed craft is finally escaping Kerbin, you're biting your nails with anticipation as you manage the most precarious and risky portion of the flight when all of a sudden "BAM!" real life comes along and slaps you in the face. I don't know about anyone else but when I play Kerbal it isn't for a few minutes at a time. I like to settle in and give it a good couple of hours of my uninterrupted attention, anything less just feels...unsatisfying for some reason?
  15. When my girlfriend drags me off to the beach I spend more time doodling rocket designs in a notebook than anything else... I don't know if it's impressive or sad when you'd rather design pretend space ships instead of oogling pretty girls in bathing suits! Lol. On a more serious note, I totally agree that learning things as you go, trial and error, and an ever expanding list of parts to go with your newly acquired skills is a huge part of what keeps me playing this game for hours on end.
  16. Make sure the parachutes aren't on the first stage with the engines. As others have said; the icon being red only means it's unsafe to deploy them currently, this was added in 1.0.5 hence your confusion. Best of luck!
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